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Midi Steps AU



  • @Matt_Fletcher_2000 said:

    Loving so far with iSem AUs

    I wish for this app to get Link!!!

    I asked and apparently he's looking into it when it's open to all developers as it's currently invitation only.....agree though, will be great when it's link supported.

  • @Samu said:
    I've not found any way to send 'outside midi' to the different AU instances other than using the built in cc per step.

    Who knows, maybe some day we'll have integrated 'midiLFOs', one per track or so, it's the same developer after all :)

    Thanks Samu.

    I've been mulling this over.

    I need to look at the per step midi cc thing.

    But I'm trying to get away from repeating modulation. I'm going more for repeating note patterns + modulation that's more performance based and evolves over the whole track. So the repetition of the note patterns feels less repetitive :).

    I'm thinking of my 'whole midisteps in da box' type track (which @syrupcore has dared us to make further up this thread) as so:

    • bash out a set of patterns across 4 iSem instances that work together nicely

    • practice progression through said patterns until you've kind of worked out your track

    • ideally (if midisteps has 4 AB outputs) perform your track and focus on modulation of 1 of the synths live. Then rinse and repeat for each of the 3 others. [But another problem with this is switching patterns in midisteps while at the same time tweaking the iSem instance - just thought of this!]

    So possibly a two iPad affair where midisteps is running on one pad and driving synths on another iPad - both of which you can perform on 'live' and record each synth into MTDaw.

    That would be cool. Especially if both midisteps and MTDaw ever got Link!

    I'm rambling...

  • @Carnbot said:

    @Matt_Fletcher_2000 said:

    Loving so far with iSem AUs

    I wish for this app to get Link!!!

    I asked and apparently he's looking into it when it's open to all developers as it's currently invitation only.....agree though, will be great when it's link supported.

    Thanks. Here's hoping!

  • This iSEM midiSTEPs combo is my new favourite thing.

  • edited December 2015

    @firejan82 said:
    This iSEM midiSTEPs combo is my new favourite thing.

    I believe you, one of the iSem nerd!

    I just can not have iOS9.2 DAWs connected with midiSTEPs midi clock, both my Air 1 and 2.

  • hi, Modestep and Kirnu coming before end of year! That is big news for me!

  • On thing about midiSTEPs bugs me a bit is that it doesn't send out 'global midi-clock' so other apps can sync to it.

    The 'sync out' needs to have it's own track which leaves 3 tracks for AUs/iSEM unless syncing midiSTEPs to another app... (So for example FunkBox can control the clock of midiSTEPs but Boom 909! needs to have a dedicated track in midiSTEPs in order to sync to it which is not really that bad since midiSTEPs can be used to add fills to basic beat running in Boom 909!). And well, the tracks do go out of sync from time to time :)

    Modistep has been in the works for a long time so it's bound to be pretty darn good when it hits the App Store.

  • Hey all, hope you're enjoying the update! I've been using the AU parts a lot myself and agree with a lot of the things being mentioned as far as workflow improvements go. Adding the AU extensions opened up a can of worms there, some things need to work differently when the synth is in the sequencer rather than external to it. But it's pretty fun and useful as-is too, so I figured I would put out what I had under the tree for everybody to try out.

    I'm hoping to see some new AU-e synths soon! I was hoping there'd be another one or two by the time midiSTEPs got out, but after banging my head against the core audio wall for the last month I sympathize that it's not a super easy thing to add. But I'm pretty excited about a future that includes multiple synth flavors and multiple sequencer flavors to play them in. Full on DAWs are great but I think an interesting and new musical instrument niche of iOS will be smaller performance sequencer hosts like midiSTEPs and other groovebox type apps that are fun and immediate to use but also let you plug in whatever synth and/or effects you want. I love those types of hardware devices (Electribes, Elektron gear, 303/101/etc) and their immediacy is something I always felt was missing on the desktop side where you have to go big (Logic, Live, etc) or go home.

    I'm taking a little bit of time off for the holidays but I'll be back at it soon. More midiSTEPs and midiLFOs updates are planned and I have a couple other interesting apps for 2016.

    Happy holidays!

  • @artkerns

    Great to hear. Agree a lot with the need for small immediate hosts.

    Have a great Holiday :)

  • Congrats on this one Art. Have a great holiday.

  • @artkerns said:

    cool man, I like your thinking! i have been more into the groovebox methodology for mobile these days. wind em up, let em go and dump the results to auria pro then to a pc daw for later editing.

    I started by using the midi output from Egoists bass track to drive synth apps as being an IAA instrument Egoist syncs well with daws and is good for recording. Once I can sync up Midisteps to Auria Pro (potentialy Link one day?) I will certainly dive in. Even though midisteps doesnt actualy generate any sound IAA sync would be awesome!

  • edited December 2015

    @artkerns said:
    Hey all, hope you're enjoying the update! I've been using the AU parts a lot myself and agree with a lot of the things being mentioned as far as workflow improvements go. Adding the AU extensions opened up a can of worms there, some things need to work differently when the synth is in the sequencer rather than external to it. But it's pretty fun and useful as-is too, so I figured I would put out what I had under the tree for everybody to try out.

    I'm hoping to see some new AU-e synths soon! I was hoping there'd be another one or two by the time midiSTEPs got out, but after banging my head against the core audio wall for the last month I sympathize that it's not a super easy thing to add. But I'm pretty excited about a future that includes multiple synth flavors and multiple sequencer flavors to play them in. Full on DAWs are great but I think an interesting and new musical instrument niche of iOS will be smaller performance sequencer hosts like midiSTEPs and other groovebox type apps that are fun and immediate to use but also let you plug in whatever synth and/or effects you want. I love those types of hardware devices (Electribes, Elektron gear, 303/101/etc) and their immediacy is something I always felt was missing on the desktop side where you have to go big (Logic, Live, etc) or go home.

    I'm taking a little bit of time off for the holidays but I'll be back at it soon. More midiSTEPs and midiLFOs updates are planned and I have a couple other interesting apps for 2016.

    Happy holidays!

    Holiday! What! Wait....

    No, seriously... Great, great app. Bought it a couple of days ago and midiSteps + iSem AU is also my new favourite thing.

    3 requests, if I may... The first one quite a bit more important:

    1. If we now have multiple synth AUs in midiSteps surely we need a way to get the audio from each synth out separately? Multi AB outs or even better multi IAA outs too - one for each of the 4 sequencers.

    2. I use the 3 sliders (when you hit 'cc') for live manipulation of iSem parameters as patterns tick along nicely. This is great - but when you move off the screen to another 'part'/sequencer the positions you left the sliders in are not remembered. So when you come back to that sequencer and move the sliders you get a nasty jump in the sound of the filter or whatever you are tweaking.

    3. Ideally there'd be a way to get the cc sliders for each sequencer onto the overall performance page (extreme right tab). That would be wonderful since tweaking parameters is just as much part of performance as switching and muting patterns now that we have internal AUs.

  • Multi iAA outs! We need that on most apps...

  • @NTKK said:
    Multi iAA outs! We need that on most apps...

    This will win a battle in front of coming shadows.

  • Matt, is it possible to point MIDI Steps at MTS and set up for tracks of iSEM there?

    I ask because you're request #1 makes a whole lot of sense practically speaking but also seems like it could be getting 'out of scope' for MIDISteps. Like adding this AU feature is very cool but could cost a lot more than he meant it to once those sorts of feature paths start getting worked out.

    Also, random question if you don't mind because I don't have 9 yet and can't find out for myself: If you save a preset within iSEM while it's in AU mode, are those presets available to other instances of the app? Immediately? What about the next time you load it as a stand alone or IAA app?

  • @syrupcore said:

    Also, random question if you don't mind because I don't have 9 yet and can't find out for myself: If you save a preset within iSEM while it's in AU mode, are those presets available to other instances of the app? Immediately? What about the next time you load it as a stand alone or IAA app?

    Master Matt on vacation!

    This part is 100% yes.

  • Master @Syrucore, you picky! Jump right in! Don't congrats this and that.

  • edited December 2015

    @Kaikoo said:

    @syrupcore said:

    Also, random question if you don't mind because I don't have 9 yet and can't find out for myself: If you save a preset within iSEM while it's in AU mode, are those presets available to other instances of the app? Immediately? What about the next time you load it as a stand alone or IAA app?

    Master Matt on vacation!

    This part is 100% yes.

    When you close any of one instance and off the iSem, it will auto refresh its memory immediately. I have iSem on with stand alone, MTS and midiSTEPs to test to comfirm this for you.

  • @Kaikoo said:
    Master @Syrucore, you picky! Jump right in! Don't congrats this and that.

    Would be nice but there's a problem with the iconnectAudio4+ that's preventing me from upgrading to iOS 9. MIDISteps and iSEM are two of my favorite iOS apps. Would loooooove to try this combo out with more than one instance!

  • edited December 2015

    @syrupcore said:

    @Kaikoo said:
    Master @Syrucore, you picky! Jump right in! Don't congrats this and that.

    Would be nice but there's a problem with the iconnectAudio4+ that's preventing me from upgrading to iOS 9. MIDISteps and iSEM are two of my favorite iOS apps. Would loooooove to try this combo out with more than one instance!

    See! I like to see people upset! Sorry, man! ;)

    Frankly, midiSTEPs developer has surviving guts to fight! I definately support this spirits for further any IAP from his apps!

  • @syrupcore - yes, as Kaikoo says, the preset saving works wonderfully across AU / non AU. Another thing to love.

    The multi instance iSem MTS idea is a good one. I was wanting not to have to set up two apps and hook up midi etc - but I guess I could noodle away on midiSteps as much as I want and then only set up MTS when it's time to record the big number.

    Thanks again for your lateral thinking. Think I'm gonna try this. Will keep everything nicely as midi too. Just hope they sink nicely.

    Actually. I'd live to add to my list of requests above, at position 0 - Link. Pleeeeeeeeeease!

  • edited December 2015

    There seems to be a bug with saving/opening a project.
    In my case I save, but never to be seen again project. Page is always blank.
    Anything I save just disappears and I get always a blank to save never to open. Can not see anything like you see on page 22 in manual....
    The problem is that when I open midiStep, I have to manually erase previous session...

    Also I can't sync it to an external sequencer....on all possibilities like: master, USB, midi, Clock, non works...and I have not been able to record pause or rest or tie when I synchronised tempo manually...It seems to record notes only....?
    Shouldn't midi sequencer record length of note, (rest, tie), besides a note? It can be done manually...

    How do you "pre listen" to something without having it immediately recorded?
    As something is playing on another track and I want to make a sequence I'd like to hear it first and if I like it then record....

  • I wish there was mod and pitchbend wheels somehow built into the UI. Just for performance while recording the audio. Can't even see those in the CC drop down menu for the iSEM AU.

  • Just a little bump on this thread as I just picked midisteps up tonight and loving it after just 5-10 mins play. Sweet yet simple app. I can see using it a lot. And the AU integration is very nice! We need at least 1 -2 more AU synths stat!! Any one would suffice...

  • Gonna be great.

  • Cmon release it 😂😂😂

  • Awesome. I've always loved this little app.

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