Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.
What is Loopy Pro? — Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.
Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.
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Audio becoming a garbled mess after 15-20 minutes of operation?
This has only been happening to me recently, but after 15-20 minutes(ish) of playing/tweaking, the audio start glitching and then the sound quality changes into a glitchy distorted, down tuned lo fi sounding mess. It's fixable by unplugging and re plugging in the CCK, but a clear and unavoidable train wreck when it happens (it's inexplicably never happened in a performance yet fortunately, but happens regularly at home).
Anyone experienced this? I'm using a PreSonus Audiobox iTwo, which has served me very well up until now! Have reformatted the ipad since it started happening with no change. Have contacted PreSonus too so will see what they say.
Does this happen with any combination of apps or something specific?
I often have a one off mega glitch during looping (often at about 10 - 20 minutes into the session) but it lasts about half a second and goes away by itself. I was going to follow this through with @Michael but I really can't reproduce it without spending masses of time on detective work. I expect it's some system process but might as well be any of the apps I'm using (Turnado?).
Anyway, good luck!
Yeah, we definitely need more information about the setup and the apps in use.
Are you recording at 44.1 or 48khz? Changing resolution often makes the audio do as you described.
I can honestly say that’s never happened to me. 15 to 20 minutes of non garbled mess, you say? How do you get so far?
This happens to me occasionally with the ICMA4. It used to happen regularly (like every 20 minutes) with an Alesis iO4. I never got to the root of it.
Me too, good explained @OscarSouth even loopy gets weird timestrectch then, it looks this mess its combined with the bluetooth connection. I used irig blueboard... Used it yesterday with uca222 (passiv) on powered cck air2 ios 9.3.1
If i plugged it out and in reboot all apps works again for, sometimes 10-20minutes.
Used aum, loopy AB, thumbjam, ...
Have to test more to give more details,...
I always use the same few base ones (AB+ABr/AUM/Patterning/Thumbjam/Samplr+some AUFX&Holderness effects). I used to think it was Patterning, but it's happened with others too.
I'm going to go about a process of elimination to see if it is just one app, or Audio Interface/System Audio/Audiobus kind of thing. Maybe I will spend some good time working with only the apps themselves and no Audiobus and see if that does anything different. I am also leaning to some kind of system process.
I have noticed that if I open my device and boot up all the apps, I can leave it for hours and hours (earlier it happened 2-3 times, had just booted my apps up for a session this evening and then got a 3 hour phonecall, no problem when I went back). So it seems that it's happening when audio is active. I used to think it was connected with my ABr iPad being plugged into the same USB hub as my Audio interface/performance iPad (when they would detect each other, the sound would glitch a little just like it does before the fatal train wreck glitch). I've stopped plugging this iPad in like this, and it's still happening.
Differences I can think of since before I had this problem:
Couple of iOS updates (I think it was also doing this back on 9.2.1)
MiMiX being replaced by AUM
Powered CCK
Added extra device (MPD32) to the USB hub
I'm using Audiobus at 44.1/16 (I believe?)
I've also gone as far out of my way as I can think of to set everything to these specs (including updating firmware and changing any settings I can find on my PC to this, when connected with interface). I use the iPad for performance and I believe that this is an optimum setting for performing, so I've gone through any apps with settings (such as AUM) and changed them to this (although I don't believe that this has any effect when booting from Audiobus?). If anyone can tell me how I can get it even more securely locked in these settings, I'd be grateful.
I've wondered about bluetooth. I think I recall hearing audio glitching when seeing the flashing bluetooth thing in the past. ABr has worked flawlessly in previous times though, and I'll need to explore this a little more carefully to substantiate it.
Do you mean the iConnectivity 4+ interface?
I was actually considering getting the 2+ when it becomes available, just in case it's connected with my PreSonus (which has actually worked perfectly in the past).
Yes, the iConnectivity 4+ Audio version.
Funnily enough, I was just able to practise on MPD pads with AB+ABr/AUM/Thumbjam/Patterning/Viking/Loopy all open (configuration which is usualy guarenteed crash) for about 2 hours (after the iPad being on all night with said apps booted up) with no audio issues whatsoever. If it's of any relevance, I was primarily using Viking, Patterning and Loopy.
We really need to find out which app is doing this. Your setup is complex so it has to be done via elimination. Any chance you could strip it down to the smallest number of apps that the glitch is happening for you?
Mmmmm, kymatica and audiobus merger sounds like a logical step forward
Here's an example from this morning:

I booted the audio apps up about 20 minutes previously to this, played around for 10 mins, went to write an email and 5 minutes later when I went back (no audio activity during this time), this.
iPad Air2 9.3.1
PreSonus Audiobox iTwo
CCK3 (Powered)
EasyAcc Powered USB Hub
Loopy HD
AUM audio settings set to 44.1/16 (I don't know if this has any effect when booted from inside Audiobus)
Boot order:
++Load preset
++Load preset inside AUM
20 minutes later it's done the same thing again (while I typed this). I've ejected Loopy as I'm working with Thumbjam now. Next to go is Patterning..
The 20minutes really makes me wonder if it is some kind of scheduled task in one of the apps that triggers this. Is your wifi off?
My glitch also seem to happen at the same amount of time into the session albeit I've never actually timed it.
Can you try doing this just with Thumbjam and Audiobus. Wait 20 minutes, see if it appears? Then do it again with Aum. Check for the bug. Then add Loopy and check again. That way we know what causes it. Maybe it's one of the apps, or it could be Audiobus itself.
Will do. It seems erratic, for example this morning it happened twice within an hour. After I ejected Loopy it didn't happen for another hour so I rebooted that same setup after releasing the memory (I do this every time I start a new session, of possible note is that I didn't used to do this in the past, before I had this issue) to see if I could get it to happen again. Another few hours of flawless usage (half way through I started to let Patterning run while I worked on Thumbjam presets, to see if it would trigger anything. It's still running). I don't use Loopy often and it's happened many times without it, so I don't think that this concludes anything about Loopy.
If it's useful, my only staple apps that are almost universally present are:
Patterning (slightly less so than the above).
I'll power off at the wall, restart, and experiment working with each of these three apps in all possible combinations, starting with just Thumbjam and Audiobus.
The two scenarios here involve opening up other apps, right? While your music session is going? First case was an email, second was a browser.
Browsers from my experience don't always handle audio streams properly. It can hijack or crash whatever other audio session is going.
No other apps outside 'Audiobus ecosystem' opened during session & memory cleared beforehand. Happens at 'random', usually whilst working inside a music app with no obvious point of trigger.
Ah I see what you're getting at. No I use my desktop or Audiobus Remote iPad for email or browing. The 'brain' of my performance equipment is 100% optimised for performance, no apps other than the exact ones I use for performing have ever been installed on it and it has no function other than to run them.
@OscarSouth: Please let's move this to our support portal if you want to get this resolved. It's absolutely vital that you follow the steps I laid out above and don't add anything else other than that, otherwise we cannot eliminate the parts that aren't causing the problem. I mean it's okay if you want to continue chatting here, but a forum discussion thread is not ideal for getting to the bottom of the issue, since other users will chime in with their suggestions and you'll reply with some other details... and then my job becomes a lot harder.
So it would be really cool if you could just contact me via http://audiobus.zendesk.com/anonymous_requests/new and we continue there.
Done, cheers.
Will send a message later with follow up info after carrying out the troubleshooting process as requested.
Just let us know of the outcome in case it is something others could benefit from, cheers.
sorry to turn this thread into a garbled mess! Hope it gets resolved, these guys know what they are doing.
I'll second this. I've noted some weird digital artifacts creeping into my live setup after an hour of usage or so--all after updating to V9.3.1. Everything was fine with 9.2, so I'm watching for issues related to 9.3.1 to see if they apply to the issues I've experienced.
Definitely. We're all sailing in the same ship here! We're all better off if we all know how to fix the leaks
Thanks everybody
Are there any news about this?
Had a crazily busy week so haven't had enough time free to test thoroughly enough to trigger the glitch artificially. It's been happening pretty regularly using my newer 'performance' setup (which is currently being debugged, including from this one). Happened a few times while I was working with a friend of mine in music production, so knows the technical details about stuff like this more. Advised to make sure that the interface is powered right and that it could be buffer underrun (even though the processor is handling things fine) or a sample rate discrepancy. Hopefully will be able to get it to trigger and be able to pin it down to an app, we'll see.
Wasn't it an issue with the screen lock of the device being set to 15 minutes and these issues appearing exactly then?
I'll have a try with different settings, although I'm usually using it at the time it happens, so I'm not sure. Worth a try!
FYI: I did have my auto lock set to 15 minutes
Yesterday and today I've not had any glitch after going up to 512 (I've not pushed it too hard either.. mainly trying to get modstep to deliver sound through AUM properly!), however it's at around 35%-40% CPU at 256, so I don't think that should cause any issue.
I can high five on this ;-)
Its hard to say where it comes from, even i try to record just some drone fx pad stuff in the background and record it in audioshare, the little digital clicks all 15-20 minutes are still to hear, but dont find it in the records....
@OscarSouth could you verify this? Try it please if not...
Try it with a ica4+ in my studio set and with my uca222 of my mobile set,
Different soundsources, different power supply, accupacks too....
So fast forward 4 years. A couple of weeks ago, I started having the exact same problem as described by @OscarSouth in this thread. A gradual increase in noise in the output audio stream eventually culminating in totally distorted audio. Was tearing my hair out trying to find the source of the problem- I thought I was going to have to replace my relatively new iPad6, or my interface (ZoomU44), both of which had been working perfectly up till this issue. Very long story short, the problem ended up being a bunk lightning extension cable. What really confused the matter and made it difficult to track, was that the cable worked fine when using an iPhone8plus. I'm assuming now this has to do with the different power requirements that go through the lightning cable to charge the devices. Anyways, I just post it here in case anyone else ends up with this problem.