Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.
What is Loopy Pro? — Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.
Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.
Download on the App StoreLoopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.
Is there a way to add more instruments, other than the 6 provided?
There are loads to choose from for every slot, but only six slots I believe....as mentioned elsewhere, a nice wrinkle is being able to have multiple instances of the same across slots etc...
Glad folks are digging it so far -- to try to catch the questions that have come up...
1) Currently only 4/4 time signatures -- this may change in the future.
2) Side-by-side is available on Air 2/pro, and I think 4th gen Mini. Slide-over is available on the Air1. The video is done with my iPad Pro. Sidecar was free for a few weeks (inspired largely by folks here on the forum); right now, it's $5.
3) I'll be doing more of a manual/technical write-up, and it'll show up at http://www.secretbasedesign.com/apps when it's ready. There are a few things that the app does that I didn't get to cover in the video. And I've got a couple more videos planned.
4) Graphic design. Yeah, I know. Trust me, it looked a hell of a lot worse a few weeks ago. Good graphic design is really really really hard, and with the money that apps earn, there's not enough to hire a good graphic designer (and pay them what would be fair). Simple graphic design is the hardest of all. There's enough money coming in for me to buy coffee and the occasional music toy, but it's not anywhere close to making a living, much less paying someone else to work for me. Hooray for having a good day job that lets me tinker with apps at night!
5) Import and export of MIDI clips -- coming soon. Not sure if anyone has noticed yet, but you can send an Infinite Looper project directly from one iPad to another, using AirDrop (it's one of the options for Export Project). You should be able to send projects through email, dropbox, etc.
6) iPhone version -- coming soon. Current version will go universal, and there will be a separate iPhone-only version at a modest price.
7) Currently limited to 6 tracks, and 8 loops per track. I'm thinking about holding the line at 6 tracks -- that's sort of what fits reasonably on the UI, and can run on an iOS device without audio starting to glitch (although I'm just waiting for the email from someone who's furious that they can't run Animoog, Thor, Nave, Magellan, iSEM, and WaveMapper all at the same time, on a first generation Mini -- I know that email is coming!). Depending on how things go, I might allow more loops per track. There's a Joy of Tech cartoon that sort of captures what I've been thinking about -- there's stuff that I could add in, but would it make the app better and more useful, or more complicated and less useful?
8) Currently, no loading of other SoundFonts, and I might not put that in -- it's possible to host a SoundFont player in IAA, and I think that might be a cleaner way of handling things (rather than making Looper more complex, and harder to navigate).
MAN! These guys are fast!
Living in a competitive world isn't easy. Release timing could have been better.
Nevertheless, I wish you good success with Infinite Looper!
@SecretBaseDesign I probably don't have an accurate impression of what app devs actually make off their apps. If you go by Apple's PR stuff, they make it sound like some are just rolling in dough.. but that's likely just the little $.99 games that go viral for a few weeks and do huge numbers. Probably not for niche markets.
It seems to me, that there are 3 different types of music app buyers. There are those who just buy pretty much every new music app that might do something a little different, and they get off on the "appaholic, taking one for the team" aspect. More collectors of apps that they may or may not actually use that much. This type is likely a small percentage and likely concentrated on sites like this one. However, their value to devs is quick feedback, beta testers, independent reviewers, etc. and they likely serve as first tier "tastemakers" to get others to have a look.
Next, you've got the musicians looking purely at functional tools that can help them express themselves sonically. All they really care about is stability and if the tools can do the job. They likely don't care what it looks like at all. This group is likely the smallest market of the three. However, they're likely to have the least issue with high pricing.
The third are those who have aspirations to make something creative, but they're mostly just dabbling and buying what the first group gets the most gaga over. They read a few reviews, and get influenced more by the initial hype & buzz. (I'm mostly in this category at the moment) This group aren't really of the "appaholic" sort, but also don't really have a clear idea what they really want or need. They look at an app that's getting a lot of pre-release or release buzz, they might wait for a professional review, and they might wait and see what other's feedback is. They aren't going to be the first-line impulse buyers. They'll first evaluate how cool the app looks and it the toy looks like it'd be fun to play with... whether it gives them some sort of warm tinglies. Then, they'll look at the actual feature list.
This last group I think is likely the larger of the 3 potential markets. If the look of the app doesn't give them some tinglies, they'll have a conflict, ie. "everyone is buzzing about this app, but it doesn't look that interesting... let me have a look at what this app does and see if I'll actually use it." The trouble here is that they don't likely know enough about the details to know the value of the engine's parts and will likely hold back, not buy, and wait for the next kid on the block. IF they were effected by some of the buzz... enough to have a look, AND they get that first impression tinglies that come from the aesthetics... they'll merely glance over the nuts and bolts, buy the app.. figuring they'll figure out the rest of the stuff later. Right now, they just want the joy of buying a shiny new toy. If it ain't that shiny, they ain't gonna buy.
I could be wrong about this last group being potentially a larger market.. but if I'm correct, the aesthetic first impression is very important.
That's of course... if it really matters that much how many units are sold. I'm sure there are devs who are expressing THEIR art via app design, and their reward comes more from a solid and useful functioning app, than how many they sell.
congrats on the release! looks pretty intuitive to use, but I have a couple of questions if I may:
is there MIDI sync in/out?
is there recording of MIDI cc data?
is there recording of external MIDI?
does the background have that swirly pattern alpha on show or is that just in the video recording?
(Sorry if I missed any of this in the intro video...)
1 Link
2 Nope (maybe I'm wrong)
3 Yes
4 Did not understand
@SecretBaseDesign -- Love it! Thank you Patrick!!! I just had to post that. Damn, now I need to go back and read this thread that's already into 2 pages.
@SecretBaseDesign I may be missing something, but would it be possible for a playhead to be had in the editor....bit confusing without it etc. For the fat-fingered among us an undo option would also be most welcome...
Nice work on this app, @SecretBaseDesign.
I would like to copy patterns. Haven't found a way to do that... Besides that I really like your app.
+1 copy clip
Copy and paste, region selection, and undo -- stuff that should happen in 1.1.
Potentially recording of CC in 1.1 -- but there's some trickiness that has to be sorted out; currently, the app schedules MIDI a measure in advance; with CoreMIDI, and musicIO, you can timestamp messages, and have them delivered for playing in the future. This lets me have rock-solid timing, without having to worry about jitter and latency in a MIDI connection. But.... suppose I have a bunch of pitch bend down messages scheduled, and then the user is playing pitch bend up messages -- they'll interleave, it'll sound like crap, and then it's the fast track to a one star review! So, to get this right -- I'll need to schedule the note-on/note-off messages, but send CC messages in real time, allowing replacement with new CC data as needed. Do-able, but probably 1.1 at the earliest, maybe 1.2.
And maybe make the app skinnable, along the lines of iElectribe, so that no one has to look at my graphics ;-).
that's actually an excellent idea. you could ask users to send you their best and pick a sweet couple of them to ship with it.
Bought it first thing this am.
For me, this app is everything that MODSTEP was supposed to be and billed as.
I know I know. The details.....
Well frankly, for someone like myself this is all I need.
Great app from great classy guys!
Bought this and mod step today and so far, well let's just say I'm looking forward to the instructional video for mod step .
Infinite looper however I had a run through of the video and then got something going within minutes and managed to export to cubasis with no problems. Great fun and the song section will be very useful.
Not saying ones better than the other ( I have no idea where to start with modstep, the problem is me rather than the app though, I'm sure.) just a little easier to get to grips with on first acquaintance
I've just spent a few pleasurable hours using Infinite with Gadget and iM1. Using separate MIDI channels is a breeze. Really nice workflow
I'm wondering if I should give this a try. As much as Modstep has improved, I really find all its bells & whistles get in the way when it comes to needing a simple MIDI sequencer for hardware synths. I'm loathe to add yet another sequencing app that isn't quite there to my stockpile, though.
I'm afraid that's almost the unanswerable question, because it might be The One and it might just end up on your stockpile. You're right. And only you, through using it will ever really know. It's also a 1.0. I think a very good 1.0, but if the developer has the time, stays alive and so chooses it has a number of things that will probably come down the pipe, but my guess is that many of us will make stuff with it just as it is. I find it usable and stimulating and (looking at my own stockpile) that's most of the battle (for me). Good luck with your deliberating. Maybe, if you've got the time, wait a month or two and see....
I can't tell you how happy this makes me! I built it so that it would match my workflow -- but until it gets out into the wild, and other people bang on it, you never know if it'll resonate.
I try not to nag -- but reviews in the iTunes store would be much appreciated!
Just purchased, so far so good. Feels much easier to just jump into > @sleepless said:
Having both I can definitely say I found I could get up and running and get going much faster in infinite looper, however depending on your workflow you may ended up missing the more advanced features offered by modstep. But the bread and butter stuff infinite looper does very well.
I think part of it is that modstep does have all this extra stuff cluttering the screen so it it doesn't feel as immediate to access the most used functions, even though they're just as easily accessible you still have to take that extra second to think about where to click.
Reviewed also.
Has anybody tested this cool app on an iPad 2 or 3 ?
You can still use both, do the fast things in IL and then record em into MS later on when extra stuff is needed
Yeah, just got modstep. Was about to buy IL but backed off a bit as funds got tight. But after struggling with modstep, thinking this is going to get my songs off my mind faster. Modstep is awesome, dont get me wrong, but it takes patience, something I don't have when the song in my mind needs to be out.
does this do 'traditonal' MIDI sync in/out? (not link)
(wanting to sync to desktop DAW with start/stop and also send clock to external MIDI gear)
A Luddite.
Not yet -- probably with the next update. The MIDI engine is built on top of MIDIbus, which is excellent -- and that has a lot of nice clock handling and smoothing stuff built into it, so it shouldn't be a big lift.
cool thanks for the info.
I don't have Launchpad -- not sure if it handles IAA MIDI (is a generator node, or an instrument node?). I'd suggest trying the "external MIDI" in Infinite Looper -- any of the tracks can have their MIDI directed to virtual audio ports, CoreMIDI, and hardware -- so that may be the way to get things routed into Launchpad.
Will do -- I'll be adding a "save a copy as...." button, so you can keep multiple versions, and I might add something that makes a backup of each project, each time you open it -- so that you can restore an earlier version if you need to. There's already "export" support, so you can copy things to Dropbox, or where ever you want, now. I didn't really play it up in the description, but you can also send things directly from one iOS device to another using AirDrop. Which might be handy for moving things to a cough iPhone cough and back.... (soon... just a few more UI tweaks).
Probably the best way to go after this is to host the apps you want in AUM, and then just send MIDI to them from Infinite Looper. AUM has some really great support for hooking up effects; I'll be adding some of that to IL in the future, but I'm not sure I'll do it as extensively as what you can get with AUM now.
Thanks! But I'm going to avoid IAPs -- I hate them, and don't want to hassle with writing special case code that would handle turning things on and off!
just gave it a quick play - gorgeous! what'sthe best place to post feature requests?