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X-Station Template - iMono/Poly

Likely a very niche audience for this.

However, if you're using a Novation X-Station as a midi controller you might like it.

A template that has control for ALL parameters that are open to midi for KORG's iMONO/POLY.

This mapping uses the Korg default CC#s and will work for both Standalone and Gadget Montpellier (ios & Mac) versions.

** There is however a bit of a frustrating midi bug in the Standalone version of iMono/Poly where no CC#s above 95 can be used. This does mean that currently you'll need to check the midi page in app and check if you need any of the unassigned controls.

I've contacted Korg and hope to hear back/ see a fix in future.

All the controls on X-Station have been set to increment correctly so you can use the buttons to skip through any options the control has. i.e LFO Waveforms, Base note for LFO etc.

Most X-Station controls will use their corresponding control for iMono/Poly, Osc> Osc, LFO > LFO etc.

They ALL have visual feedback in the X-Station display as to the corresponding NAME of the control in iM/P. This will also help you find the less obvious mappings.

The main 'obscure' mappings are using ENV3 as another source for OSC & NOISE levels. This means they can be quickly tweaked rather than going into each OSC section on the X-Station.

The combined total of 8 knobs of FILTER 2 & LFO3 are used for the 8 Virtual Patch Intensity levels.

The ENV & LFO depth controls in Oscillator section of X-ST control a couple of linked parameters in each of the OSCillators.

OSC 1 - X-Mod Intensity & Freq
OSC 2- Unison Detune & Spread
OSC 3 - Detune & Transpose
NOISE - FX Gain 1 & 2

Let me know if you find any issues or have ideas for improvements to the template.

I'll try and add more helpful docs in time, screenshots and a video maybe.


iMono/Poly is my favourite sounding iOS synth by far and having all the conrols available on the X-Station makes it feel like an awesome hardware version. :)

Hope some peeps find it useful and enjoy!


  • Curses, I have an x station and every korg app except monopoly (and the gorilla version of iELECTRIBE actually)

  • @BiancaNeve said:
    I have an x station

    Smart man!

    @BiancaNeve said:
    Curses...every korg app except monopoly

    Criminal! :O

    @BiancaNeve said:
    and the gorilla version of iELECTRIBE actually.

    Understandable. :)

  • edited March 2018

    Template updated...

    • Midi controls for Arp and Key Assign modes added. (iMono/Poly standalone)
    • Redundant controls disabled.
    • Octave button on X-Station will increment in 12 semitones. (no visual label on display?)
    • 4 buttons above ENV 3 are now a quick way to select OSC 1-4 Waveforms. (I like this one!) :) (also no visual label on display?)
    • 4 buttons above MOD Env are now a quick way to select OSC 1-4 Octaves. (I like this one too!) (also no visual label on display)

    Also noticed that although the Virtual Patch Intensity controls may be shown as unassigned within the standalone app, the X-Station template controls are indeed working for these as Korg's initial default CCs were used. (Even though these are not reflected on screen due to Korg's current midi cc bug in the app.)

  • Would this work with other korg synths like ipolysix or ims20?

  • edited March 2018

    @1nsomniak said:
    Would this work with other korg synths like ipolysix or ims20?

    This particular X-Station template is specifically created for iMono/Poly.

    There may well be some crossover of common CCs used between the apps but that would be coincidental.

    I believe the midi is quite limited on iPolySix and iMS20, but if you hoping to use your X-Station to control these apps, I can take a look at their midi charts over the next few days and maybe hook one or both of them up here.

  • Thanks @SpookyZoo but don't worry about it, that sounds like lots of work.
    Guess I had the wrong impression that CCs were mostly standardized - especially under the same manufacturer. Seems crazy that they aren't!

  • edited March 2018

    @1nsomniak said:
    Thanks @SpookyZoo but don't worry about it, that sounds like lots of work.
    Guess I had the wrong impression that CCs were mostly standardized - especially under the same manufacturer. Seems crazy that they aren't!

    Actually Korg do seem to use similar CCs across their apps. Particularly noticeable between the different Gadgets.

    I’ll take a look at Polysix tomorrow. No worries but no promises. :)

    Just checking that you do have an X-Station that can use the templates?

  • @SpookyZoo yes I have an x-station 25 but haven't used that template feature before.

  • @1nsomniak said:
    @SpookyZoo yes I have an x-station 25 but haven't used that template feature before.

    Cool. You can google NOVATION X-Station Template editor if you have a desktop computer.

    I’m actually out all day tomorrow but I’ll post some information on how to set up the template for you in a few days time.

  • Holy brilliant work! Can't wait to play with this.

  • edited March 2018

    @syrupcore said:
    Holy brilliant work! Can't wait to play with this.

    Cool! :) Let me know if you have any trouble finding any controls.

    Because of the current midi bug in Standalone app I reassigned numbers for 4 controls which may need to be manually assigned in the app.

    Controls for Arp MODE (51) and RANGE (CC52) are positioned on the Trigger and Repeat buttons.

    Key Assign Mode (50) and Hold (53) are positioned on the MONO/POLY and GATE buttons.

    Another obscure location is PWM Intensity on the 2nd PW Select of PWM knob. Makes sense when using I think. Those are assigned in each OSC selection.

  • @1nsomniak said:
    Would this work with other korg synths like ipolysix or ims20?

    I had a quick look at PolySix and there appears to be some overlap with the CCs. The Filter section for sure uses the same CC numbers.

    Can probably cook up a template for Poly6 at the weekend.

    Do you have desktop access to install the Template editor?


  • edited March 2018

    @SpookyZoo yes I have an imac, ill try installing that later today, hopefully the software is still compatible.

  • @1nsomniak said:
    @SpookyZoo yes I have an imac, ill try installing that later today, hopefully the software is still compatible.

    Yep, still works on latest iMac OS

  • @1nsomniak said:
    @SpookyZoo yes I have an imac, ill try installing that later today, hopefully the software is still compatible.

    Did you manage to download and take a look at the editor?

    I've done a bit of work on the iPolySix template this weekend and should have that ready by tomorrow.

  • @SpookyZoo
    Hi. I'd like to try your templates for my x-station. Can I load them directly to the x-station with my ipad or do I need to use the template editor on a mac? I downloaded your Gadget IMonoPoly templates.

  • @spookyzoo did you ever get to that ipolysix template?

  • edited January 2019

    @scadet said:
    Hi. I'd like to try your templates for my x-station. Can I load them directly to the x-station with my ipad or do I need to use the template editor on a mac? I downloaded your Gadget IMonoPoly templates.

    Hey @Scadet , cool. Yeah, you can download them via the mac editor, however I do sometimes use an app called Sysex Base to upload them via the iPad . It's about £10 I think, but I get so much use out of it (like the past 4 hours decoding X-Station synth sysex) that it's worth it for me.

    Let me know how you get on, and if anything needs adjusting once you've had a go.

    @1nsomniak said:
    @spookyzoo did you ever get to that ipolysix template?

    Hey fella. I'm pretty sure I got 96% of the way there but thought you suggested you didn't need it in the end? I must have misunderstood something, sorry.

    I'll try and dig it out and give it a polish sometime in the next week/two.

  • Sorry I keep losing track of this thread.
    I installed the template editor.
    Unfortunately I saw a USB driver on the site and decided to update that while I was at it which broke everything and was impossible to get rid of. Finally found a link to a beta driver that worked.
    So stay away from that USB driver if you see it!

  • @1nsomniak said:
    Sorry I keep losing track of this thread.
    I installed the template editor.
    Unfortunately I saw a USB driver on the site and decided to update that while I was at it which broke everything and was impossible to get rid of. Finally found a link to a beta driver that worked.
    So stay away from that USB driver if you see it!

    Thanks for the warning.

    Was this on the Novation site? What was the USB driver listed for? The X-Station?

  • Yeah same download directory as the template editor.
    The fix was on a weird beta site.

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