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Searching: A decent Sequencer (iOS App, not Hardware)
Hi there.
I have no “decent” sequencer right now.
I tried to visualize what i am searching:
I want to be able to host AU Instruments (Or the sequencer itself should be an AUv3 for other hosts (like AUM)) and define Notes to play on a given channel.
This is nothing special so far, i know.
I want to have a sequencer that is able to trigger “silent” notes (or CC commands) to defined channels/hosted apps that is in sync with the “melody area” hosted instruments/apps.
Is there a Sequencer that fits my wishes?
I know Genome, Xynthesizer and lots of other sequencers are out there but to be honest: I cant buy them all to find they are not able to do such stuff.
Maybe you tell me that all of them can do this, maybe you tell me that none of them can do this.
There are LOTS of posts here regarding sequencers and i read A LOT of them but could not find any informations regarding the “combined” melody and trigger areas.
I hope you understand what i am searching for.
I like the look of the lately released “StepPolyArp Unit” but i cant find informations if it is possible to play a melody AND have “silent trigger signals” send to defined channels...
Man, i really hope you get what i mean and have some good informations for me
Thanks in advance for your time!
I love Xequence, and it does have CC automation. Are you looking for something where notes trigger CC automation? I'm a little lost. I just purchased StepPolyArp Unit though, and I'll be sure to let you know what my thoughts are on that. (It can load as a MIDI AU in AUM by the way, which is f---ing killer awesome to me.)
First, please help me understand what those "trigger" tracks on the same channels should actually do. Sending CC values, OK, I get that, but what do you mean with "silent" notes?
Note-on messages with Velocity=0 (like it's often implemented instead of Note-Off messages)???
The idea of a channel is that no matter how many tracks generate data on the same channel, all data will be routed to the same instrument on that channel.
So far, so good.
Just calling a MIDI event a "Trigger Value" won't change the fact that it's still the same MIDI event.
Fyi: I have just today used Genome to compose patterns with notes and different CC values and Program Change messages for each step in each pattern. It's usually called automation (or "parameter locking" more recently) and many iPad sequencers are able to handle that.
In addition to the questions above, are you looking for a piano roll style sequencer or step sequencer?
I don't quite get your trigger section but if @brambos made XOX except all the different drums being different pitches that would be pretty great and similar to your diagram.
It looks to me like your diagram is just describing a set of tracks, but organized with melody tracks at the top and note/cc tracks at the bottom. There’s nothing I can think of that has a graphical / conceptual separation like that, but nothing is to stop you from ordering and grouping your tracks as you wish. For visual clarity, you could put an empty “dummy” track or two between the two sections to make a break.
I started to recommend Cubasis for this, but since Cubasis can’t route midi between tracks, you can’t have a separate area that is sending midi “up” to the tracks above ... unless you’re using IAA, not AU instruments.
Your approach seems more complicated than it needs to be. To me it’s much easier to have all the note and cc data that’s controlling an app in the same “lane” (track) as the app it’s controlling.
Unless you’re talking about sending data to off board hardware from those lanes below. In that case, sure it makes sense and there’s nothing stoping you from doing it with an app like Cubasis, Xequence, Auria Pro, etc.
Xequence has some nice ways of grouping instruments and parameters so that it’s easy to understand. But Xequence isn’t a host. You would host your AUs in something like AUM, and send midi to AUM to play and control them from Xequence.
Yes. PLEASE keep me informed. If you like even via direct messaging.
At the bottom, right above the keys - the area "Mode / ARP / Seq" - is there a view or possibility to send CC informations inside of the actual sequence.
At the moment i am really focused on Xequence and StepPolyArp Unit.
Regarding CC/Automation and stuff i was not able to find "good and informative" videos to watch.
I just discovered the Xequence series from Mitch (AudioDabbler) though and been inhaling them, literally...but am waiting/searching for some decent input regarding SPA Unit. If you could help?
I believe this. I would love to embed MY sequencer as an AU-Unit in AUM but would take a solution that is not Auv3 compatible also if the functionality is good.
I guess we mean the same, its just a matter of wording.
CCs can be used to change instruments/banks inside a synth (as an example and if the synth supports it). If you look at the Rozeta XOX i can change the playing patterns "playing" the notes C1, D1, etc. I do onot want those "Notes" (C1, D1, E1,...) to trigger "actual Sounds" by error - thats why i am refering them as "silent notes"
Right - like i said - its just wording
I'd like to see that. Are you possibly able to record a "demo session" and we can exchange the video? You do not have to put it on YouTube if you want to stay private! I have places to upload stuff to...Even something written with screenshots would help - just to get behind the techniques and thinking processes
Well, actually i would prefer piano roll style - but i guess anything would work for learning purposes.
I thought that i wanted piano style would be clear from my professional drawing at the top
That was just my scribble. I just wanted to point out the ability to keep CCs and Notes "in sync".
The graphical display method of the actual sequencer - whichever it might be - does not have to look like that.
Good to know, thanks!
Thats what I was afraid of... I guess I just have to "calibrate" my way of thinking about this process... I hoped that would progress with this discussion/search for a sequencer
To me it’s much easier to have all the note and cc data that’s controlling an app in the same “lane” (track) as the app it’s controlling.
I would not have a problem with such a solution. As stated, my scribble was just the "picture in my head" that wanted to get out.
Not at the moment, but in the future it might be used for that...but that should not disturb the search for now.
ATM i am just focusing on learning and stay inside the iOS eco-system. Breaking out of these boundaries will be much easier once I got the processes in my head.
I just found the Sequence Masterclass videos from "Mitch, Audiodabbler" on YT... Don't know why they slipped through those tons of gigabytes of videos I already consumed
Thats an amount of text - So sorry for that.
I hope i did not forget a question and MANY thanks for your time!
Kind regards.
Sorry, I didn't read the whole thing but from this part
Xequence or BeatHawk would probably work well for Piano Roll style. Quantum for step sequencer style.
For "Silent notes", not CCs, that's going to be up to the routing capabilities in your host. For instance, you can set up a Rozeta sequencer in AUM to point at another Rozeta sequencer. The first would send the notes you want and the second would respond in kind but they're just notes. The routing is how you hide them. That routing doesn't need to be as specific as AUM though—the traditional (ha!) way to do this is with plain old MIDI channels.
Hmmm...beginning to think here... That does mean that the areas (speaking of the "general" workflow) that are dedicated to automation are only for sending CC informations and there is no option of sending actual "Note" values in these areas? So I should consider (in y head) this as two completely different things.... When in need for sending "silent Notes" its more common to use kind of the same (attached to the instrument notes/melody track) or a dedicated "ghost" track?
Ah, got it. Kind of a remote control for selecting patterns without forwarding it to an instrument, right?
I could do that, no problem!
To keep it simple, let me quickly summarize what's possible with Genome (I've just tried what works):
Genome has a simple built-in synth, drum machine and a few FX too btw.
Woa. That's cool. It sounds like step entry but into a piano roll. Might be time to reinvestigate genome!
Is it possible for a pattern to loop at a non-even bar division? Like, if the time sig is 4/4, can you have a loopable pattern of 17 16th notes?
Also, can you MIDI map track/pattern transpose to midi notes?
Yes, one of my favorite features. It certainly doesn't get much faster than that
No, not that I know of. To get 17/16 playback with a 4/4 global setting, you'd have to repeat that pattern until it fits the time signature again, which in that case would mean to set the pattern length to 17, write your 17 steps as desired and copy/paste that range 15 times (16 * 17/16 = 272 steps until it loops properly again). Doing that once is certainly acceptable, but not if you want to edit the 17/16 pattern again and again.
I would also prefer to be able to set the pattern loop length to arbitrary values to introduce some "creative mess"
No. Transposing a pattern live can only be done using the "remix pad" AFAIK, and that cannot be mapped to any remote command.
A more common way to transpose would be to just have additional transposed patterns on the same track which you select by MIDI Notes/CC/Program Change messages.
Just to sum this up - it's me again
I went for 2 separate apps:
They got me pretty much covered.
Thanks for all the input and after lots of trying/reading/fiddling I chose those two.
They fitted my needs or had (for me) the best UI to work with.
I still have some way to go but I am moving.
Those are fine choices! So much potential packed into those two apps.
...especially if Xequence got updated with Audiobus 3 support.
It is supposed to be in the next update. I hope it is too.
I'm curious. How many iap does it have exactly ? Is there a "buy everything" iap ? Would very much like to know how much it would cost to unlock everything....
Yes, indeed... Only scratched the bare surface(s), posted first results here
It is just the ones listed on the AppStore page. I think the app is $5 initially, plus $18 for all IAPs. There is no bundle that I am aware of.
The main one is the unlimited tracks IAP. It is $10, and the most crucial one for me.
The other 3 are useful depending on what you want to do. Drum Maps if you plan on doing a lot of drums, 12 controllers if you are planning on automating like a madman. PolyHymnia is the one I bought first actually, even before the Unlimited tracks. When this came out in an upgrade, I finally caved and bought Xequence and PolyHymnia in one go.
Obviously, I like the Generative stuff, but the similarities to Different Drummer and Oscilab really intrigued me.
Wierdly enough my appstore page shows absolutely no iap previews anymore. Hence why I asked the question. So it's basically 23$ for everything eh ? Thanks for telling me
@gonekrazy3000 That is strange. Anyway, here is the IAP breakdown.
I have them all. Plus, notice my 5-Star rating.
possible to change tempo mid song with this? And use cc controllers to change parts? E.g. verse chorus?
@CracklePot thanks for the review as always
And the IAP stuff has been pretty unpredictable ever since iOS 11 came out... for example, on my phone, it currently doesn't show the "Up to 12 controllers" IAP at all. I would list all IAPs in the app description, but then it's impossible (and I think "illegal") to include prices. Each time I've used IAPs in an app, I swore to myself not to do it ever again because it's so flakey. This should really be 500% predictable and reliable, as it's the user's money after all...
@Multicellular sorry, no tempo track currently. But yes, very comprehensive support for CCs...
Don't know exactly what you mean..but:
Tested in SPA Unit to change the "Tempo" in Sequence and ARP mode. You can override during playback.
I don't know if you can trigger them by any use of CC.
If you are ok with doing this manually with a few taps without leaving the sequence screen, then yes.
Can't test in Xequence - its on my other iDevice that is not accessible atm.
What I need are basically song parts, intro, verse, chorus, that have different tempos. Need to be able to sequence them to play set numbers of times and also be able to trigger them to loop/repeat (in case we get jamming out on a part) with a cc.
I don’t think so - the manual of SPA Unit only shows possible CC# for Arpeggiator Speed/Groove
That sounds really difficult, unless you pre-render your different tempo sections to audio loops. Trigger the loops to change by midi control, or hold and continue looping for your extended jam sections. Just play the loops back without using sync, and they should keep their different tempos intact.
For getting perfectly timed switching between sections, I am not sure. Maybe look for a way to just switch when a loop reaches its end, sort of quantized, but not to a tempo, just start/end points. Or attempt to pull it off manually, if you have good timing and feel jconfident.
The problem is tempo changing is not widely supported on iOS currently. There may be apps that have it, but I don’t know of any. If you can find an app that has tempo automation as well as Link, then that would be ideal. You could then use it to drive tempo changes in all of the other Linked apps.
I am currently using Modstep, which does midi loop tempo changes per song part fine. Audio loops are possible with the internal sampler, but then you're stuck with that tempo (not stretch). But you can just slice audio loops up either externally or use Reslice if the part doesn't need velocity sensitivity.
And I'm anxiously awaiting Modstep 2. But there are big other features missing in Modstep that I don't know if 2 will have, like easier import/export of session files. I work with a partner so that would be helpful.