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One example of why the world is f*%k3d !
Billy Caldwell has been suffering unnecessarily due to UK laws banning the use of Medicinal Cannabis....he has been granted a temporary reprieve.
Billy is not alone, and others are still suffering.
People are being persued and prosecuted by the Government for trying to help these families.
Please lets all work together to get this ridiculous situation changed and stop this Fuckin Liberty !
@Bluepunk and myself have been working on this in a small attempt to get some of these issues into the public awareness.
This will be posted in the SOTMC for those who wish more detail on what apps were used, and for any suggestions on how to improve it before we set it free
Thanks for your time
Thanks for the info on Billy Caldwell. Being from the states it's all the nauseating Trump Show ...
Great track Andy P. Very Clash! (i mean that as a compliment)
((btw - Andy P is how I refer to Andy Partridge, my favorite living Englishman))
Loving the passion in this track, and sentiment. The sooner the twats in Parliament - of all stripes - can be made to understand that Medicinal Cannabis makes sense, the better.
Thanks KKJ....I'll take The Clash anyday
(I'm sure @Bluepunk would too)
And, Mr Partridge is certainly capable of some lyrical magickery !
Thanks Zen....Mr @Bluepunk has certainly go his mojo going on this one

The whole thing has been coming to a bit of a head seemingly this last week/weekend, because of Billy's situation making it into the press.....Let's hope that it can gain some more momentum now, and for common sense to kick in, and for others like Billy to be allowed the medication they need
As an epilepsy sufferer, I can only commend this..
Billy was denied meds by outdated laws, research (or lack of) and bureaucrats...
Shame on the Home Office et al.
Well done. History will show marijuana prohibition as a dark time and unnecessary ruiner of lives. Thankfully legalization is finally gaining some ground. Here in Canada they're just haggling over the final details, should be legal within the year.
Thanks peeps ... definitely praying that sense prevails !
CBD is a freakin’ miracle drug in my opinion.
I have an 18 year old cat. She has terrible arthritis, and has trouble getting up and moving around. She needs help eating and using the bathroom on her worst days.
She was at a point where she didn’t stand on her own for a couple of days. I thought that was going to be the end of the road. I was going to have her put down, as I was feeling really bad about how much she must be suffering with constant pain.
During this sad time, a friend relayed their own story of their elderly dog and a similar situation. They tried CBD for pets and said it worked really well. I decide to try it, as I was having a hard time with the reality of putting my dear cat to sleep forever.
I tried the CBD. The first dose had my cat stirring and moving around. That was in the evening. The next day, I gave her more with her breakfast. A little later in the afternoon, she stood up on her own and was walking around. I was totally shocked at how effective CBD is. Then I got really upset, thinking about all the people who have lived in constant pain, or had their Doctor get them hooked on opioids. Greedy motherfuckers.
My cat is doing really well now 1 1/2 months later. I give her CBD in the morning and evening, and she can get up and move around on her own. She even gained a little weight, and stands a little taller.
I ended up getting CBD for my mom (arthritis in her foot) and her elderly dog. She gives CBD to her dog daily like me with my cat. Her dog has stopped the constant wheezing it was doing and breathing better. It can see a little better, too. Best of all, the dog has way more energy and spending more of the day up and about instead of lying down most of the time.
My mom has problems taking aspirin because of stomach irritation. I don’t want her taking any prescription pain killers, either. She now takes the CBD on days when her arthritis is really bad, and it fixes her right up.
I am happy to hear you guys are fighting to bring this to your country. When I think of all the people that had to live and die in pain, or ended up opioid addicted, I seriously get all furious about it. I am trying to spread the word now, too. There are still too many people being kept in the dark about CBD, as well as being denied access. All so some rich assholes can get richer. The world really is fucked up.
I believe we will look back at this time as a dark time in many respects. However, being a part time optimist, I'm trying to see a silver lining here.
In America, the current Attorney General has a hair across his arse about pot use and would like to return to the reefer madness days (it's a cheap excuse for law enforcement officers to pull over black folk for pot use and then incarcerate them in high rates). But, I think this is a losing battle and the cracks are showing in these tactics and policies.
As a chronic arthritis sufferer, I could benefit from medicinal use. I'm sure I will eventually. But for now, we are suffering through politics that look at everything as a way of dividing voting "bases" and not doing what is best for the most people. I'm sorry that the UK is going through the same thing. I was just telling my wife, Hey, we should relocate to the UK - It's got to be better than here. hehehe Sorry for all that ranting...don't usually do that.
The world can be fucked up, but don’t discount the light you guys are bringing to it. 🌏
That is great news about your cat, and I'm glad she is doing much better. I also have an 18 year old cat in much the same situation. Thanks for the tip about CBD.
@CracklePot said:
That’s amazing. What a turnaround. Is that cbd oil ie with no thc in it ?
I take CBD all the time. Keep a tincture by my bedside. It was one of the only things that helped ease neuropathy in my hands and feet. Even told my oncologist about it and she was super cool about it. My favorite is a 1:1 CBD to THC ratio. Amazing stuff.
Cannabis is the only thing that makes me feel somewhat good and normal during my cancer treatments. If this current treatment I’m on stops working I’m going all in on THC Oil to try and kill this disease of mine.
I live in Canada and have connections in the cannabis industry so I am lucky in that respect.
Great stories, CP. Glad to hear that both cat and mum were helped. Despite the system.
So much that would help the world has been denied, or outlawed, basically so that pricks already on top can make even more money. Hearst, Edison, the ostracisation of Tesla, the story of Maurice Ward and Starlite.
Great to hear you found sonething that helps.
If you don’t already know about this, check out white powder gold. Not a cure, of course, but for some folk it is a difference maker. I saw it improve my lovely old dad’s life, when he had terminal cancer.
Good luck.
You never know...
@universe yes exactly. Non psychoactive CBD, but they warn that heat exposure can turn it psychoactive.
This really needs to be put in perspective. Jean luc picard of the uss enterprise travelled back in time, disobeying the prime directive to tell num10 that it's 'all good.'
Plus yr less likely to beat or be beaten up or piss or puke in someone's doorway :-)
Never got the pain management thing tho. If I've pain I don't indulge.
Music and maryjane. The greatest romance
@JeffChasteen I also give my cat little massages everyday. Seems like it varies day to day, which limb or area of her back or neck is stiff and tight. You can tell when she walks, she will favor her aching parts. The massages with the CBD are really helping her.
I’ve been following the studies for my own problem (chronic cluster headaches and migraines). I get the migraines due (so the specialist thinks) to the Sumertriptan injections being used for such a long period of time.
The tests are pretty small scale and don’t really have the financial backing needed to be honest, so I’m still keeping an open mind to the validity of the results so far. The limited evidence so far seems to suggest that for there is hope that some combinations of CBD / THC at certain levels is more effective on pain control than the usual Migraine medications. The evidence for Cluster Headaches sufferers is less clear with limited evidence that certain levels and combinations of CBD / THC use is more helpful than Sumertriptan use in some of those tested - seemingly those that have suffered migraines from an early age.
This is interesting, as while the medical world seem to insist on looking at Cluster Headaches and Migraines as completely seperate, I’ve long believed their is something that makes acute sufferers of Cluster Headaches to suffer Migraines too. This may be a link in what is happening in the brain, or it may be medication use, or even both.
One of the annoying headlines of these tests though is that some are saying there is definitely evidence of less side effects compared to Sumertriptan use. While I believe this may have some validity, the evidence is scetchy at best, as at this time,, the tests have all been short term. The long term use of Sumertriptan seems to be where most sufferers seem to get more problematic issues.
I was going to at least try vaping the CBD oils myself to see if this helps, but have thus far failed to find a supply that is both cheap enough and regular enough for the use amounts suggested for it to be of any use to the CH sufferer.
I’m still dubious as to if following this train of action is really the way to go - after all, we are still looking at this as a pain coping strategy. What us Cluster Headache sufferers really want from the medical community and scientists, is for them to find out what the real cause is and then a cure!
Thanks. The good news is there is an underground network of folk helping kids like Billy, and adults (one is the wife of the beak who sentences the same folk that treat his wife with cancer meds the night before, to terms of imprisonment the very next day), and pets who suffer from conditions that cannabis can treat effectively. As for coming to live in the UK? I wouldn't. As for chronic arthritis? I would. Thanks again.
Thank you Zen. You do words very well and write your own lyrics. You are honest. I don't and stole Killing Joke's for this song. I'm a naughty bastard. Thanks for picking up on the passion. Means a lot to this old git. And to that young upstart AP no doubt.
You are both very welcome.
The more passion in music, the better. Articulating anger, making a point creatively, is the antithesis of ‘Radio No Mark’ and it’s one tune fits all policy.
Sunk deep inside that has. Thank you.
Yea its stupid. First usa killed a bunch of apes with cannabis smoke, by not letting them breathe air. Then claimed that cannabis destroys brains and that it is the devils weed, people will go insane etc. why? Because mexicans and black people enjoyed this great herb and they(the racist leadership) wanted to make up things to make blacks and mexicans look bad. Ofc other countries believed the lies, because they came from the great ameicans. Now fast forward to today. People have noticed that it was just a lie from the beginning and the claims that made cannabis illegal all over the world have been proven wrong and in many cases the opposite(like weed doesent destroy brain cells, but actually can protect them from damage caused by alcohol, meth etc. Now usa has started to legalize it(i use the term loosely), rest of the world is still lagging behind.
In finland the votes on whether cannabis should be made illegal or not came 50/50 and a toss of coin desided on it.. What a difference that cursed coin made..
Good news. Please keep me updated if you change your current treatment plan because a patient I know (apparently) has gradually upped to around 1:3 CBD to THC and it seems to be more effective at that ratio. Of course, here in the UK, labs to test the exact amounts are hard to come by (apparently), but where you live this is not an issue. A 1:1 ratio mixed into a cream made from aloe vera extract, coconut oil, and shea butter is effective on arthritis (apparently). To watch an 80 year old knit for the first time in years is heartwarming and made me cry. Apparently.
Hey @Bluepunk so is it still the case that in the U.K. you can’t get 1:1 cbd to thc as it’s illegal or are there places ? Can’t seem to find anywhere online.
In the UK, please be careful where you source your creams, oils, brownies etc from that contain THC. It'll probably come from the streets if it has more than 0.05% THC (I think this is the max amount allowed in hemp, NOT cannabis produced CBD oils found in the likes of Holland and Barrett). Before (if) you do, please ask yourself questions like: Do you know the grower(s) of the plants that make the meds? Are they trustworthy? Are they in it to make greed money? (look into their eyes) If so, the beautiful plants were probably abused all their lives, overdosed on chemicals and butchered. Is it organically grown? You get the picture. By 'personal recommendation' is usually the way it should start. Good luck and again be careful out there.