Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.

What is Loopy Pro?Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.

Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.

Download on the App Store

Loopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.

Bleass Chorus Walkthrough. CODE WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

Edit: Tahiche Guillem Barocal, Andrew Jeffries and Gus Granite are the lucky code winners!


Bleass Chorus now available!

3 Free Codes available. Details of how to win are - as usual - in the pinned comment at the top of the youtube comments section.

Today’s video looks at what the main features of the app are and how to dial in sounds. We go through some presets and hear it applied to a variety of sources - electric piano, accordion, spoken word samples, percussion and vocals. I also discuss some of the advantages of this particular delay app, particularly for making more experimental sounds.

Please remember that, even if you are not entering to win a code, it really helps the channel if you give the video a thumbs-up. And don’t forget to subscribe for more and click the bell for updates. Cheers folks!

From sub­tle clas­sic cho­rus ef­fects to crazy tex­tures, BLE­ASS Cho­rus brings stun­ning stereo mod­u­la­tions to any sound and al­lows a wide cre­ative free­dom for sound de­sign.

BLE­ASS Cho­rus is a two-stage cho­rus ef­fect that of­fers a full con­trol of the stereo im­age as well as a large range of ef­fects, from sub­tle stereo widen­ers to crazy tex­ture gen­er­a­tors which you can vi­su­al­ize thanks to a ded­i­cat­ed os­cil­lo­scope with a very low CPU us­age.

Have full con­trol of the stereo im­age as well as all ef­fect pa­ra­me­ters in a one-screen, clean and re­spon­sive in­ter­face that goes be­yond tra­di­tion­al cho­rus­ing, giv­ing more cre­ative free­dom to sound de­sign­ers and mu­sic pro­duc­ers.
In­spired by clas­sic cho­rus ped­als and rack ef­fect units, ide­al for thick­en­ing synth and gui­tar lines, BLE­ASS Cho­rus comes packed with a wide range of pre­sets and is avail­able as an au­dio unit as well as stand­alone.

IN­PUT stage:

  • Low-shelf/High-pass in­put fil­ter
  • In­put Gain

CHO­RUS stage:

  • DE­LAY LINES: sets the stereo de­lay lines count
  • TIME: sets the av­er­age de­lay time
  • RATE: sets the speed of the LFO
  • LEFT DEPTH: sets the LFO’s am­pli­tude for de­lay lines’ left chan­nel
  • RIGHT DEPTH: sets the LFO’s am­pli­tude for de­lay lines’ right chan­nel
  • EQUAL DEPTHS: when tog­gled on, left and right chan­nels share the same depth
  • OFF­SET: sets the off­set be­tween the de­lay lines’ LFOs
  • WIDTH: sets the off­set be­tween left and right chan­nels for each de­lay line
  • FEED­BACK: sets the amount of feed­back for each de­lay
  • OS­CIL­LO­SCOPE: dis­plays a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of de­lay lines’ LFOs (tap­ping the os­cil­lo­scope paus­es it)

OUT­PUT stage:

  • Dry/Wet mix

More in­for­ma­tion and tu­to­ri­als are avail­able on www.ble­ass.­com


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