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She's popped up on my feed too, this interview is cool, she comes across so well. Great to see more women getting into this game. I see from my YouTube stats that iOS music seems to be an overwhelmingly male pursuit. 🤔
I thought the same also.
I agree.
Maybe the fact that “nerdy” blokes, by natural inclination, are drawn to this stuff accounts for this trend?
As opposed to any kind of bias or elitism that is.
If you were dropping all your hard earned cash at Schneider’s Laden like Gd intended, you’d have known of lovely Ms. Jako ages ago.
I chuckled when I heard the words “happy nerding”.
What is Schneider's Laden??
I couldn't agree more.
The fact that people think that nerdy guys are fundamentally so different at birth from nerdy females plays into a system of bias that influences choices people make. It is like the notion that the disproportionate number of men in various fields reflects “natural” interests or abilities.
If you spend much time reading AB Forum, you find a fair amount of sexist banter that will make more females feel unwelcome than males. Some females will choose to ignore the idiotic dick and boob jokes that occasionally pop up but many won’t.
The VERY unequal distribution by gender of females here is far more likely the result of bias than biology. Small systemic biases compound over time.
shes married?
Simply put, Schneiders Laden (in Berlin) is the heaven of Eurorack
Their showroom is amazing, and Mr Schneider is also organizing the yearly Superbooth, the biggest Eurorack and modular synth fair worldwide AFAIK.
Search Youtube for „Schneiders Laden Berlin“, there are several videos featuring the shop and showroom.
Thanks for that.
One moment....🧐
I had a look the Schneiders Laden website.
Okay, got it.
All is clear now.😁
Working there must be on one way very cool, since she gets to try out, learn and explain hundrests of modules - but on the other hand, once you started to collect them its very hard to stop.
I like that she invested into specialized modules, her rack doesn‘t consits of the standard 2 VCO, VCF, VCA modules but seems to follow a different approach. I look forward to see to her in a live session one day.
I agree.
Still, where better to work and play if you're into Euroracks.
I'm new to Euroracks,
I didn't discover ,'modular', until
I got into dRambo this April though
studio technology is very
modular when you think about it.
And I've heard that that Drambo isn't true modular. 😁
I like the fact that she isn't following everyone else.
Sounds like she's doing her own thing.
I like that, I'm quite similar.
If she comes over to the U.K
or when I next visit Berlin myself,
I'll certainly be up for seeing her perform.
I apologise in advance for your impending bankruptcy 🤪
Thanks for the apology and in advance.
Good gosh.
I'm looking around my music room
and thinking to myself ,'what's got to go',
so until I've made that decision I'm going to
continue experimenting with iOS until then. 😂
It’s called Eurocrack for a reason.
So,... it's a slippery slope then.
Oh well...
I'm going to be patient.
Thanks for the heads up.
That last sentence is not supported by the science IMHO. I know it's the 'correct' way to think, but I suspect it's wrong. To think that hundreds of thousands of years of evolution would play no part in shaping these things is odd, when it's only in the last few hundred years that humans have begun to overcome the mortality rate of childbirth, for both mother and baby.

Also I don't think I've seen ANY sexist stuff on this forum, other than blokes joking about hiding purchases from the wife. Women joke about their men in similar fashion. Anyway, 3 1/2 minutes of this female evolutionary biologist is a breath of fresh, sensible air. I think she's right. But maybe you think this is hate speech? Just kidding, I'm sure you don't.
I'm pretty anti-woke though, I think it's authoritarian and dangerous, and I'm not afraid of saying so. Well actually often I am a bit, but obviously not right this minute!
Anyone who thinks women are put off by boob or dick jokes must be unfamiliar with women’s rugby songs. Would link some but don’t want to get banned.
I agree with @espiegel123
That's so funny.
Got to say it.
Nothing with being woke at all.
Yes, all genders make jokes about sexuality but there is a
preponderance of male orientated abusive sexual banter.
@Philandering_Bastard : i am guessing that most guy that think women are not put off by random men making dick and boob jokes around them probably hasn’t had a lot of conversations with women about how they feel in such situations.
@SimonSomeone : anti-woke? You are opposed to African Americans being aware of systemic racism and how it impacts their lives? Not sure how that relates to your belief that innate gender differences account to the well-documented gender bias in tech, mathematics and the hard sciences.
Anti woke = Deliberate sleepwalking. FFS it's 2020.
Really interesting how this thread has devolved from an awesome video of someone creating incredible music on a modular set up to an argument about sexism.
I hear you on that.
I shared the interview because, 'wow, modular is mind blowing',
and like with any discoverer, I shared with the community that
I'm apparently a part of now and whom I thought would appreciate
the sheer effort of another artist.
On the other hand sometimes people will pick a fight to prove a pointless point.
It's the problem with circular arguments.
Yes, the music industry has been overwhelming male but times are
changing and we have to adjust our language and approach accordingly.
If sharing a fellow musician's work or art is going to devolve
into an argument about whether a woman can handle
sexist jokes and remarks or not?
I'm simply not going to share.
I find it disrespectful.
I thought the interview was awesome and when I listened
to her music? it made me even more curious about her Art.
she’s awesome!
so in theory we could use drambo/mirack like she’s using octatrack right?
i’ve sequenced mirack with drambo before, but i don’t know if its as deep cuz i’m still learning modular
True, in theory.
I have yet to get into the hardware so I'm only going by other people's experiences.
You and me both.
I thought I knew music tech until I encountered
modular courtesy of the AB Forum actually.
I know if I got a modular system like a Eurorack system I’d just kit it out with all that’s necessary to do four operator FM, in analogue. Nothing more. Nothing sequencey in the rack. I doubt I’d need six operators, four would do with good complex shaping on the VCOs. Four waveshapable VCOs. Four env shapers per output. Some VCLFOs also with env shapers.
Basically a fully analogue FM lab.
That sounds really good.
I was recommended that I have a look at Schneidersladen.
I took one look and said ,'Oh my Gosh!!!'.
I'm going to keep it simple for now but I know where I'm heading.
same here, i’ve only watched a couple octa videos and i’m lost in drambo 🤣 i do ok with midi sequencing but i know there’s more i can do..
Not sure If anyone intended me to respond point by point but I will, and then I'll probably shut up. If people have a desire to paint me as a throwback rather than someone who has listened/read/thought about issues, so be it. I value this community and I value diversity of opinion as well as diversity of other kinds, and the very helpful advice and info I've received here, plus possibly the best meme experience of my life with the "one does not simply release drambo" of a few months ago.
I think it started because @espiegel123 criticised @gavinkis 's quite reasonable assertion that there might differences in interest between men and women, based on his evidence of youtube stats. at a group level, repeating the standard modern viewpoint that tends to shut down conversation. It's part of my mission in life to let people know they don't have to buy the authoritarian left's rhetoric about everything. It's great to see more women breaking into doing the techy stuff, anyone who has been held back from doing what they want because of social pressure (as I have too) is to be heartily encouraged.
That in my opinion was @espiegel123 , and I am only as guilty as him for following it up. Ot maybe @Gavinski shouldn't have made his observation? Or maybe none of you should have responded to me?
You should definitely share, I'm sure her work is awesome of you shared it. Maybe none of us should bring our social opinions out, and is probably wise. Though the simplest comment can of course trigger something.
Totally agree. I have been an accompanist for women singers a lot, still am, there is no place for sexism or boob jokes. Though I can tell you after working on a project with 2 younger women musicians, one of whom is a good friend, if you think there is not a female equivalent of standard guy talk (which actually I don't partake in, or even have friends who do really), you're dreaming. I have heard them say things that if a guy said them would make me cringe. I have also noted that there are far more guys playing instruments at least getting deeply into it, often more females writing songs, communicating, being the soul of music more than the techy aspects. I have a very woke friend with a band, I sometimes feel like challenging him as to why, in the one area he has absolute control over, are there not 50% women rather than all men.
bring out all the questions! On racial issues, some of my favourite people to listen to are John McWhorter and Coleman Hughes. Both black Americans. Here's one of John McWhorter's pieces, detailing the problems he sees with the more woke aspects of race discourse.

Here's a Coleman hughes podcast video. (No he's not a Trump supporter)
Regarding the hard sciences etc, well there you have the Swedish experience to contend with. They have levelled the playing field for gender equality probably more than any other country, yet both women going into STEM and men going into things like nursing have fallen. It seems quite bizarre I know. I have read something showing that some of the most repressive countries in this area have very rates of women getting into STEM, as they see it as a way out of a more traditional restrictive role. Have scientists been racist, sexist, unwelcoming of women? Definitely some, probably a lot have. And if that has discouraged women from doing that, it's terrible.
Well maybe it depends what you mean by woke. I am not a deliberate sleepwalker and I know what year it is. Here again is John McWhorter on what I think of as the woke ideology. Again in the Atlantic, one of the only big papers that publishes a diversity of opinion.
If you just mean being aware of historical and contemporary injustices in all manner of areas, and working towards a more just world, I'm woke too. If you mean I have to accept I'm racist by virtue of being born white, that in any encounter with a person of colour, I must establish how my racism is manifesting itself (from the best seller 'white fragility'), that in the West we live in an oppressive patriarchy, that we have to tear down the system and start again, I'm not.
Now, I am going to apologise for escalating the serious derailment of this thread. Maybe I should have started another one. But I was reading the thread, saw @Gavinski 's comment, thought, oh that's not going to go unchallenged, and sure enough it wasn't. And so I responded. And so others responded. But I'll promise now that I won't respond any more. So you can take me down, if you want, it's pretty easy to misrepresent a position like mine, and if you want to do that, go right ahead and enjoy yourself. But I'd encourage people to think for themselves, research and find out stuff, don't necessarily accept the loudest voices, and maybe stand up to some of the silliness that is around these days, while being kind and realising that there is probably some germ of truth even in a lot of things that you think are wrong.
If anyone wants to PM about any of this I'll take it up there rather than have this thread turn into a never ending story.
I hope everyone is doing ok out there in iOS land, as well as can be expected in these times, and even if I disagree with your opinion I value hearing it. I'll leave you with this video from 2 of my favourite people.

I thought the thread was about an app that I missed, but when I saw it was about modular stuff I didn't watch, as it's not my area. I'm now going to watch the video, I owe that person, and you all, at least that!
Nice (mostly) chill live set from Jako Jako. wish it was shot from the other side though.