Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.

What is Loopy Pro?Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.

Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.

Download on the App Store

Loopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.

Claim a free app / Make a pledge (see spreadsheet for latest)

edited April 2021 in General App Discussion

Available pledges

The active list of available pledges is now stored on Google sheets:


The idea behind this thread is as a way for users with a little spare cash to essentially buy their favourite app/s multiple times by gifting additional copies to other users here on the forum. It may sound crazy, but by ‘overspending’ on your favourite apps, you are simultaneously helping support your favourite indie developer whilst also making a genuine act of kindness to another fellow iOS musician!

  • See below for the simple instructions.
  • Users must have been registered on the forum at least 3 months before claiming an app.
  • You can only claim apps pledged in the same country as you (Apple's rules).
  • This system is built entirely on trust and good will.

How it works...

Claiming a gift

Anyone on the forum who has been registered for at least 3 months can claim one of those gift licenses simply by replying (always mention the user who pledged) - or via DM. No questions asked.


  • you don’t need to be broke to accept a gift
  • every gift accepted puts money in the pockets of our beloved developers.

I want to claim a gift

  • Anyone who has been registered on these forums for at least 3 months is entitled to claim a gift.
  • Simply reply to this thread, mentioning the user who made the pledge, or send them a DM.
  • The user who made the pledge will either ask you for an email address or send you a redeemable code via DM. All codes should be redeemed within 24 hours.

After claiming your gift

  • (optional) write a reply here in this thread - or DM - thanking the pledge maker
  • Have fun. Enjoy the app. Write a nice review for it on the appstore.

Making a pledge

Pick an app (or developer) you would like to support and then simply reply to this thread saying that you 'pledge X number of gift licences' for that app. You also need to indicate which appstore country you are in, as Apple only allows gifts in the same country.

  1. It generates additional sales for the developers we really want to support
  2. It allows any of us fortunate enough to have some spare cash to reinvest it back into the iOS music ecosystem (I call this 'overspending').
  3. It promotes a strong sense of community

How to make a pledge

  • Reply to this thread explaining you would like to add a pledge
  • Give the name the app you are pledging, the number of copies available, and your appstore country (Apple only allow gifts within the same country). It may also be helpful to tag @tk32 so he can update the CURRENT PLEDGES list in the OP.

How to send a redeemable app code via DM

  • Check the user has been registered on the forum for at least 3 months, and resides in the same country as you.
  • Go to the app page on the appstore, tap the share button and select 'Gift app'
  • Enter your own personal email address and complete the transaction.
  • Copy the redeemable code received in your email and then DM it to the user here on ABF. (codes are only valid for 24hrs - if the code is not redeemed you will not be charged).
  • Note - No personal email addresses need to be revealed or exchanged with this method.


Note - only accurate up to 23 April 2021 - see Google sheet for a complete list

2x MoodUnits - pledged by @MisplacedDevelopment
Atom Piano Roll 2 - pledged by @gusgranite
Tonality - pledged by @gusgranite
WoOTt - pledged by @onerez
3x Atom Piano Roll 2 - pledged by @onerez
3x Atom Piano Roll 2 - pledged by @tk32
Mononoke - pledged by @NoiseFloored
3x Radio Unit - pledged by @0tolerance4silence
ApeSoft Electric Vintage - pledged by @d4d0ug
Mela 2 Synth & FX - pledged by @gothamoddisee
3x Koala Sampler - pledged by @Fingolfinzz
2x Velvet Machine - pledged by @enkaytee
Koala sampler - pledged by @PeteSasqwax
FAC Bandit - pledged by @NoiseFloored
2x Mononoke - pledged by @iOSTRAKON
RhythmBud - pledged by @PartOfPayn
MoodUnits - pledged by @tk32
2x WoOTt - pledged by @winconway
GR-16 (Jim Pavlov) - pledged by @Prog1967
Mononoke - pledged by @McD (via Paypal)
BitWiz - pledged by @Paulinko
SynthScaper LE - pledged by @Poppadocrock
$25 store card - pledged by @McD
2x Der Voco - pledged by @0tolerance4silence
Piano Motifs - pledged by @spiteface
Xequence 2 - pledged by @mjcouche
Zeeon - pledged by @mjcouche
Koala Sampler - pledged by @Keyb
ArpBud 2 - pledged by @PartOfPayn
Koala sampler - pledged by @FloRi89
Rozeta suite- pledged by @arktek
Glitchcore - pledged by @audiblevideo
RadioUnit - pledged by @Thacapos
SampleBot - pledged by @fprintf
MiRack - pledged by @iammane
Drambo - pledged by @iammane
Bit Maestro - pledged by @audiblevideo
SpaceCraft - pledged by @enkaytee
Stratosphere Cloud Reverb - pledged by @oddSTAR
BramBos app (unspecified) - pledged by @arktek
Stereo Delay - pledged by @oddSTAR
Stereo Width Control - pledged by @oddSTAR
Gauss Field Looper - pledged by @Schmotown
Atom Piano Roll 2 - pledged by @MisplacedDevelopment



  • edited March 2021

    A lovely idea!

    @tk32 should we advise people to only request one offer a week (on trust) to make it fair?

    I will start with a pledge of 2 copies of MoodUnits (UK) as it has some great sounds and the IAP are cheap. I will only be accepting DMs for this after 5pm UK time today to give tk32 a chance to reply to my query. tk32 has replied so go ahead and request either in this thread or DM me.

  • edited March 2021

    A good point. I think we operate on trust.

    I would prefer it if most people requested their gift via replies here in this thread, but I also realise a DM may be less public or embarrassing.

    and remember... you don't have to be broke to accept a gift. Every accepted gift helps our favourite developers!!

    ...and thank you for your pledges @MisplacedDevelopment !!

  • Thanks @tk32 , OK, no need to wait until 5pm then. I will be accepting requests now, first come first served.

  • I have not tried gifting before so do you get sent a redemption code? If so then I may email them to myself and send the codes directly via DM rather than require people to send any of their info to me.

  • edited March 2021

    I was simply planning to enter the recipient's email in the gift app window on the appstore, but I'd be interested to know if you can generate codes by gifting apps to yourself.

    Feel free to gift me Moddunits as a test :) or you can have a copy of Atom2 if you like?

  • I already have Atom, thanks though! I will test the email theory now and send you a code if/when it comes through. One copy left.

  • Not sure if this works with IAPs, but I’d like to pledge 3 licenses of Drambo - Waves extension IAP (seems like a massively underrated addition, that no D user should stay without).

  • Excellent that worked!! (I just received a redeem code from MisplacedDevelopment).


    I will now replace the used MoodUnits pledge with an additional one of my own.

  • @0tolerance4silence said:
    Not sure if this works with IAPs, but I’d like to pledge 3 licenses of Drambo - Waves extension IAP (seems like a massively underrated addition, that no D user should stay without).

    That's a fantastic offer, but I don't think you can gift IAPs.

  • @tk32 said:

    @0tolerance4silence said:
    Not sure if this works with IAPs, but I’d like to pledge 3 licenses of Drambo - Waves extension IAP (seems like a massively underrated addition, that no D user should stay without).

    That's a fantastic offer, but I don't think you can gift IAPs.

    No worries, 5 x Radio Unit or DerVoco licenses it is :)

  • @0tolerance4silence

    Which appstore country?

  • @tk32 said:

    Which appstore country?


  • Nice initiative guys 👍👍👍

  • Not sure about the administrative side, but some king of scheduling would be useful maybe...
    Say, next month I want to pledge 20 worth toward Kymatica, then brambos on the following month... I can ‘announce’ my pledge and people can sign up in the meantime...?

  • That’s mighty generous @0tolerance4silence , but let’s start small for now.

    I suspect there is going to be enough admin just dealing with current pledges.

    (if anyone has any good ideas about how to streamline this process, do let me know)

  • This is so special! Thank you guy(s).

  • btw. according to this article, IAPs can be gifted, though it’s not clear what the dev has to do to enable it...

  • I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I also found that article regarding IAPs but it is so unclear if and how it is possible. It would be great to add in IAPs to the mix - not enough people are using he GeoSWAM!

  • Awesome!

    It’s also a great idea to gift apps to our musician friends who have iOS devices, but haven’t gotten into iOS music-making yet. That way, we increase not only the sales of iOS music apps, but also maybe their customer base 🙂 I know a certain Ableton user who is going to get NS2 fo their birthday...

  • edited March 2021

    This is great and I have done this a lot.... what I do is just buy electronic gift card and send to other email I have. The problem is that I can only send to folks in the US. If I wanted to gift someone outside the US, I cant.

    Never mind. Did not read the entire OP post..... I wish we could gift from country to country.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Wow. I love this forum even more after seeing this thread. Lovely idea. Restoring faith in mankind and all that...

  • 1 x Atom Piano Roll 2
    1 x Tonality

    Canada 🇨🇦

  • A really beautiful idea. Only would happen in a place like this. It would be interesting if you could get some devs to match the contributions of their apps with promo codes.

  • edited March 2021

    Aww this is so nice! Great idea @tk32!

    I don’t need anything myself, but would be more than happy to help others on their musical journey!

    edit: I’m in the U.S. btw

  • So just curious. You can’t gift a specific app correct?? So let’s say I wanted to donate 5 codes for atom2. All I could give is the general App Store gift code. There is no guarantee that they would purchase atom2 correct?? Unless I’m missing a way you can gift apps specifically.......

  • @CapnWillie said:

    @LinearLineman said:
    A really beautiful idea. Only would happen in a place like this. It would be interesting if you could get some devs to match the contributions of their apps with promo codes.

    That would be good for users but defeats the whole help Devs make money angle which I think is the best part of it honestly.

    Au contraire, my friend, it would encourage folks to purchase more of the devs apps because their gift is doubled. More sales for the devs. No shortage of recipients, I’m sure. Also, a push for this around sales tines would amplify the program. So says your old droog.

  • @onerez

    You can gift apps using the share button from the app page on the appstore.

    You simply enter the recipients email directly, or enter your own email address and then DM the redeem code to the user here on the forum.

  • @tk32 Well f&%# me. I’m an idiot.

    Ok solve the apps across country’s for me. 😂😂😂😂

  • Wow great initiative! I guess I fall in the middle, having a ton of apps and no real need for any new ones but broke as * since out of income because of lack of tourists here in the Philippines. I’ll join gifting my favorite apps once this pandemic is over!

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