Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.

What is Loopy Pro?Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.

Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.

Download on the App Store

Loopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.

The Audiobus Forum is now the Loopy Pro Forum!

In case you didn't see the announcement thread, I have some big news: Audiobus – the app – is going to a new home. Francesco and Andrea are developers and musicians who are keen to pursue Audiobus’ further potential, keep it updated and enhance the experience for users old and new – and unlike me, they have the resources to do so! They’re full of ideas and energy, and I am confident that Audiobus will be in good hands.

The Audiobus Forum, however, is staying right here with me. After some consultation with the community here about what to do, I've decided to rename it to the Loopy Pro Forum, at forum.loopypro.com.

It has a new name and new colours, but otherwise, it's the same place, and nothing else will change.


Let's talk about sleep

Anyone else have issues trying to get to sleep and remaining in sleep.

I've not had a decent sleep in ages. Any tips that might help?



  • Hell yes. There are a lot of things I've tried but nothing without a prescription works for me. One trick I have heard is to blink your eyes fast for 20, 30 seconds to tire your eyes. Seems to help fall asleep but not consistently. I tend to go to bed about 9 to 10, maybe asleep by midnight and wake between 3 and 5. Up by 5am most days.

  • Get Remedial/Deep Tissue Massage.

    Try doing a 5 min body scan before you go to sleep and give yourself 30 min before sleep without screens.

    A magnesium bath will help too.

    Reading is always the ticket for me. 🙂

  • edited January 2022

    Sleep? What is that? I dimly seem to remember something like it…

    I have Type 2 diabetes, and, weirdly, some recent research has established that getting to sleep between 10 pm and 11pm regularly helps improve your body’s insulin control the following morning.

    So since Christmas I’ve been trying to stick to that. Hard, because my normal bedtime is north of Midnight, and years of shift work, now thankfully over, mean that I am fully awake by 4.30 am, having already been roused by pressing bladder concerns at least once beforehand.

    It doesn’t help knowing that getting 4 hours or less sleep a night on a regular basis is a risk factor for dementia. Which is something else to lay in bed worrying about..

    So yeah, sleep. Nice idea. In theory.

  • Establish a routine.
    Cut down on caffeine in the afternoon.

  • Yeah, routine. Try to go to bed at the same time every evening.
    Then there's a lot you can do with your bedroom; light, sounds, temperature...

  • Being able to clear your head is the key but you have to train as if it were a muscle. Go for a walk with your dog an hour before going to sleep and don't think about anything while you're walking. Nothing at all, complete emptiness in your head. It's not easy at first but with practice you will see progress quickly. It’s a kind of meditation thing…Of course you need a dog for this :0)

  • Thanks for your helpful comments everyone.

    @BroCoast said:
    Try doing a 5 min body scan before you go to sleep and give yourself 30 min before sleep without screens.

    What's that?

  • Drink coffee before midday if you can’t live without.
    Last meal around 5pm if possible.
    Get some exercise in, perhaps an hour before bed?
    Get some boring podcasts.

    I don’t know what’s your schedule but I tend to go to bed too late, certainly after midnight. Currently that’s because ups don’t have to wake up early. When I do, though, I gradually bring my times to 10.30 to 11.00 for bed time for 7am rise.

    There’s a great podcast on the importance and science of sleep in general..

    This is on YouTube but you can get it in audio only with a free Spotify account.

  • Oh yes, I cannot remember when I could sleep more than 5 hours (maybe 1-2 times per month with luck).
    Mostly due to pain in the back and neck or some other obscure things like feeling heat everywhere (it seems also due to some issues with my neck irritating some nerves) but the good thing is I was always one without need of much sleep.
    One thing for sure...drinking alcohol does NOT help.
    Maybe the problem is I always have to fight against my nature. I am a men of night but I have to wake up at 4 in the morning to go to work but my body cannot learn it.
    Well, now that i am in isolation (I have a cold....not covid due to the latest test) i still cannot sleep like I would.
    Only thing working for me is to really work hard, make sport to get really tired.
    Even then my sleep is not great and often I wake up 3-4 times in the night.
    Tried everything, new bed, new pillow...etc. Not really helped much.
    I guess i have to deal with it. The older I get, it gets worse.
    But I also have a lot of stress which is one of the worst thing for health.
    Sometimes I just sleep 2 hours a night and then go to work. Maybe its also a more psychological problem.
    Worst thing is when your mind is awake but you can't move anything or even open your eyes....happens often last time....terrible feeling like a locked in thing.
    I gave up on doctors so far but I am sure my biggest problem is stress and trouble with my damaged spine (which especially makes trouble when my muscles try to calm down). Strange that i still really feel good while I turn heavy weights or do hard body work.
    Worst thing I did was trying to get me to sleep with a beer every day or a glass or two of wine.....not a good idea at all, so I stopped it before I gone into a wrong direction.
    Getting not enough sleep regularly really can suck the life out of you and let you do stupid things. It also lets look you fast older. In my youth I could sleep easy 10 hours a day, now its all I got in a week sometimes. :)

  • Walking zombie here 🧟‍♂️

  • Try CBD if you haven't, can be very helpful for sleep.

  • This might be helpful: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-hygiene

    Sometimes it's also about anxiety-- like if your mind just keeps going or chewing on something, and that's the worst. Sometimes what has helped me is to read or listen to an audiobook.

  • For a decade, I worked at night, so I had a lot of problems to change my routine to a morning and more healthy schedule.

    One silly thing that helped me a lot was the Night Shift mode in Apple devices, and whatever is called this function of yellow light in Android and Linux desktops.

    I have this programmed to be activated two hours before going to bed. I find that the blue intense light on night had the effect of activating my mind.

    Other obvious thing is to drink coffee only in the mornings.

    And to have discipline with the alarm clock. Set the same alarm every morning. And be prepared to suffer and be a zombie the two first weeks.

    If you have had the same routine for years, be aware that even after changing your schedule, cycles of night activity can return eventually. But once again, have discipline with your alarm clock.

    And smoking doesn't help, believe me. Your body will ask for nicotine after 4 hours of sleep at the beginning of changing your routine.

  • Cut out alcohol, that will help a lot. Alcohol dehydrates you which will wake you up, with a full bladder to boot, as your liver and kidneys will have processed the alcohol and need to get rid of the waste.

  • edited January 2022

    Klaus Wiese or Mathias Grassow with a 60/64 Hz binaural beat underneath. Even if it doesn't directly help you sleep, it's a stunning way to spend the time while you're lying there. Wotja can also be great (that link will only work if you have the Safari extension installed).

  • edited January 2022

    Had sleep problems for years and years and years. Apparently I didn’t sleep through the night once until I was three years old, and have had atrocious insomnia throughout most of my adult life.

    I tried the usual (no screens before bed, no caffeine in the afternoon, those apps which change the colour of your screens) and none of that stuff worked at all.

    But, things have been much better for the last two/three years. Not perfect, but much better. I tried a lot of things but the two things that seem to work for me are…

    1. When lying in bed, not sleeping, reminding myself that even though it is never pleasant to have to get through a day on very little sleep, it is also never that bad –there have been plenty of days where I have had fun/worked well when I had no sleep the night before. Just remembering this helps me relax while I’m in bed.

    2. Meditation. I do this is the daytime quite a lot, and it is just a general life improver if you can get into the habit of it. Again though, actually doing a simple breath meditation whenever I am lying in bed awake I find helps a great deal. The idea is not to do it to make myself sleep but more a case of doing something beneficial and relaxing in the time I am spending not sleeping. Basically, I just focus on my breath (try to pay attention to nothing else apart from that) and when I notice I am thinking/worrying about something else, I just start attending to my breath again. Rinse and repeat –even if sleep doesn’t come, I usually find myself much calmer.

    The basis for one or both of these techniques (can’t remember) comes from a book called ‘The Sleep Book’ by Guy Meadows. Might be worth checking out. Oliver Burkeman has written some interesting stuff about how to sleep, and how to accept not sleeping, as well.

    I hope this or something helps.

  • I find a lot of exercise during the day and a moderate amount of marijuana just before wrestling the pillow to be a good combination...

  • Gavinski's YouTube tutorials help!

  • I am going to try winning the lottery and quitting my job.

  • Set the alarm clock to go to bed, not to wake up!

  • @AudioGus said:
    I am going to try winning the lottery and quitting my job.

    That would help me a lot i guess. Having no financial pressure is a main thing to get rid of stress for sure.
    Of course the dream to get rich with music is gone for a long time.....no app will solve that ;)

  • @FPC said:
    Gavinski's YouTube tutorials help!

    He does have a soothing voice lol

  • Anyone tried autogenic training or something like this i heard it could help but these things does not work for me at all.
    Maybe its also I was a kind of ADHS child (but I was never medicated or so).
    Also a tinnitus does not help at all to get sleep.

  • @JohnnyGoodyear said:
    I find a lot of exercise during the day and a moderate amount of marijuana just before wrestling the pillow to be a good combination...

    This is usually my routine during the 3-4 bouts of insomnia I get each and every year.

  • edited January 2022

    I find that 350mg of Magnesium does a good job of helping me sleep and stay asleep.

    I also do full body relaxation technique as i fall asleep which helps quiet the mind as well.

  • @FPC said:
    Gavinski's YouTube tutorials help!

    Harsh :)

  • @Clueless said:

    @AudioGus said:
    I am going to try winning the lottery and quitting my job.

    That would help me a lot i guess. Having no financial pressure is a main thing to get rid of stress for sure.
    Of course the dream to get rich with music is gone for a long time.....no app will solve that ;)

    It died for me too a long time ago when I realized that my favourite albums that influenced and inspired me barely made their creators any money.

  • me too! I used to be a great sleeper... but over the last several years it has declined.

    This was my sleep pattern last week:

    Friday - slept from 11pm-1:30am, awake rest of night
    Saturday - slept 11pm-2am, awake rest of night
    Sunday - slept 11:30pm-7am straight through
    Monday - slept 11:00-1:15am, awake rest of night
    Tuesday - slept 11-2am, awake, but back to sleep from 6am-8am
    Wednesday - went to be around 11, wide awake until about 6am - slept til 8:15am
    Thursday - slept 11pm-5:30 straight through
    Friday - slept 11pm-6:30

    to me it seems to be random - i'll be good for a stretch of 3-4-5 days, maybe a week or so if lucky, then some bad nights, a good night. I have no reason for not sleeping - no real life-stress in my life, i've tried the sleep health stuff like having a dark room, no tv/iphone before bed, walk before bed, shower before bed, and other things - but nothing helped.

  • Has anyone mentioned sex before sleep? That helps!

    edited January 2022

    @AlexY said:

    @FPC said:
    Gavinski's YouTube tutorials help!

    He does have a soothing voice lol

    Calming. Bless him I've learnt a lot though

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