Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.

What is Loopy Pro?Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.

Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.

Download on the App Store

Loopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.

The Audiobus Forum is now the Loopy Pro Forum!

In case you didn't see the announcement thread, I have some big news: Audiobus – the app – is going to a new home. Francesco and Andrea are developers and musicians who are keen to pursue Audiobus’ further potential, keep it updated and enhance the experience for users old and new – and unlike me, they have the resources to do so! They’re full of ideas and energy, and I am confident that Audiobus will be in good hands.

The Audiobus Forum, however, is staying right here with me. After some consultation with the community here about what to do, I've decided to rename it to the Loopy Pro Forum, at forum.loopypro.com.

It has a new name and new colours, but otherwise, it's the same place, and nothing else will change.


OP-1 feature discussion thread (no $ talk, please!)



  • Please keep this thread for OP-1 Field talk only. Come on. It’s not that hard to start a thread for that desk.

  • @mistercharlie said:
    Please keep this thread for OP-1 Field talk only. Come on. It’s not that hard to start a thread for that desk.

    People go "off topic" in my threads quite often, and I enjoy seeing where others take the conversation. The conversations branch off but remain relatively on topic.

    In this case the conversation evolved into talking about an overpri...oh right, no $ talk, ahem. We're talking about TE trying to turn into Ikea all of a sudden. 😂

  • @mistercharlie said:
    Please keep this thread for OP-1 Field talk only. Come on. It’s not that hard to start a thread for that desk.

    Apologies for planting that seed. It was totally ironic that I had flipped from this thread to my email and literally the top of my inbox was that announcement. Ima just go play with my OP-1 Field and pretend stuff like this doesn't really exist.

  • I see videos of the open op1f and think wow that’s awesome and then I remember these guys been doing that for years remembering all the buttons and sequencer patterns.

    I want it for the synths to plug into the iPad but just can’t seem to get past the subject we can’t talk about.

    It would entice me more if it came with a iPad companion app that could expand the op1f capabilities and use. I’m a visual guy when it comes to building and arranging.

  • @stormywaterz said:
    I see videos of the open op1f and think wow that’s awesome and then I remember these guys been doing that for years remembering all the buttons and sequencer patterns.

    I want it for the synths to plug into the iPad but just can’t seem to get past the subject we can’t talk about.


    It would entice me more if it came with a iPad companion app that could expand the op1f capabilities and use. I’m a visual guy when it comes to building and arranging.

    I think the OP-Z has a companion app as well as can be used standalone, but without its own internal screen, the OP-Z would be lost on me.

    Getting back to the OP-1F. In theory I'd still love to own one. In practicality however, I'd have to buy it AND a cheap $200 laptop for file access. I realised what appealed to me about the OP-1F (portability, long battery life) can be found in an iPhone 14 Pro Max with 1TB. I'm still saving up for one of those.

  • For me, the OP-1 F is an incredible sampler, but I really wish it had a sequencer like the OP-Z. I know you can hook them up together, but then you’re no longer using one box any more.

    I should probably work out what I like about sequencing, and then replicate that live. I do tend to play live into a sequencer anyway, and then mess with it.

  • The Field doesn’t have a sequencer? Or it’s a different sequencer?

  • It has a few cool sequencers, and a really neat arpeggiator.

  • @mistercharlie said:
    Please keep this thread for OP-1 Field talk only. Come on. It’s not that hard to start a thread for that desk.

    Look, whenever Teenage Engineering make a laughable pricing decision, it’s natural justice that we can get a few digs in before returning to the matter in hand. Them’s the forum rules, surely! ;)

  • abfabf
    edited February 2023


  • Can one explain to me how to use Loopy Pro with the Op-1 exactly?
    They are connected with a usb c - usb mini cable.

    I have seen > @mistercharlie tell that input monitoring should be turned off - do you mean in Loopy Pro or on the Op-1?

    My wish is to use only one usb cable, loop the Op-1 in LP then monitor the whole thing thru the Op-1.

    Couldnt figure it out yet, if I monitor it from the Op-1 all the previous loops gets recorded to the next new loop as well.

  • edited October 4

    @zzlotss said:
    Can one explain to me how to use Loopy Pro with the Op-1 exactly?
    They are connected with a usb c - usb mini cable.

    I have seen > @mistercharlie tell that input monitoring should be turned off - do you mean in Loopy Pro or on the Op-1?

    My wish is to use only one usb cable, loop the Op-1 in LP then monitor the whole thing thru the Op-1.

    Couldnt figure it out yet, if I monitor it from the Op-1 all the previous loops gets recorded to the next new loop as well.

    Its going to be quite difficult to monitor thru the op1 while also recording into loopy pro.

    I plug my usbc mixer into the ipad.
    Route the audio from my op1 and digitone into the mixer, into loopy pro.
    Then monitor thru the audio out of the mixer either into my monitors or a portable speaker when i travel.
    If you want to monitor into the op1 you’ll have a lot of difficulty IMO. You are going to need at least a small speaker to send to from your iPad.
    Get a usb c hub from amazon with a headphone port.
    I have this one i used before i got my mixer and it works great and there are cheaper ones

    I will test it again today to make sure it can support op1 into loopy. And report back


  • They could!
    If you can get one on Amazon or something id try it. Amazon is great because you can just return anything for a full refund. I’ve tested and sent so much stuff back to them lol.
    I’ll test mine out to make sure it accepts audio thru the usb port from the op1f. I cannot recall if it does.

  • Can the OP do anything unique, that cannot be done with a couple of iOS apps? Aside from having physical buttons.

  • edited October 4

    @Darkstring said:
    Can the OP do anything unique, that cannot be done with a couple of iOS apps? Aside from having physical buttons.

    IMO yes.
    i’ll be honest I love working with the iPad to make music, but it’s a lot of extra work to get everything routed and set up. With the OP one or something like digitone It’s so much smoother of a workflow with a lot more freedom.
    I find that I can pick up the OP or the DT and just start making songs.
    iPad trying to play with the screen keyboards sequence anything it’s all just a lot of work.
    I really enjoy using iOS sequencers and effects for my external gear.
    Also been able to record hardware into loopy is amazing. I do that a lot with my op.
    You have sounds at your fingertips without the ipad screen work and limited real estate .
    Just flip to another synth and go!!!
    So sure you can get the sounds of the OP out of the iPad im sure, but is a lot more effort to actually sequence and record songs imo
    For productivity and fun. Op1 and other hardware synths/grooveboxes are it for me

  • abfabf
    edited October 4


    You'd need more than a couple of apps (unless you've got Drambo, then I'm not sure what else you'd need)-
    9 synth types, a drum synth, a sampler, an fm radio receiver and transmitter that can be sampled, 7 different sequencers, 9 effects processors, an eq, a compressor, 6 different kinds of LFOs and modulators (as well as the accelerometer) that can address all the parameters, a 4 track reel to reel recorder/emulator, a 4 track cassette recorder/emulator, a minidisc recorder/emulator, a small keyboard, a usb interface...

    So, like 30 apps if you recreated it all individually. Or maybe Drambo plus a handful of other synth apps plus Mixbox plus Rozeta?

    I think you could put together something sort of similar, but the workflow would be very different, totally different experiences.

  • edited October 4

    I agree with @reasOne. I have a difficult day job both mentally and physically. At the end of the day I want something immidate, something hands-on.

    An ipad to me is a hassle, but a multipurpose tool. Objectivly can be more professional than an Op-1 but needs time and energy to setup.

    An Op-1 is instant fun, for me thats what keeps me inspired, not setting up configurations to mimic one.

  • @zzlotss said:
    I agree with @reasOne. I have a difficult job both mentally and physically. At the end of the day I want something immidate, something hands-on.

    An ipad to me is a hassle, but a multipurpose tool. Objectivly can be more professional than an Op-1 but needs time and energy to setup.

    An Op-1 is instant fun, for me thats what keeps me inspired, not setting up configurations to mimic one.

    Absolutely. The Digitone is my favorite piece of gear for sure.
    Its so immediate and hassle free. The sequencing is not hard once you Realize how simple parameter locks are, and i use mostly presets that i bought and just tweak em a bit.
    I’m less into sound design with the DT and more about just creating jams! I can sound design all day on the iPad an then do nothing with em lol
    I have created on the iPad and still will, i like it when I’m in the mood, but it’s really a lot of work unless you stick to gadget, groovebox, or some other self contained app.
    I mostly use the iPad for the effects!! Koala and loopy pro these days. And to sample synths into either the op1 or koala.

  • The MIDI auv3s are amazing for iPad and can make the dt or op1 so much more wild!

  • @Darkstring said:
    Can the OP do anything unique, that cannot be done with a couple of iOS apps? Aside from having physical buttons.

    Yeah man
    It’s like the most awesome gear in the electronic music world
    I don’t even make or like electronics that much and am not a gear head at all
    But it’s unique

  • @yellow_eyez said:

    @Darkstring said:
    Can the OP do anything unique, that cannot be done with a couple of iOS apps? Aside from having physical buttons.

    Yeah man
    It’s like the most awesome gear in the electronic music world
    I don’t even make or like electronics that much and am not a gear head at all
    But it’s unique

    Its def a great piece with so much simplicity to the workflow.
    My fav gear is still the digitone but the op1f is tied for that 1.5 spot

  • edited October 5

    Yeah I mean I guess maybe it’s the simplicity and minimalism[with super (fx and) results] is what impresses me .

    But it’s the limited and simple workflow that also I think is just as much a limitation as it is a creative /creativity feature - for me anyway

    {Other machines out there might “do more” but they’re also 4x -8x size and need power supplies too …I love what I can do with battery to last days, and two 3.5mm multi purpose ports and USB C}

  • @yellow_eyez said:
    Yeah I mean I guess maybe it’s the simplicity and minimalism[with super (fx and) results] is what impresses me .

    But it’s the limited and simple workflow that also I think is just as much a limitation as it is a creative /creativity feature - for me anyway

    {Other machines out there might “do more” but they’re also 4x -8x size and need power supplies too …}

    Big facts. My digitone requires lugging around a battery pack 🤣 the op1f just goes and lasts forever. I haven’t been able to kill the battery on it yet.
    It just never ends

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