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What is Loopy Pro?Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.

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The Audiobus Forum is now the Loopy Pro Forum!

In case you didn't see the announcement thread, I have some big news: Audiobus – the app – is going to a new home. Francesco and Andrea are developers and musicians who are keen to pursue Audiobus’ further potential, keep it updated and enhance the experience for users old and new – and unlike me, they have the resources to do so! They’re full of ideas and energy, and I am confident that Audiobus will be in good hands.

The Audiobus Forum, however, is staying right here with me. After some consultation with the community here about what to do, I've decided to rename it to the Loopy Pro Forum, at forum.loopypro.com.

It has a new name and new colours, but otherwise, it's the same place, and nothing else will change.


[solved] Cubasis doesn't record first beat as audio

edited February 2023 in App Tips and Tricks

hello forum,

I have a problem, I have this for a while, and now I tried to solve it, but I have no clue.

When I record Ibassist and a for example reggae drummer in Cubasis 3.51, the recording is off, in two ways,

The recording is missing the first few milliseconds (the first beat), and the recording is off the grid. Looks like the Lumbeat apps start earlier than Cubasis is able to record.

When I move the recording to the right, the beat is lined up with the grid and the metronome, so there is a gap at the start.

this is pretty annoying. I tried so turn off quantize, but that doesn't make a difference. Is this normal for Inter App audio, or is it a setting somewhere in Cubasis?

Turning on count in in Reggae drummer doesn't help.


  • edited February 2023

    I think I have solved it, for the moment.

    I recalibrated the audio recording offset (now it is 17ms), and under the BPM counter in Cubasis, I have turned off the precount mode, it was set at 1 bar.

    Seems the recording is complete and on the grid. But what a lot of work to get a Inter App audio recording straight....

  • Hi @raabje,

    Glad to read you'e find a solution yourself.

    Normally there should be no issues (and no offset corrections required), using 3rd party instruments in Cubasis.

    Unfortunately I'm not equipped with the Lumbeat apps. Would suggest to let them know about the issue. I'm at hand to hand over a Cubasis promo code for testing to them, if required.

    Hope that helps!


  • edited February 2023

    Okay, thanks @LFS . Today I tried to record Funk Drummer, and the same problem, first little bit of the recording is not in the wave file. And the beat is not on the grid, I have to move the wave file to the right on the screen to lock it on the grid. When I recalibrate the audio offset, every time it is a different value, 21, 37, 31, etc.

    It seems Lumbeat drummers and Ibassist work the best used stand alone. In Cubase after some start/stop/record/rewind, the connection is lost with the drummer. Happens in AUM too, and Quantiloop has problems with Ibassist, no sound at all.

    So I just write @LuisMartinez name here, so he can read about it. IOS is latest version, 16.3.

    A work around is to load the drummer into an audio recorder, record 16 bar beats, or longer, cut the silence at the start, and import in Cubasis. Still a lot of work, good thing is this way it is possible to record stick count or the fill at the beginning as an intro, and then the real recording starts.

    Here the fill starts around the end of bar 1, second bar is the intro fill, third bar is the drum recording itself.

    What I don't know yet if there is a midi clock drift in longer recordings between the source and Cubasis, then I need to make shorter recordings and repeat them.

  • I have taken the habit of starting my song on beat 2 because of this problem. I usually put 4 kick drum on beat one.

  • @raabje : what sync method are you using? Have tried another one to see if it works better?

  • edited February 2023

    My settings, today I tried Rock Drummer. I tried without link, then there are syncing problems. Send midi clock on or off, in Cubasis, doesn't make a difference.

    With Rock Drummer the same problem, but with this drummer the first hit is a symbal, so you cannot really hear something is missing.

    When I zoom in, the recording is earlier than the beat in the grid. I have a picture with 3 recordings, I have moved the first one to the beat. And the error is not consistent, a third recording is a tiny bit earlier than the second one (both not moved in time, so you see the offset).

    When I play the recording with the live sound from the app, there is phasing sound (close time gap), and if the time gap is wider, I can hear everything double.

    I also tried Rock Drummer without swing and humanize, there is still a offset in the recording.

    The problem is, when you just want to make a quick recording, fire up Cubasis, and a Lumbeat drummer, you cannot get a good result instantly.

  • Hi @raabje,

    You've been mentioning that the same thing happens with other DAW-type apps, so it seems the issues are related to the Lumbeats apps, and unrelated to Cubasis.


  • Unless there's an absolute need to run the Lumbeats apps in real-time I'd suggest doing an audio-export and importing the audio into Cubasis. This way you'll reduce the likelihood of timing issues...

  • @LFS said:
    Hi @raabje,

    You've been mentioning that the same thing happens with other DAW-type apps, so it seems the issues are related to the Lumbeats apps, and unrelated to Cubasis.


    Well, I tried to say, the Lumbeat apps are indeed buggy to begin with. In Quantiloop, the connection is sometimes lost. I don't make recordings of the drum and bass in Quantiloop, only guitar. In AUM I cannot hear the sound of Ibassist.

    I have to record an other source in Cubasis to check if this recording is complete at the start, and matching with the grid.

    But it would be nice if Cubasis has an option to set the delay of each track individualy, instead of moving the audio file.

    @Samu, yes, thanks, export the audio, or record the audio, and trim it a little bit is a better way to get a proper Lumbeat drum track in Cubasis.

  • @LFS said:
    Hi @raabje,

    You've been mentioning that the same thing happens with other DAW-type apps, so it seems the issues are related to the Lumbeats apps, and unrelated to Cubasis.


    I don’t have Cubasis 3, but in my experience the LUMBEATS apps don’t have these issues in AUM or Loopy Pro. They start in sync. I mostly use them with Ableton Link.

    @raabje : if using Ableton link don’t also send midi clock.

  • @espiegel123 said:

    I don’t have Cubasis 3, but in my experience the LUMBEATS apps don’t have these issues in AUM or Loopy Pro. They start in sync. I mostly use them with Ableton Link.

    @raabje : if using Ableton link don’t also send midi clock.

    I will make a recording later this afternoon in AUM, to see if the audio is complete, or is missing a few milliseconds at the start. Problem with AUM is that the Lumbeat apps loose connection after a while. I had high hope Cubasis would be more solid.

  • @raabje said:

    @espiegel123 said:

    I don’t have Cubasis 3, but in my experience the LUMBEATS apps don’t have these issues in AUM or Loopy Pro. They start in sync. I mostly use them with Ableton Link.

    @raabje : if using Ableton link don’t also send midi clock.

    I will make a recording later this afternoon in AUM, to see if the audio is complete, or is missing a few milliseconds at the start. Problem with AUM is that the Lumbeat apps loose connection after a while. I had high hope Cubasis would be more solid.

    My experience has been different. It is quite reliable for me in AUM. How do you have it connected? Are you using midi clock? Or Ableton link?

    What do you mean “they lose connection?

    How long does that take?

  • Also, what hardware and os are you using?

  • It used to be normal to have pre roll on your recorder, video or midi. This to sync all the different devices.
    Most sequences used to start on the second measure because of this.

  • edited February 2023

    @espiegel123 said:
    Also, what hardware and os are you using?

    I have a normal Ipad 8th generation, 128Gb. No hardware attached with Cubase/Lumbeat recording sessions, but I do have Audient ID4. In AUM sometimes the drummer apps just shut down, or won't start; or don't play sound, or loose sync. Ibassist doesn't give sound anymore in AUM.

    But anyway, I did two test. First, in Cubasis, instead of a Lumbeat drummer, the DM1 drum machine as Inter App audio, every beat, a kick, hihat, clap at the same time. The recording starts after the beat, just a tiny bit, I have zoomed in very far. So this is on the beat.

    Second test is in AUM, I made a recording of Rock Drummer, and inspect the wave form. The start seems to me normal, at the zero point, it is not cut off already at the start. It sounds normal too, no pop or crackle at the start.

    So this is a bit weird, in AUM no problem, different app in Cubasis no problem, and the combination Lumbeat and Cubasis gives problems.

  • @raabje said:

    @espiegel123 said:
    Also, what hardware and os are you using?

    I have a normal Ipad 8th generation, 128Gb. No hardware attached with Cubase/Lumbeat recording sessions, but I do have Audient ID4. In AUM sometimes the drummer apps just shut down, or won't start; or don't play sound, or loose sync. Ibassist doesn't give sound anymore in AUM.

    But anyway, I did two test, one with Cubasis. First instead of a Lumbeat drummer, the DM1 drum machine as Inter App audio, every beat, a kick, hihat, clap at the same time. The recording starts after the beat, just a tiny bit, I have zoomed in very far. So this is on the beat.

    Second test is in AUM, I made a recording of Rock Drummer, and inspect the wave form. The start seems to me normal, at the zero point, it is not cut off already at the start. It sounds normal too, no pop or crackle at the start.

    So this is a bit weird, in AUM no problem, different app in Cubasis no problem, and the combination Lumbeat and Cubasis gives problems.

    Fwiw, I don’t use ibassist. I don’t experience any issues like the ones you mention with the drummers losing communication.

    You didn’t mention whether you are using midi clock or Ableton Link when having problems in AUM. Others have mentioned iBassist some being unreliable.

    If you aren’t doing so, I recommend launching the Drummer apps yourself rather than having AUM do it.

  • edited February 2023

    @espiegel123, yes I know, stand alone these drummers and Ibassist are working as they should.

    But at the moment I have a new solution, thanks to @Alfred, his reply got me thinking.

    In Cubasis I set the time pointer at bar 2, or 3, just somewhere. In the drummer I press play and stop real quickly, so the time code (bar counter) is reset. And then I press record in Cubase. The exact start of the drummer is recorded this way, and the drummer starts at (its own) bar 1, and Cubase at some other point. And then I split some silence and move the recording to the bar and beat I want. Maybe bar 2 or 3 is better than 1, so I have a pre roll and a count in. This is what I need, no pop or crackle at the beginning of the drum.

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