Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.

What is Loopy Pro?Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.

Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.

Download on the App Store

Loopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.

The Audiobus Forum is now the Loopy Pro Forum!

In case you didn't see the announcement thread, I have some big news: Audiobus – the app – is going to a new home. Francesco and Andrea are developers and musicians who are keen to pursue Audiobus’ further potential, keep it updated and enhance the experience for users old and new – and unlike me, they have the resources to do so! They’re full of ideas and energy, and I am confident that Audiobus will be in good hands.

The Audiobus Forum, however, is staying right here with me. After some consultation with the community here about what to do, I've decided to rename it to the Loopy Pro Forum, at forum.loopypro.com.

It has a new name and new colours, but otherwise, it's the same place, and nothing else will change.


Light Mic solution for Live Loopy Vocal Composition Workshop

Hi guys,

I want to teach live Looping workshops in groups of 5 to 20 students and focus on buiding up loops and vocal compositioning, not great performance sound. So I recently got 15 ipads (8.gen) from my old school and set them up with Loopy Pro and Loopy HD. My idea is to work with the internal ipad mics, because I want to be mobile and connecting interfaces and mics gets too big.
So now when all those people are recording in one room there is a lot of audio interfearace in the room.
Is there a way to bring that interfearance to a minimum? Can anybody recommend mics with lightning connection that are more pointed and good sounding or is there a way to control the ipad mics internally so the sound is more pointed and gated?
If there is anybody with experiance in teaching loopy in groups it would be great to exchange a little.



  • @TomSwift : The mics built into iphone earbuds capture less of the room than the iPad mics .... you pretty much probably want to use Loopy with headsets anyway eliminate bleed/feedback from the speaker.

  • edited August 28

    @espiegel123 said:
    @TomSwift : The mics built into iphone earbuds capture less of the room than the iPad mics .... you pretty much probably want to use Loopy with headsets anyway eliminate bleed/feedback from the speaker.

    Can't wait to be the 2nd class that gets to use those earbuds!

    Edit: can confirm, wired earpods are good for simple voice recording and practice! Main used at this point (for ease of not having to use a hub or interface)

    But maybe not for sharing earwax

  • There may be cheap out-of-ear headsets, too.

  • Hi Tom, I teach middle school, and have taught GarageBand on iPads for a few years. I've found the best is to let some kids go out to quieter areas of the school to record which reduces the number of people recording in the same room. Do you have any common areas or other classrooms that are not in use during your class blocks?

    I also collected a bunch of old headphones for them to use (and I ask them to bring in their own cheap wired earbuds). Headphones are essential for recording in combination with the onboard iPad mics. I also encourage them to play with the mic volume so that they can get their faces close to the on-board mics, sing louder, and reduce ambient noise.

    Ideally - if I had the money - I would buy a bunch of interfaces and SM-58 mics, which are great for blocking out ambient noise. That's not going to happen. haha.

  • Thanks for your ideas guys. The earwax is a problem, but maybe the students just bring their own headphones along. Or I find a bucket of those headsets on the flea market, as lightning cables are starting to fade and airpods and USB-C are rising.

    I was thinking of getting AKG k52 headphones and Audio Y cables so I could have to people with one iPad. And I definitly need to room to spread out. As it's more of an after school activity, there should be enough space in the hall and stairs etc...

    ps: SMS 58 and interfaces would be great, with proper beatboxing and all but money and mobility wise its not gona happen. Then I d rather get some RC 505s.... but lets save some money and dream on;)

    Taking about airpods... bluetooth doesnt really work with loopy does it?

  • @TomSwift said:
    Taking about airpods... bluetooth doesnt really work with loopy does it?

    Works but Bluetooth latency is far too bad for live work. That's not a Loopy issue, it's true for any music application.

  • Just one tip I figured out about beatboxing with the upper iPad mic: put your throat and chin on it while recording. Great bassy sound and all the surround sound is gone ... and if you're unshaved you get this vinyl crackling like on the old hiphop samples! Pretty cool;)

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