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Mellotron revisited
A couple of days ago Doug posted a new video on the (IMO) best desktop Mellotron app - the incredible GForce M-Tron Pro.
I know there have been threads in the past about Mellotrons on iOS, but thought I’d start clean and see what the current consensus is for good apps. Not necessarily dedicated Mellotron apps, but also anything that includes some good ‘tron sounds.
Any recommendations?
IK multimedia sampletron is, IMO, the best thing we have on iOS. Expensive by iOS standards but worth it. Omenie comes as a second best option, but I guess the developer is no more. People can grab their stuffs for free at the moment on the appstore.
Fingerlab mellowsound sounds ok
Stock melotron in Logic can do the job too.
Grab the Streetlytron before it disappears: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mellotronics-streetlytron-63/id1394220877 - sounds really good. Played a $3k M4000D at the weekend and wasn’t impressed at all.
Beathawk as a Mellotron IAP.
Heres some free Mellotron samples https://sonicbloom.net/free-sb-mellotron-samples/
Streetlytron Pro is my favorite.
A couple of years ago I bought G-Force M-Tron for desktop with all the packs, on sale, and realised I like the sound of Streetlytron Pro better.
I don't use M-Tron anymore even though some sounds are good. I was overwhelmed by the number of sounds, many many of which I didn't enjoy but I know were included for completeness sake.
Comparing patch to patch I just thought Streetlytron sounded sweeter.
My personal take on G-Force M-Tron Pro IV (compared to Sampletron and Arturias Mellotron V) is that the G-Force is the slickest but also the most 'hi-fi'. They have the tools to grunge the tapes up, but out of the box M-Tron is less filthy than, say Sampletron.
I like the grungy lo-fi ness of Sampletron a lot. It's actually quite easy to replicate in M-Tron Pro but by default M-Tron is more of a love letter to the mellotron whereas Sampletron is more about the lo-fi, warbly and distorted sound of an old, broken Mellotron.
Down to taste really. I have uninstalled the Arturia as it's a bit 'meh'.
M-Tron is the 'superior' plug-in overall IMVHO but I often prefer the presets from Sampletron. M-Tron is slicker, quicker, much quicker loading times and less flaky than any of IK's sample based offerings.
If I could have one it would be G-Force. It has the flexibility to sound as filthy as Sampletron but also has lovingly sampled tapes at it's core.
The Chamberlin M1 for Decent Sampler is brilliant, and something a bit different to 'just another Mellotron'.
There’s also the Manetron and ThumbJam has some lovely Mellotron sounds.
Another nice alternative is DecenTron, free Decent Sampler library on Pianobook.
THiS SO MUCH. All of their free apps sound fantastic. My favorite being the soprano one. I load that in harmony bloom a lot and get my psychotic on.
The Mellotron XL app contains all of the weirdass goofy rhythm tracks and the Bungalow Bill guitar flourish found in the early Chamberlains and Mellotrons.
Yeah thanks so much for this guys. Been a while since I tron’d!
I think Robert Fripp was using the Streetlytron iPad on stage with King Crimson.
Just too bad that Streetlytron isn't AUv3, and won't freeze or render as IAA, at least in Cubasis. Great sounds though.
About three weeks ago I made a full tutorial for SampleTron, the iPad version, it also includes how to import your own samples and make your own instruments too.

I love Mellotrons😊
Oh my God… a Mellotron. I wanted one so bad! I will never forget the first time I saw one. It was in the early 70s at a store called Roselle Music. The salesman let me play it for a few minutes. I think he assumed I was just another broke-dick wanker and told me to shove off. I could have cut a check on the spot, but he was such an asshole that I left. I wish I would have bought it. It would have probably been worth some serious money today. A lot like that TB-303 that I traded for some weed. It was really good weed, as I recall.
Thank you for mentioning this one. I am gonna try that tomorrow. 🙂
Why did you say before it disappears?
@michael_m Because Omenie is closing up shop and the apps will no longer be on the App Store, Phil decided to make all his apps free for a limited time before he goes, they are all free so grab them while you still can.

Here is the app store link to all his apps.
Was surprised it was still there.
Back 'em up with iMazing as soon as you get them so that if the developer account is closed completely, you can still re-install them on future devices. The free version of iMazing is enough to accomplish this. (note: this isn't the "Device Backup" in iMazing, it's in "Manage Apps".
This will also be helpful if you ever need to free up space. The apps can be deleted temporarily without fear of not being able to recover them.
@wim huge dude. Huge. Thx 4 this.
Thanks Doug. Shame to see anyone leave the App Store, especially when it is an app like this.
So how does the Beathawk ISP match up against the apps mentioned? There were a few mentions in previous mellotron threads, so wondering if it still stands its own against anything else.
For apps, I’m a big fan of Mellowsound from Fingerlab. I compare that, SampleTron 2 and the modern Mellotron (M4000D Mini) in this video:

Interesting, about the M4000D.
Yea good reminder I couldn’t remember the date they said the apps would be pulled, but iirc, it was around this time of year.
Too bad the Streetlytron gets stuck notes as often as not.
I've never had a stuck note with Streetlytron. I use the pro version, I use it a lot. I wonder why you're getting stuck notes. Are you sequencing Streetlytron or playing it?