Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.
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Modstep/ workflow discussions
Not sure if this was covered else where if so sorry, I couldn't find it in the search
So to begin I really like the iPad for music making, I love Animoog, Thor, iSEM, iProphet and Nave to name a few synths, and everything works so well in AUM with the AUFX series of apps and other fx.
I am also starting to use fugue machine a little bit and def. see tons of potential there.
Right now though my workflow is to use the iPad as a sound module and sequence it from ableton push or my mpc 1k, and also as sample fodder for the mpc.
What I can't seem to wrap my head around is how people are using iPads alone in their workflows. I am looking into modstep but I can't run much more than 3 or max 4 synths and a few fx at once, and much less if I am using iSpark.
So how are you guys using modstep? Are you recording the audio into a iPad DAW app like auria or beatmaker 2? Is it overkill to use beatmaker 2 and modstep together or would they complement each other well? Also does modstep replace AUM with its mixing capabilities?
And what are the best controllers out there for iPad? I would love to find something like a push with pads and scales for the iPad, that I could carry around when I travel. Keeping an eye out for those new Korg controllers when they start coming in stores!
I realize I am asking a lot but I want to start being able to use the iPad as more than a sound module but can't seem to figure out that next step.
Interesting questions, which I'd like to hear what others have to say.....particularly on comparing AUM and Modstep, but also curious about the controllers too.
My workflow is simple, although probably not too common. I usually use Different Drummer to work things out, and from there send midi to one or more channels into iSoundCanvas. I'll record that in AudioShare, AUM, Auria, etc. depending on what I want to do with it. I'm starting to get into Modstep lately though, and I can see it fitting in.....just haven't dialed in specifics yet.
I've had much better luck with ModStep when I don't load apps in it, but in AudioBus / AUM instead. ModStep does a good job pushing out Midi, hosting IAA, not so much**. That said, I haven't pushed ModStep very hard. It's mostly a way for me to gather up ideas as a bunch of tracks, clips, and scenes, and then easily arrange them into what I want.
On the very rare occasion that something comes together that I'm ready to finish, I would dump everything as audio into Auria Pro to finish the job. I'm just a noodler though - not someone who seriously puts out much of anything. Hopefully you can get some input from people that actually get something done once in awhile.
**Edit: might be my fault and ignorance of IAA, and not really a ModStep problem.
I think of AUM as a hardware mixer with different channels, inserts, busses, etc. ModStep on the other hand I use as a MIDI sequencer. I don't load anything in ModStep either - there's really no reason to for the way I work, especially given you can setup templates in ModStep and automate the MIDI CCs. Now, I can either record the audio into a DAW on the iPad like Auria Pro, which I've begun to dabble in, or record tracks individually (or combined through AUM) to my PC DAW. Another option if you're just recording short loops is to record the audio into a bunch of different loops in Loopy, then you can play back the loops as needed into your PC DAW or Auria/Beatmaker.
Finally, keep in mind Auria has MIDI sequencing as well now - since you mentioned Auria, I'm guessing you have it. The MIDI might only be in the pro version...
Correct, the MIDI support is only in the pro version. It's coming along, but still a little clunky for putting ideas together. Actually not really clunky, but ModStep is easier for trying out different ordering and combination of patterns, for messing around with cc's, and for jamming or performing. Auria Pro feels more like what you'd lay down your ideas, once formed, for polishing.
Quick modstep question, while we're on the topic:
How can I activate patterns 2-15 on a clip, so that they will play back? I can edit them but can't find how to get any other than patten 1 to play.
Gotten to grips with modstep pretty quickly (I was bracing for a hard ride!) but this one thing is permanently vexing me.
Tap till they light up in piano-roll view, long-tap to select pattern.
Cheers. I'll try again, I don't think this worked for me. Is there any prerequisite for this working?
Maybe un-toggle 'copy' or 'edit' mode, Oscar.
it should be as easy as one tap on the pattern
Yeah I thought it would work like that. I'll have a play. I tried everything! (on a few occasions)
Lets see if I can attach a photo here, but as the others are saying, just tapping the numbers should do it.
Here I've opened up ModStep, gone for piano icon and then tapped the boxes 1, 2, 3 and 4, which then light them up.
I can see what Oscar means. Just happened here too. Upon (un)toggling copy or edit mode, or something completely different, the clips were rendered unselectable, had to restart. Bug?
Edit: ok, if you play and then stop, you need to de-select the speed icon, @OscarSouth
It's working for me now this morning, it seems.
jbvdb, I'm running modstep (midi only) inside audiobus with some other apps and output to aum, rooting from and to Auria Pro (bus). Because state-saving, sidebar accessiblity, etc.
ModStep coupled with AUM is awesome. I use AUM as mixer mainly because it has bussing, but I also use the ModStep Mixer sometimes if I am only working on a limited number tracks
My workflow involves my ipad air2 running Aum and all the synths i intend on using plugged into an irig midi. meanwhile i use my ipad 3 running modstep connected to a usb hub via a CCK. to this hub i have 2 keith macmillan k-boards that have their midi locked to a scale using thumbjams scale lock with white keys. i also have an m-audio midisport 1x1 sending and recieving midi to the Ipad Air2.
basic gist is my new ipad is my sound module and my old one is pure midi processing. i even automate the volume faders in Aum and the Audiounit effects using cc's from modstep on the ipad3. so pretty much the entire track is running in realtime. no recording whatsoever. only time i record is when i want to render the stems to be imported into ableton on my desktop for final mixing and mastering.
Amazing, thanks everyone for the answers, it's giving me food for thought!
To clarify I don't have auria or beatmaker 2 yet, but I am thinking about getting them to bounce to audio and save some cpu
What I have been trying is sequencing synths then sending them thru AUM into iMPC pro and chopping and resequencing from there.
So I guess most agree that the mixer in AUM is better than in modstep, that's good to know, I love AUM!
As for controllers, anyone try out the Ik multimedia irig pads?
Like I said I am looking to be able to run just my iPad Air 2 as a standalone idea hub for when I am away for work, which is fairly often these days!
Wow that sounds impressive, and you are running this no problem?
I need to look into that thumb jam scale lock thing thanks
I load synths and drums into Modstep via IAA, sequence them or record live midi using Modstep keys (beta) to develop a set of midi clips for each, then render each track as seperate stems and ship them into a timeline DAW (MTS, will try AP) for more fun as needed- no AUM no AB involved.
Does anyone else experience a fair amount of jitter when sequencing other apps or hardware from Modstep? The timing seems rather sloppy, and recording MIDI from an external keyboard can yield hugely unpredictable results, which has sadly rendered it useless for me...although I'm convinced that updates will fix the issues I'm having.
This app is on my radar but haven't decided.
I'm glad someone finally mention this ! I thought I was alone to experience that. I like very much midi sequencer apps and ModSTEP in particular. I run it on my iPad Pro, ans so far, I only launched my apps inside MODSTEP as IAA, since I'm still in the learning process with this app. I consciously build some midi CC template for iMini, Animoog, FM4... and build some drum kits with my own samples. But there are a few things that MODSTEP regularly does that I don't understand : midi synchro may not be very accurate all the time, switching from the sequencer mode to the piano roll mode (for the same pattern) may does strange things to... (notes written in piano roll mode do not show up at all on the sequencer view...). But what bothers me the most is when using my midi keyboard : I stay on piano roll mode, record my notes from my midi keyboard, and when I toggle record off, my sequence is played but there are no notes at all on the grid, both sequencer and piano view, it's like a ghost sequence. And what's strange too is when the notes are played one octave downer after toogling record off. And there's the quantize feature which acts strangely too : when activated on a recorded sequence, some of the notes are transposed...
And I must say that ModSTEPS crashes a lot... again, I work with IAA apps loaded in MODSTEP but I never used more than 3.
Of course, there's a good chance that some of these issues are the result of a lack of experience. But I tried to work on these issues (reading the manual for the fifth time...), and since they keep happening, I begin to wonder if this great app may need 1 or 2 more updates before being really reliable.
But after reading this tread, I will try to load all my apps in AUM, and use MODSTEP just in midi...
If anybody else is experiencing the same issues, in particular if you work with a midi keyboard, I will be glad to hear from you,
good night (day..)
Determined to use Modstep (and not have wasted my money). Have once again just spent an hour of frustration. As stated before, the timing is sloppy (use the inbuilt sampler and program 1/16 note hi hats, notice how jittery playback is). IAA sync seems utterly broken...the transport controls appear in iSpark and Patterning but do very little, iSpark won't stay in sync and Patterning stops playback after 1/2 a bar, EVERY TIME. I really want to like this app, it's just that it's currently an absolutely joyless experience....
Wow sorry to hear that, what other options for sequencing do you use?
I've been exploring the separate midi outs in fugue machine and that's quite fun despit the short loop length
Fugue Machine is pretty much the only MIDI sequencer that works perfectly, although it is pretty limited beyond what it was built to do. Xynthesizr too. While these are great for inspiration, they're not ideal for the bread & butter sequencing I require (such as simply recording notes from an external keyboard). Waiting for Secret Base Design's Infinite Looper to go live on the App Store.....any minute now...
@sleepless, @cyril777
Maybe I'm stupid to suggest it: have you zeroed out the swing function? New projects load with a fair percentage of swing...I ask because I don't see any jitter in using onboard or IAA instruments with 16th notes. It's true I'm on the beta (several updates in) in which many things have been sorted and new features added but I don't recall jitter ever.
The Modstep update just went live, now we all have to remodel our expressed workflows.
Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that we released the update today:
I could say exactly what sleepless said : I want to love this app but... for now... I do not have the fun I should have when I see its capacity.
- There's the lack of stability, which is quite surprising because so far I never used more than 3 IAA apps.
- Like sleepless said, MODSTEP IAA transport control bar (when it exists) does nothing : iMini, SeekBeats...
- the source / destination settings I should be simplified and with SeekBeats for example, you have to choose virtual midi (in SeekBeats settings for notes inputs), then switch to MODSTEP and go back to SeekBeats settings to choose MODSTEP as the source for inputs note in order to see SeekBeats as a destination in MODSTEP settings...
And I have just a question : yesterday I used for the first time MODSTEP with AUM, with my apps loaded in AUM : is it possible to trigger the play in MODSTEP when pressing play in AUM ?
But maybe some of these problems are fixed with today's update... let's see.
@cyril777 : Yes, the update should fix most of your concerns. Stability is unfortunately also bound to the IAAs you use, so even 1 can be too many
Instead of using IAA sync, try MIDI Clock. MIDI behavior should definitely be fixed, for external control, tap MIDI MAP. You can find a list of all available controls you can control externally at the end of the manual (www.modstep.net/manual) including the transport buttons.