Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.

What is Loopy Pro?Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.

Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.

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Loopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.

Need cover art? I do cover art...

I'm offering a deal on digital paintings.
One 300 dpi 12x12 (double the side you need for a cd, and you can blow it up to poster size with minimal loss)
digital painting for $100 a pop.

Below are examples of my work, however they are more for an example of skill level as opposed to content.
I make a living as a fine artist, and these are my own trip.

I've done tons of record covers, illustrated for weird tales magazine, and the last two bram stoker poetry award winners had my covers on them. I'm going to take credit for that, since obviously they only have two things in common. My work and winning the awards.

Drop me a line here or via email [email protected]

Here's a link to my etsy page and below that are examples of digital paintings.

**Seriously, I promise not to include piles of blood and knives on your covers unless you ask.
If you need more examples, just ask.

Moderator edit: explicit images in here; click to reveal:



  • (Edited original post to require click to open, as images flagged as NSFW)

  • @Michael said:
    (Edited original post to require click to open, as images flagged as NSFW)


    NSFW....errrr, not safe for women?

    Interesting work, although very much of a style. Not wishing to knock enterprise, but lots of peeps here - me included - have extensive design experience.

  • @Zen210507 said:

    @Michael said:
    (Edited original post to require click to open, as images flagged as NSFW)


    NSFW....errrr, not safe for women?

    Interesting work, although very much of a style. Not wishing to knock enterprise, but lots of peeps here - me included - have extensive design experience.

    Awesome, well then those peeps can take care of it themselves... others may need outside help.

  • @Ego_Likeness said:
    Awesome, well then those peeps can take care of it themselves... others may need outside help.


    Always worth a try. :) Good luck.

  • NSFW = Not safe for work

    Ie maybe not the sort of images you want on your screen when the boss walks past, especially when you’re not expecting them

  • @BiancaNeve said:
    NSFW = Not safe for work

    Ie maybe not the sort of images you want on your screen when the boss walks past, especially when you’re not expecting them


    Ah, right. I see. This is where I am never at any risk, ‘cause I am the boss. ;)

  • @BiancaNeve said:
    NSFW = Not safe for work

    Ie maybe not the sort of images you want on your screen when the boss walks past, especially when you’re not expecting them

    @Zen210507 may have a point... it doesn’t look safe for the women in the artwork, so it works for either in this case :wink:

  • A man walks in to a film-makers forum, and says "Need soundtracks? I do soundtracks!"

    And then posts death metal tracks retelling his rape fantasies.

    Just a story I heard, nothing to do with this.

  • edited May 2018

    @Ego_Likeness Okay, if nobody else will say it, I will. Are you okay in the head? Seriously, are you suffering from an oedipus complex or other mommy issues? Out of ALL of the artwork you could’ve presented to us as your “selling points”, you provide us with your nasty fetishes of women being brutally mutilated and tortured, but in a “representational artistic meaningful way”. Well done, mate. Bravo. :lol: :smirk: That’ll sure rake in the sales! Just when I thought today would be “just another normal morning” in the ol’ Audiobus forums, lolol.

    (Okay, so I admit, the one with the goats is pretty cool, but the other ones? What the actual ass? :astonished: )

  • For those curious about the content, my main market is women actually. It’s funny because more men than women find the work strange or disturbing. These are from a calander coming out next year called ,”witches.” Which may provide some context for the work.

    @richardyot I can assure you these are in no way “rape fantasies.”

    @jemakerofmusic I’m totally fine in the head, see above about the subject matter. I used those because they are digital... as opposed to actual paintings which are much more expensive.

    Here is some more prosaic work.
    And if that’s too edgy, here’s my children’s book.

  • @jwmmakerofmusic and you will be happy to know that this has already yielded multiple gigs. Yay advertising!

  • @jwmmakerofmusic said:
    @Ego_Likeness Okay, if nobody else will say it, I will. Are you okay in the head?


    That made me laugh out loud, JWM. :D Straight to the point, and absolutely honest.

  • Dunno guys. Diving right in to the ad hominem out of the gate, while vaguely cute, is generally fround upon in critique. I’m actially kind of surprised, I’m sure at some point in your career your music must have been reviewed. Its a shame that didn’t inform your response.

    You are more than welcome to your opinion of my work. Naturally all art is open to interpretation, but I’m surprised on a forum for a product that promotes creativity to see such poor critique skills.

    Glad you like the goat one, it’s available as a print if you’re interested.

  • edited May 2018

    @Ego_Likeness Just out of curiosity...are you familiar with the work of Kent Williams? If not, give him a look up...I think you will dig it.

    FWIW, I like the multi-layered nature of some of the compositions..while the subject matter is debatable...there's a lot of nice elements occurring in some of the pieces...keep up painting and evolving and don't worry about the critics...you're not doing something worth a damn if you don't have haters ;)

    and while we're sharing...here's a bit of me from my other side...been a while since I've hit the canvas though there are a couple pieces in here:


  • Right. You’re the guy with the amazing live rig setup? You look like you are living a very creative life and for that I applaud you.

  • edited May 2018

    @Ego_Likeness said:
    Here is some more prosaic work.
    And if that’s too edgy...

    Whoa, whoa, hold the phone there White Laurent. Your children’s book might also “be too edgy” for me, just like your culturally appropriated rastafari haircut. :smirk: I mean, my “diving right in to the ad homina mahna mahna” possibly couldn’t be the fact you choose to share art that really shouldn’t be shared outside of your coven. Remember, this is a forum full of personalities who hail from ALL walks of life, not just from Forks.

    Now, sarcastic humour aside, your “prosaic” art is simply incredible to look at. Even your fetishistic witch art is incredibly well made. Just keep in mind that “tact” isn’t just a four-letter word.

    *(In case others didn’t get the reference, Laurent was a vampire of colour from Twilight who wore dreadlocks.)

  • @Zen210507 said:

    @jwmmakerofmusic said:
    @Ego_Likeness Okay, if nobody else will say it, I will. Are you okay in the head?


    That made me laugh out loud, JWM. :D Straight to the point, and absolutely honest.

    You should see my next reply to him just above this one to you. I mean, it’s not that I can’t appreciate all of the blood, sweat, and tears he painstakingly put into each piece. ( :trollface: ) It’s that, didn’t he have any other digital art?

  • edited May 2018

    @Ego_Likeness said:
    You are more than welcome to your opinion of my work. Naturally all art is open to interpretation, but I’m surprised on a forum for a product that promotes creativity to see such poor critique skills.

    Woah. It is not the job of anyone here to critique your art. You came here touting for work, remember. :)

    What you don’t seem to get is that there are people here also making a living from creativity, some with artwork, some successful enough to have been selling for years. Hard as it may be for you to imagine, some as skilled, or possibly even better than you. All art being subject to the eye of the beholder, of course, ;)

    What members here try to do is leave their egos at the door.

  • @jwmmakerofmusic I find your mix of insults and respect for the skill involved fascinating. Mostly because I haven't insulted you in any way at all. You're cultural appropriation comment is laughable. Clearly you looked me up enough to find pictures, I'm assuming you noticed my skin tone.

    @Zen210507 I wasn't asking for a critique, my point was that the response has been less... elegant? than one might expect for a forum like this. I've never understood the point of artists of any kind feeling the need to insult another artists work, or in this case, the person behind it. Not to mention the remarkable conclusions being jumped to here.

    I do make a living in art and music. And I have for the last 20 years.
    This will give you some insight into that. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=ego+likeness

    Here is my side project, https://www.amazon.com/Stoneburner/e/B00QVN4Z2E/digital/ref=ntt_mp3_rdr?_encoding=UTF8&sn=d

    If you really want my full discography and art CV I can arrange it.

    So, no, the idea that there are other people here who do the same thing that I do is not at all surprising. Thus perhaps my mistaken expectation of a more mature response from some in this discussion.

    I don't think at any point I questioned anyone's skill, if I did, please show me where. All I did was post that the service was available and showed examples of the work. You were the one who felt the need to tell me that other people might be able to do the same thing. Which is totally cool, more power to them and yourself. I would love to see what you do. Seriously.

    As far as Egos go, man, I've got a 40+ record discography, I've been published world wide, NASA brought me on board to score videos for them, because the people who do them are fans of what I make. I spend half the year on tour with my bands, and the other half at home making art. I have zero to prove to anyone.

    The entire point of any of my responses on this was to address comments people have made, and try to clear up any confusion.

    @echoopera those are cool, what are you doing the construction in Maya? I've dicked around with some 3D stuff, but only as a way of setting up scenes and lighting as virtual models for painting.

    @gusgranite Thanks man!

  • I should clarify, there are two Stoneburner bands. Mine are the ones with the mostly orange/yellow/red covers. The other act is a sludge metal band out of Portland, who I don't think are active anymore.

  • edited May 2018

    @Ego_Likeness said:
    If you really want my full discography and art CV I can arrange it.

    No, thanks. What I’d like is for you to shelve the attempts at talking down to us, and presenting yourself as the big I am. You have talent, no one disputes that. Others here have also had success, but don’t feel the need to list such achievements. Get over yourself.

  • @Ego_Likeness

    First of all, the “cultural appropriation” comment was tongue-in-cheek as were my other dorky references. I prefer the humourous approach rather than the “drag down the vibe of this forum” approach when being brutally honest, but hey, you want the “more mature” response? Despite the fact your art is well done, I really don’t appreciate waking up in the morning, checking the forum to see what’s new, entering a thread that seemed innocuous enough, and being confronted with mostly sickening gory disturbing imagery of mutilated women (the one with the goat notwithstanding) before Michael had the chance to hide the examples behind a spoiler tag. It’s as plain and simple as that. While many people (myself included) can appreciate the talent and technique used to create said art, not everybody is into the subject matter. Hence why I “dove right into the ad hominem” in my usual humourously sarcastic way rather than, well, making a reply as dreary as this.

  • @Zen210507 said:

    @Ego_Likeness said:
    If you really want my full discography and art CV I can arrange it.

    No, thanks. What I’d like is for you to shelve the attempts at talking down to us, and presenting yourself as the big I am. You have talent, one disputes that. Others here have also had success, but don’t feel the need to list such achievements. Get over yourself.

    Calm down mate. It’s better to have a laugh about it than get upset. For instance...

    As far as Egos go, man, I've got a 40+ record discography, I've been published world wide, NASA brought me on board to score videos for them, because the people who do them are fans of what I make. I spend half the year on tour with my bands, and the other half at home making art. I have zero to prove to anyone.

    ...if he has “zero to prove”, then why boast at all? :smirk: Right, irony at its finest.

  • In other news, that photo of the dog next to its painting, making pretty much the same expression as in the painting, is adorable!

  • What bothers me personally, is the commercial aspect. I am really tired of being forced to watch commercials on every end of the net. I have an adblocker in place and try to be as little tainted by the shit, as possible. When I come here, it‘s for the information and patient/friendly exchange of experiences concerning ios music making. What is fine for me is people posting their artwork/music as a way to let others know what is possible with ios devices at this moment in time. What I personally don‘t appreciate, is the shameless ad this is (being surrounded by big-mouths anyways), and using an unassuming public forum for it (yes, please try to leave your ego at the door, if you will). I guess I am jealous, being a not so prolific painter and musician, and not that greatly successful, after all... . Bottomline: pleeease no ads, I‘m sick and tired of it. Thank you!

  • edited May 2018

    @animal said:

    When I come here, it‘s for the information and patient/friendly exchange of experiences concerning ios music making.

    Exactly. We all have our creative uses, and sometimes can help each other out, but no one goes for the hard sell, or does this ‘I am among you’ thing. :)

  • Are you mainly oils or do you do acrylic and other mediums? I do watercolour most lunchtimes (except this week, only did one, rain, plus I’m concentrating on lyrics at the mo). I don’t get on with bitmap painting, for some reason, although I do vector art a lot in my work.

  • edited May 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I can’t seem to tag on mobile, so...

    I only brought up what I have donebecause you seemed to not understand where I was coming from. And since you felt the need to speak down to me, when I have responded respectfully to you, it seemed appropriate.

    I was in no way attempting to ,”take anyone down.” Again, you guys felt the need to make shitty comments, all of which I tried to address with no vitriol.

    Clearly none of that matters as you have made up your mind, which make things easier for me as far as who to worry about responding to.

    To the person who didn’t want to see ,”advertising.” What can I tell ya, it’s not against the rules. I’m offering a service and people have taken me up on it, which clearly means there’s a need for it. All and all it’s pretty easy to ignore a post.

  • edited May 2018

    @Michael_R_Grant said:
    In other news, that photo of the dog next to its painting, making pretty much the same expression as in the painting, is adorable!

    I know, right? I do a lot of ,”pet memorials,” so it’s nice doing one where the animal is alive. And do enthusiastic about the work!

    @u0421793 said:
    Are you mainly oils or do you do acrylic and other mediums? I do watercolour most lunchtimes (except this week, only did one, rain, plus I’m concentrating on lyrics at the mo). I don’t get on with bitmap painting, for some reason, although I do vector art a lot in my work.

    In general oil. I did a bunch of huge landscapes for a law firm recently, and in the interest of coverage I did the base coat in acrylic.

    I just started the digital thing a couple of weeks ago. I can’t recomend affinity photo+Apple Pencil on an iPad Pro enough. It’s worth noting that the full sized versions of the digital stuff up there is around 20x whatever inches printed. That’s not blown up, I’m doing the work at 300 ppi, that size on the pad itself.

This discussion has been closed.