Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.
What is Loopy Pro? — Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.
Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.
Download on the App StoreLoopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.
I think I’ve reached that point (maybe)
So, after finishing the FabFilter bundle I’m at a point of being satisfied with everything I have in the iOS world. Not saying I won’t jump for something coming from left field but who knows.
Anybody in the same boat? I see a lot of users here holding out on certain types of fx, drums, synths (do I need another synth?), shimmer, reverb etc so on and so forth.
I believe the knowledge within this community has helped me tremendously to hold out on certain apps. At the beginning, you mofos cost me a lot of money.
I will certainly explore and research certain developers and keep an eye out on newcomers. However, as long as the apps I have keep getting love I have plenty of apps to make a career worth of albums.
And I can’t forget that some of us, myself included, still need to learn the apps that we have.
[obligatory drambo can do everything so no one else has to post it]
I need nothing.
I just bought the thu full package! All the Nembrini amps. And a Ownhammer ir package. Not too mention a full arsenal of hardware amps and pedals that I've been collecting. . Wtf is wrong with me? I'm absolutely done!! Definitely playing electric guitar more than I have in a long time. So I got that going for me. 🤓
I'm not even close to being done. I need a ton of StaffPad IAP sample sets... that's going to hurt.
@brambos is working on a new app.
But I get your point. After buying FabFilter and ToneBoosters and 4 Pockets and Virsyn and... and FX. I get your point. My iPad can't hold most of what I own.
I recently deleted and restored AUM and AudioShare to get a little breathing room for
more apps.
I really should be spending money on a new iPad with more storage to better use what I already own.
Still... the act of buying apps is addicting. And it's a victimless crime though I know someone that might claim some harm to my behaviors but this is a lot less financially damaging than hardware or desktop addictions.
All that remains...
Mainly random cherries and sprinkles coming as free updates I think.
A certain audio track IAP maybe... if it ever happens.
A certain app from a fellow who made a really good but initially insanely buggy/crashy app that eventually said ‘screw this gig I’m leaving to start a new thing’, that I was hecka curious about once upon a time but now it has been so long I kinda forget if it was ever real or not.
I am just going to upgrade my desktop daw as it is eight years old and getting crashy and the trial works awesome plus a few new features etc whoot quarantine etc.
Just got Cubasis3. If Hammond B3x goes on half price sale, probably. SWAM instruments... if ever. Now I am considering a desktop VST piano, if porting to Cubasis is no problem. I think that’s it.... for now
Now I’m Nothing
Good to see you’re playing more. I’ve noticed I kept looking for the new shiny toy and I have all of these apps collecting dust!
@iOSTRAKON i think I am satisfied as well...though some are tempting me and I still frequent this forum far too often.
Since the release of miRack and Drambo, I have not felt compelled to add anything else to my arsenal. Those two really set a high bar for iOS music making
For me, unless it's a new IAP pack in Beathawk or a new sample pack from KSHMR, I'm satisfied with everything I got.
Now you can run sine-sweeps through them to easily find those with unavoidable aliasing.
So... we should all move to the Creations thread and get crackin' on some musical output.
But first. I need an iTunes gift card to get Lagrange and work through 114 SpiderIceMidas presets and pick up Moodunits and check for any sales or new app drops. Don't wait up for me.
Oops... hit quote while intending to edit. Carry on.
as far as everything i need..
i would say i have more than i need!
for me i buy the new things just because it’s fun to get a new synth effect or host...
i can certainly do everything with about 5 apps haha but i have 100s .
i want to spend more time in mirack and create a lot of my music with it.. that could keep me busy for ever, but i still love pulling up a synth that someone else created and messing around.
my biggest struggle is track arrangement and finishing an idea.
that is what i need most, something that gives me the freedom i need to create ambient music off the timeline , i don’t do good with building a song that way... clips are cool but really i’ve been loving sampling layers in koala to build up parts and then piecing it all together. koala is limited but it does what it is supposed extremely well...
i’m looking at impc 2 as a place to go post koala but it gets a bad rap so i’m waiting and trying my hand at bm3 again to play pads , those pads containing entire phrases of songs that just need jammed and recorded live... but i hope something better comes along or they update those two apps
The iPad got me back into music making after a few years out of the game but I recently went back to desktop and dived into Reason 11, Reaper and Band in a Box - these three cover me now for all I want to do. Reaper has been a revelation for me! So, yes, I’m probably done for on iOS ........for now!
i agree with everything you said.... except : Fundamental is coming out tomorrow, so ... here we are 😎
I’m happy with what i have, and excited by what’s to come; for example, Loopy Pro.
I'm happy that my app-o-holism has somewhat slowed down considerably...
...it's down to an average of 4-6 apps/month and that includes free apps.
(This month it's AddStation, Schroeder Reverb, Blue Mangoo Oscilloscope, WaveScope(Free), ShimmerVerb and Koala FX)
I've already got way too many apps to be able to focus so the priority lately has been to go thru every single app I have installed and see if they still 'tick' with me if not then they get deleted.
Even though I seldom use BeBot it always makes me happy every time I launch and play with it for some strange un-describable reason?!
I need AuV3 Bebot
A lot of app purchases for me are little 'treats', since I don't really go out or spend money on myself. I'll have a bit of fun with them, and then the majority will sit in a quite folder corner while I carry on using the usual contenders.
I do enjoy rediscovering apps I haven't used for ages though - Poseidon and Addictive Pro were fun to muck about with last night.
The things I really need are a new iPad - desperately awaiting the next Air update - and 'time', since that seems to be in short supply at the moment.
Sorry, don't wat to derail the thread - but how is Addstation working on your Air 2 Samu? I've got my eye on that one, but heard it's a bit CPU intensive.
I definitely really enjoy exploring new things, if I didn't there is no way I would do as many new app reviews. But there is no question it comes at a cost of neglecting apps you already have. I tend to slowly build up some favourites over time that I use a lot. From time to time something new gets added to that list of regulars. Arp Bud 2 has now joined Ioniarics in that regard.
Then sometimes I go back and explore properly something that I have had for a while but didn't use much or understand deeply and it is often a revelation - Reelbus for example is one I'm doing that with this past week or so.
But the problem is not just neglecting apps, it is also neglecting the other things you need to work on. For me, currently, those would be keyboard skills and putting full tracks together. The last one is complicated by the fact that, like Reasone, I don't have much interest in laboriously piecing together tracks in a DAW. I'm loving generative midi. It is taking time to piece together how to turn those midi doodles into something a bit more structured. So this would be another example of something I'd have more time to work on if I paid less attention to new apps. It will come in time though. Learning to use the tools is also how you learn what's possible. We learn through play. We don't have fixed ideas of what we want to do and then go out and find the apps that do them. We play with stuff and then ideas of new directions emerge.
So, for me, currently, I don't feel too bad about spending time playing around with new apps. It is a way for me to learn stuff, it is learning through play. But there will come a time when that will not be so satisfying or rewarding any more, and then my priorities will change.
It's a 'CPU HOG' that's all I can say.
Some patches go into crackle town big time when playing too many notes at once.
For simpler chords and serving as 'sampler fodder' it's working pretty good and that is how I use most of the apps anyway.
I no longer expect miracles from the iPad Air 2, it's starting to show it's age with more modern apps.
(For example I've stayed away fro Sugarbytes Factory and Aparillo since they are pretty heavy on the CPU and I would just get annoyed tweaking them and hearing things crack up).
So far I've not managed to make the Air 2 go 'crazy' when exploring the app in sensible manner.
The built-in recorder works quite well for making samples of the app so I don't have to use AUM to host the AUv3 and and make the Air 2 crawl in case I get trigger happy with applying other effects...
It is an interesting synth for sure and I got it at the intro-price before it goes up...
Good thing is it's universal and my iPhone 8 has more ooomppfh than my iPad Air 2
Seems I have very similar approach. My “app-o-holism” is like a bell curve.
) and collected dozens of apps. Now I’m much more confident which new app would fit my taste, my needs, so I buy less new apps again.
At the beginnining I was very careful which app to buy. Later I became more and more brave(stupid?
Many apps I collected during my “journey” are redundant, I simply don’t like them or do not fit my workflow. Having said that I didn’t regret the purchases. It was necessary part of my learning curve. I was an absolute novice in iPad music, I can’t imagine other way to find out my personal preference.
@GLacey Exactly - it’s really the only way to find out. It’s like listening to music - someone can describe an album to you, you can read - or even watch - reviews - but in a lot of cases the only way to know is to try. So if you have the budget, I say to hell with it, buy and try as much as possible, and then at some point start to rein it in - while remembering that buying new apps, like any habit that gives pleasure - can become very addictive.
Thanks Samu! Sounds like I’ll get away with it then, so I’ll probably grab that tonight. I’ll most likely be recording it into the Mac anyway,
Factory and Aparillo actually work ok on my Air 2, haven’t had any crackles, and run them with other bits and bobs in AUM. Factory in particular is great fun to play with.
Good to know, might grab the Factory IAP when they do a sale next time around...
Man, I’ve reached that point a while ago. Yes I still use Logic and Final Cut Pro X for mastering tracks but that’s just habit. I could easily do it and starting to do it in Mastering app and CapCut even though multi cam video editing is holding me back.
Musically though, it is all iOS. I thing Drambo tipped me over the edge. I’m now contemplating selling my 27” iMac and 16 in 16 out FireWire interface as I just don’t use it.
It’s great to be feeling light again.
It's quite fun to 're-discover' apps too
No regrets here either. it's 'learning by doing' at it's finest.
I have too many apps on my iPad that are just wasting storage, they were amazing at one point in time...
...but serve no real purpose other than nostalgia nowadays since the connectivity is lacking.
All the apps I still have installed work ok under iPadOS13.6.1 but some use older SDK versions that can sometimes make connectivity a bit wonky.
My current criteria for app connection is AUv3 and for sharing an iOS share-sheet or files.app support.
If it doesn't support AUv3 or have good export options it has to be very special to stay on my iPad...
Thankfully some older apps include built-in recorders and somewhat good export options.
My problem with apps is that I follow the same loop (no pun intended), over and over.
I see an app I like the look of, research the shit out of it on youtube and buy it.
I then dont dive deep enough into it and repeat the process with another app.