Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.
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@kobamoto said:
It is definitely a Sampleheads dream app. while at the same time frustratingly and at times infuriatingly misses the mark because of the legacy associated with the MPC name. The baffling part is that we're not talking about challenges which are technically immense, just prioritization issues. Hence, what could have been a slam dunk of an app. suddenly becomes one of the most polarizing apps. in recent memory.
The good part is that the app. has a solid foundation, smooth, friendly workflow, good stability (on my Ipad Air) and has been updated for IOS 8. The only question now is will Retronyms finish the job and knock this thing out of the park or drop the ball, strike out, miss the shot.....or have a shot clock violation because time expired:)
@Kobamoto Can't argue with a word you said, loved the app, just couldn't work it into what I am doing or my current workflow. If I didn't have it now, but still had the experience using it, I'd buy it again in a second. Its just too much fun as toy if nothing else for me, my non-musical wife like to play it as well, and something that much fun has to eventually find a place somewhere in my workflow.
As others have said, it has its flaws, but so does almost every other iOS app I've ever used. I wonder how long a thread on the "Perfect iOS Music apps I use" would last?
@kobamoto/dham thanks! Well that sucks! I hope they fix this. They should definitely iron out bugs out of their apps before bringing new ones on board. I've been trying to use it with cubasis via inter-app audio but cpu seems to be all the way up and this is on the ipad air. Impc seems to freeze but cubasis runs np.
I'm completely objective when it comes to sampling cause I love it so much
Can't fault your enthusiasm Sir
@Dham, exactly, and if they decided not to drop the ball like they did with the original impc they would make more money than all of that stryke, wej, etc… whatever else they are doing go figure.
@bigdawgsbyte - so true no perfect apps, and if there is a better beatmachine sampler def let me know cause I want it
@paradiddle please ask retronyms whats the deal on their fb page cause I don't think they're that fond of my questions they don't respond anymore, we need as many people as possible to address the issues.
I wonder how much of the issues with iMPC Pro revolve around it being a contract job for Akai so there was a limited budget. Perhaps these origins have resulted in a limited sense of ownership for the app? Plus they sold an incredible number of copies of the app out of the gate.
It will be interesting to see if the level of follow through on Retronyms apps will improve on their solo projects.
For the record I do quite like the app the mpc workflow is there, but I was questioning the op original praise of it without knowing much about it, posting on a board that has no integration for the product in question and also making comparisons to to the hardware was all just plain weird to me came across to me like a marketing stunt.
But now we're into a more meaningful discussion!
I've owned mpc 2000, 2500, 4000, 500 & Studio, Maschine mk1, Roland mv8800. The Ipad stuff thats out at the moment has made most of them redundant which is incredible place to be as a beatmaker having something so portable to do it all on instead of stuck in a studio.
I've done 2 tracks on with the Impc-pro app, but the amount of effort I had to put in was 2 or 3 fold of other apps due to crashes and having to re-do stuff because of bugs and quirks. I will do some more but I'm hoping for some update to make it a bit more stable.
There a lot of opinions about certain brands on this board. I dont have any gripes with retronyms and I think a lot of apps come in for a lot of undue criticism, for an app that costs a couple of coffees or beers its really unjustified. If these apps were £50 I would agree with a lot of the criticism, but they're not.
All in all I think we're really spoiled for quality beat making apps in the drum / sampler ilk. As for the others I use the my main criteria for it being of use/ good is to get finished tracks out them. Having fun / toying around doesnt interest me as I prefer to be productive.
Gadget is great and the the new two samplers are really good abu dhabi in particular is so easy to use, but has a lot of depth.
BM2 is the king, but has an awkward workflow (until you get usedto it) and is ROCK solid. I'm really looking forward to BM3.
I wish iMaschine was bit more comprehensive.
Not managed a single track on Cubasis which is disappointing but certain bit of functionality just dont fit my workflow mainly around sampling.
Beat-Machine is nice, but couldnt make a full track on it.
Made a few tunes on Nanostudio, but its still to limited and I dont like nano-sync at all. Caustic is good with the last update it, but again never managed a full track on it although its fun.
iMPC Pro is a great app...took a little time to get my head around the workflow but when i did my creativity was relatively unhindered....this app will definetly get better with updates....and the tap for precision mode should be built into ios, its that good....:)
@Jose_Bee Good and fair summation I think, and if bookended by @DaveMagoo -as it is- you have a pretty decent state-of-play for a lot of folks who may wander by and wonder what all the fuss is about (either for or against this product and its manufacturers).
For me, iMPC does a lot of things well, but I don't really feel it.....but, feelings can change.
@Jose_Bee said:
I don't think the pricing structure should have any bearing on whether an app should perform as advertised. Apps are priced cheaper than desktop versions as the tablet/mobile market model would not support the high prices they ask. But as they sell higher volumes, and there's no physical product and a virtual delivery, some developers are still making a very healthy profit. They wouldn't bother otherwise. If your cup of coffee arrived with a big dollop of phlegm in it I'm sure you'd complain.
But saying all that, I've probably paid between 200 - 300 pounds on music apps over the last few years (probably more, but I'm too chicken to count it up), and I either can't, or don't use half of those. For less than that I bought a copy of Logic X a couple of years ago (£139.99) which makes most apps on my iPad look like feeble toys in comparison.
iMPC Pro cost me £9. It's not going to stop me from buying food this month, but I'm not so rich I can just take a tenner out of my pocket and throw it into a hedge. Every dud app that I buy adds to the total I've wasted, so I feel completely justified in criticising any that turn out to be a lemon.
@kobamoto said:
The most disappointing thing about iMPC Pro is that apart from having some nice samples, it adds nothing to my workflow that I couldn't already do with existing apps, particularly now I have a sampler within Gadget. And even then, thanks to it's lack of AB support triggering those onto a GB track is an ordeal. That's why it's been so easy to drop, and why it won't be missed once it's deleted.
I'd love to hear some examples of music you've created with iMPC Pro. Why don't you post some samples? Maybe it'll inspire me to wheel it out (again) and give it (yet another) chance.
Heres a couple I made on impc pro
I produced a track on bm2 that actually got me a record deal a pressed to 7" so I'm slightly biased I suppose but you can do a job with impc pro if you put the time in.
Those of us who populated that 1,000+ post thread this summer and watched the goofy lead-up video series hyping the features of the app have a sort of skewed perspective on the app. The reality is that somebody right now is just getting into iOS music, and will find the app for the first time in January, with no clue about any of the hype or promises. And their perspective will be on the app alone: is it worth the $13 (or whatever it costs).
My perspective: I know very little about sampling, but I do like a good beatbox. I think iMPC is an above-average app that is missing just a few key features (AudioBus! Full MIDI functionality. Easy loop export with properly trimmed measures.) I think the on-board sounds are terrific, and the interface is top notch. And for the features it lacks, it does do some great things with IAA and allowing you to sample sounds directly from IAA instrument apps. Also, it should be noted that IAA is far more prevalent than it was at the time iMPC Pro was released, due to the whole Audiobus 2.1 thing.
The frustration over iMPC Pro isn't necessarily how much is broken, but the perspective that the developer (which has notably more resources than many indie developers) either lacks the ability, time, or interest in fixing the problems. That's the reason for the anger. iMPC Pro has remained installed on my device (possibly out of purchase guilt), but I rarely use it for actual music production. It's a large file size, so I should probably delete it. But I don't "regret" the purchase because it's an above-average beatbox - it just isn't "revolutionary" enough replace other apps with tighter iOS music integration.
@Jose_Bee said:
@Jose It's not a marketing stunt, it's that I just got into iOS music two months ago and have some questions before I buy the app. After reading the forums for the limited time that I have been here, I've noticed that some people give the iMPC praise and use it a lot in their music. I've also read about how the real MPC was used on a lot of records. Those two things gave me the impression that it was a great app. I'm glad I asked the question because now I know the conterversery surrounding it. I really appreciate this forum because people here are very nice and have given me a lot of advice.
@StormJH1 said:
Retronyms continues to release videos of their new projects but says very little about the status of iMPC Pro updates. They did respond to a question about Audiobus on their latest Youtube video. They still don't get it:
Filippo Bordigato2 days ago
Your stuff is always very well crafted, therefore hats up! but... why not adding audiobus compatibility to all of it?! not everybody uses tabletop or IAA so.. think about that!
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Retronyms1 day ago
We support the free apple standard (inter app audio). AB is adding support for IAA
Reply ·
@Jose_Bee nice tracks, well executed within their style. I was especially longing for some words, narrative, vox samples etc., on the second one, but that's my bias or interest. You have the feel (the cinema) of something, but I want to know the story
The workflow is ulcer-inducing.
The problem with IAA, apart from the fact it's vastly inferior to an Audiobus workflow, is that it causes stuttering on my older machine. Maybe that's because it doesn't have adjustable buffer settings like AB, but it's another minus mark for iMPC Pro. Not that they care.
Spending £9 on iMPC Pro taught me a very useful lesson - don't buy music apps that aren't on the bus, at least until I can afford to upgrade my old pad. And even then...
this is what I don't get, how can people claim that the impc pro workflow is bad and then praise the workflow of beatmaker 2?, makes no sense to me like someone said earlier even the tap for precision feature would be great in every iOS app, impc has broken ground on several workflows that would be great no matter what kind of app it was, compared to the impc workflow beatmaker2 is a hot mess at best…
again, people judging a great sampling beatmachine who don't like to sample? how does that make any sense. if you don't like to sample then I whole heartedly can understand why you wouldn't like the impc pro, but it's not the impc pro that is the factor, it's the fact that you're not into sampling that is the main factor…. i dunno maybe my perspective is a little off but ymmv
okay, how are you gonna complain that the impc pro has no audio bus and then turn around in the next sentence and praise korg gadgets samplers when they don't even sample? let me see here, audio bus is for the sake of getting audio into and out of apps, but you cannot sample audio into or out of the korg gadget samplers and they deserve your praise? so I don't know, we are all passionate about music and that's what makes it wonderful and even though I'm not seeing the objectivity here in the discussion I still respect all of your opinions here.
@monzo, the reason I don't paste my music here is because I didn't make it for the purpose of swaying anyone to use a particular app. This isn't a fanboy discussion, like I said retronyms doesn't respond to me anymore because of my critical thinking regarding the app I suppose so in the end how my eyes behold musical art is irrelevant.
@kobamoto -each time we discuss this app, I always go away and have another go with it. This time I tested your claim about its sampling prowess. So I thought I'd give sampling from other apps a go. First I tried to capture some iMS20, via the increasingly hated IAA. Nothing, no sounds coming from the keys, despite everything setup as it should be. I then tried recording a 3 second sample from Voco - which was a success, only made a chore by the IAA clunkiness of having to click around to switch apps. Great, trimmed the surplus caused by app switching, and went into my song sequence to see how it fitted in. Oh look, the song part page is bare. Let's have a look at the timeline editor.....oh, that's bare too. Tried a few more screens which caused the app to slow right down and then if by magic the timeline and sequence reappear. Fantastic, anyway let's....oh it's crashed, my whole ipad.
Seriously, I now think I've been too kind to this app. It's a buggy piece of crap.
With regards using samples in Gadget - I record into the excellent Audioshare via AB, trim it, and save to my Dropbox account so it can be easily imported into Gadget. Abu Dhabi chops the sample into pads in a very quick and easy way, unlike IMPC Pro (when it works) which is a colossal daffodil.
eek , what an experience. I only use iaa to run it through Turnado, wow, and cs spectral but I haven't ever had a crash, there was a time though when if I moved the flux effect too fast it would stop fluxing but just stopping and starting the sequencer would make it go right back to fluxing… it's been a while since I experienced that though.
sorry you don't like the slicer I'm loving it, allot of people use the impc to edit samples for gadget like Xen, the sample editing in the app is really topnotch, the fades and envelope stuff you can do is phenomenal on an app like this, I don't believe there is another with these capabilities.
the abu type slicing was an interesting choice for korg to go with in this day and age, you can't even determine the number of slices is that right?
I love audio share but I would think that if you're fine with going through all of that to get a sample into abu dabi that you'd be able to deal with the audio bus work around for the impc… I don't use it but I hear from people around here that it works good, i think you have to use another app like loopy or something as basically a host to host audio bus and then run the host app as an iaa app in the impc … have you had any luck with that?
@kobamoto - Not sure if you are aware of how AB2 enhances workflow via such features as multiple inputs, state-saving, etc., but it is so much more robust than IAA. Audiobus allows you to use the best features of your favorite apps. together (well maybe not YOUR favorite app:) just kidding, but joking aside, Retronyms can easily implement AB2 along with IAA but they choose not to and their lame excuse of only supporting "the free apple standard" is old and played out. They are clearly a shady, conniving, lying company that cannot be trusted. Fool me once shame on you
that's what I said after the first impc pro haha and look at me now, honestly if they add those features that I listed I won't even have to update the app anymore no matter what they put in it.. you know for what the app is intended for the needs are very minimal but vital, good slicing, good editing and good sequencing, a good song mode and good export options.
I don't use audio bus that much and only for resampling same with iaa, as I just don't run many apps at the same time. based on principle retro shouldn't have gotten another $12 bucks from me but in retrospect (pun intended) I'm glad I did it, I care about sampling way more than I care about their weird ways. I was skeptical at release you know slices weren't saving correctly , naming stuff wasn't working out right etc… but then they fixed all of that in the update and now it's just gorgeous…
I'd probably use more apps simultaneously if I had a better iPad and therefore I'd use audio bus and iaa more but imagine being able to chop samples for days and run it all through turnado and csspectral, resampling… it's pretty close to sample beatmaking nirvana right now.
@kobamoto said:
You're limited to a max by the number of pads, but you can use less, and if you need more just create another sampler gadget.
@kobamoto said:
@kobamoto, I can't even run IMPC Pro with one synth simultaneously without it freezing up, if I added Loopy and AB on top my ipad would melt in my lap. Even if I could, I don't see how that's in any way a better workflow than using AB on its own.
You obviously have a newer device than I have, so are not having these issues. I have a big problem with this app because it doesn't work on my iPad, yet I can happily run Gadget, Turnado and GarageBand all at the same time via AB.
i get it, cs spectral is the one thats kicking my butt right now, it's the reason I want an iPad air.
@kobamoto said:
It is a lot more powerful and fun than the MPC 500 I had last year. I guess I need to stop letting Retronyms piss me off and stress me out:) and use it for what it is, a sampler with benefits.
dham you have no idea how frustrating my conversation was with retronyms, trying to get them to understand something as simple as 'people who sample allot would like to be able to customize their own sample folder names' I almost gave myself a stroke just for that… their culture of understanding is mildly antagonistic at best
and still this thing has features i'd like to see in my 3 mpcs and maschine.
@kobamoto said:
Maschine! I just had a flashback. I had a Maschine MK1 and then MK2. When N.I. refused to add even basic copy/paste, midi and no Audiobus I was furious and got rid of Maschine and got the MPC Studio because at the time it had a useful IOS app. that had file project export capability. Even though iMaschine did as well it severely crippled in every other way. It wasn't until iMPC Pro was released that Native decided to finally update iMaschine after 2 years. Now iMaschine still has Maschine project export but nothing else while iMPC Pro no longer has project export but has a lot of other features. Crazy! Oh well, we'll see what Intua comes out with in Beatmaker 3 and also see if UVI's Beathawk ever makes it past vaporware status. We will see...........
could be wrong but i feel like uvi just gave up, I think the impc pro really blindsided allot of devs cause there are other apps out with allot of features but now the workflow of the impc pro is on the table as a feature in it's own right… bm2 proved that you could have a zillion features in an app that is almost anti-fun imho, torturous workflow. I think they are going to do something drastic for bm3 cause they have to, if all they do is put more features into the same workflow then it's not gonna even matter.
thats what really gets to me about retronyms nobody saw what was coming after the original impc and if they are capable of the impc pro then they are capable of finishing the last 12% of the app to get it too all above par status! but instead they are over there on Facebook thanking people for being so supportive of the freakin wej, !!!