Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.

What is Loopy Pro?Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.

Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.

Download on the App Store

Loopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.

The Audiobus Forum is now the Loopy Pro Forum!

In case you didn't see the announcement thread, I have some big news: Audiobus – the app – is going to a new home. Francesco and Andrea are developers and musicians who are keen to pursue Audiobus’ further potential, keep it updated and enhance the experience for users old and new – and unlike me, they have the resources to do so! They’re full of ideas and energy, and I am confident that Audiobus will be in good hands.

The Audiobus Forum, however, is staying right here with me. After some consultation with the community here about what to do, I've decided to rename it to the Loopy Pro Forum, at forum.loopypro.com.

It has a new name and new colours, but otherwise, it's the same place, and nothing else will change.


Let’s see your studio setup (photos please!)



  • @echoopera is that a shoe rack?

  • @audiblevideo said:
    @echoopera is that a shoe rack?

    It is...I thought I might see how it goes with such a minimal investment.

  • My beloved gadgets

  • edited April 2021

    Added the omni deck. Im about as good as on a 1210. Crab scratch seems easier because of ultra pitch maybe or a lighter platter. Think its as noisy as previous mixer and can be dialled back anyway so samples will be loud enough for track but still need to pseudo rca to a zoom and to keep everything else plugged in. Will have to spdif from another zoom, which might be worth about £180 or so, just so theres volca drum, modular, mic, deck always plugged into ios. Worth it? More noise with the extra spdif?

    Do like the dull green vinyl. Adds some Butcla vibe with the volcas

  • The spare stand. Will convieniently be handy for the nanokontrol and volca drum to be near deck. I could sell the zoom u44 and not need to buy plug, cable and spdif cable . Just so either the volca drum is plugged in with everything or the volca modular and mic is plugged in with everything?

  • Cant edit so a shameless bump.

    Added an aztec slipblade, which makes an even better green. Ordered pseudo rca cables just to see about noise levels. When theres no hum it seems loud enough for a track. Just havent tested with a beat and even then a bit more is just a bit of hum but I guess I gain from a zoom/aum. Fader is as sharp as a pnp2. Platter is like a direct drive. Skipless. Will be good if digital dvs works.

  • Had to move & downsize recently so have revamped my set up. There is also a PC running Pigments & Roland Zenology to the side out of shot. Need to tidy the wiring but at least all is connected & working, midi & audio. Have to swap in & out the Pro 2 / SH-101 with the Dom 1 when I want to use those. The Boog runs into the external in on the Typhon & are played from the Dom 1. I like to use multi-layered sounds. The Graphite 49 controls poly-synths on the ipad & MC-707 & PC. MC-707 also supplies most of the beats (also use the ipad for beats sometimes) & acts as master clock to everything. The microphone (SM58) runs into the VT-4.

    The Typhon & the Boog go into the Specular Tempus. Dom 1 (or Pro 2 or SH-101) go into an EHX talking Machine to Boss MD500 to Meris Polymoon to Source Audio Collider.

    Monitors are Kali Audio LP-6's & the Guitar is a Fender Squier Venus.

    Now set-up time to finally have some fun!!

  • Redid the studio finally, covered my acoustic panels, and built a new rack for the Fireface UFX+:

  • edited April 2021

    What you ordered....

    @supadom said:
    Ha, every time I post in this thread my set up is radically different.

    What you get from AliExpress 🥺

    I don’t even use this, it’s usually just the iPad and sofa...

  • edited May 2021

    The dvs works on omni deck. Always with old cck and once with cck3. So no power. Just dvs until phone runs out.

    Bought clear serato vinyl, which makes a golden record. Like when you win an award.

    I chose to not buy a mixer after problems before and maybe get money back from selling a 1210.

    Good choice ( provided it lasts )

  • You can control aum tempo with the dvs vinyl but not sure about all that.

  • @tahiche said:
    What you ordered....

    @supadom said:
    Ha, every time I post in this thread my set up is radically different.

    What you get from AliExpress 🥺

    I don’t even use this, it’s usually just the iPad and sofa...

    That’s a big muff

  • Lots of really cool setups here!

    I gave up my home studio (spare room) when I had my mom come live with us. She’s at the age where she can’t live on her own any more, so comprises had to be made. My “home studio” is now jammed into what I like to call my little “Creative Corner” of our bedroom.

  • @Tarekith what’s sitting in the desktop rack?

  • @echoopera said:
    Rebuilt the setup yet again. I decided to go with a multi tiered approach this time around. Let’s see how long it lasts🤪

    I’m using that same shoe rack right now with my current setup

  • my current playground....

  • New addition of Behringer TD-3 this morning.

    Just starting to enjoy my hardware again after a lengthy iOS only break. Cubasis 3 copes well with sequencing external hardware and AUs and records the audio just fine. All is good.

  • @audiblevideo said:

    @tahiche said:
    What you ordered....

    @supadom said:
    Ha, every time I post in this thread my set up is radically different.

    What you get from AliExpress 🥺

    I don’t even use this, it’s usually just the iPad and sofa...

    That’s a big muff

    Yes it is. I bough it waaaay back cos Radiohead (Pablo Honey) and Smasnig Pumpkins used it. So o glad I never sold it.
    You’re so nice, making me feel good about my shitty setup 🤘☺️

  • DavDav
    edited May 2021

    Hello. I've really enjoyed reading this thread and seeing all the various studio setups. Made me want to join the forum.

    I'm just starting out with ipad music production. My setup is minimal. iPad (8th gen 128gb) running MultiTrackStudio & Beathawk & Audiobus, a Korg SP250 keyboard with mio MIDI/USB connector, Sony MDR7506 headphones, Zoom H1N handheld mic, window view to nature, imagination.


  • My laptop died about half year ago, so I had to reduce my setup a bit... this was meant to be a temporary layout (folktek mesca breakout box supposed to ‘replace’ mental and motion, but the diy project got delayed) but this setup has never worked better. Drambo takes good care of everything.
    Note my excuse for modular, ES3 attached on the side... with some diy power supply hidden under the audio interface
    Another neat little thing... the fx pedals are running through a midi controllable 4way bypass loop, so I can punch in/out fx with midi commands...
    push2 is only collecting dust atm... while in desperate need for a D controller :)

  • @tahiche said:

    @audiblevideo said:

    @tahiche said:
    What you ordered....

    @supadom said:
    Ha, every time I post in this thread my set up is radically different.

    What you get from AliExpress 🥺

    I don’t even use this, it’s usually just the iPad and sofa...

    That’s a big muff

    Yes it is. I bough it waaaay back cos Radiohead (Pablo Honey) and Smasnig Pumpkins used it. So o glad I never sold it.
    You’re so nice, making me feel good about my shitty setup 🤘☺️

    You’re being modest. I think iPad + Digitakt + bunch of controllers can be a very powerful set up. I had circuit running alongside iPad for a while and could do almost anything with it. Loading a whole set up (circuit’s and Audiobus project) by pressing one button felt great and was godsend live.

  • @supadom you still have a boppad in your kit?

    I saw one floating around on ebay for 120 and was wondering what application besides 4 pad velocity sensitive drums I could use it for. My other kit is an ipad and a recently acquired Deluge.

  • @gusgranite said:
    @Tarekith what’s sitting in the desktop rack?

    Lynx Hilo on top, and a RME UFX+ on the botton. Fancy wood cover plate in between. :smiley:

  • @Tarekith said:

    @gusgranite said:
    @Tarekith what’s sitting in the desktop rack?

    Lynx Hilo on top, and a RME UFX+ on the botton. Fancy wood cover plate in between. :smiley:

    That Hilo looks killer. Lovely high end minimal setup you have.

  • edited May 2021

    @audiblevideo said:
    @supadom you still have a boppad in your kit?

    I saw one floating around on ebay for 120 and was wondering what application besides 4 pad velocity sensitive drums I could use it for. My other kit is an ipad and a recently acquired Deluge.

    I’ve taken a step back from iOS lately and focussing on some composing and recording in Logic. After selling the original bop that was mistriggering I bought another one and it’s been definitely more useful than a bog standard velocity pad. It works very well with Drambo.
    Once Drambo gets an audio looper or loopy pro comes out I’ll jump back on the wagon but it’s a bit frustrating for me atm.

    Not sure if you’ve seen this one but this is the last thing I’ve done with bop

  • @gusgranite said:

    @Tarekith said:

    @gusgranite said:
    @Tarekith what’s sitting in the desktop rack?

    Lynx Hilo on top, and a RME UFX+ on the botton. Fancy wood cover plate in between. :smiley:

    That Hilo looks killer. Lovely high end minimal setup you have.

    Thanks, I've had the Hilo since it was released and can't say enough good things about it.

  • edited May 2021

    @audiblevideo said:
    @supadom nice!

    Thanks! Note, velocity, radius and pressure are all at work here with stuff like bass lfo (wub) speed being assigned to pressure and filter to radius etc. It’s an amazing controller and worth every £ when used creatively.

  • My current Council of Elrond, messy and on a budgie

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