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MM-1 MuteMaster by Kai Aras



  • I’ve got it set up in Aum for four channels and figured out how to cycle through a sequence in order and with the pattern direction on random. I had some nice, varied jams going with parts triggering on and off. Pretty cool for just scratching the surface.

    I really don’t understand how the trigger divider and chance modules work though. I get that their purpose is to trigger patterns or parts of patterns at different rates based on certain conditions, but I don’t understand how to program them. I’m going to watch the DJ Puzzle videos again and see if that helps. I’m also hoping that @thesoundtestroom and/or @SoundForMore do tutorials as well.

  • edited April 2020

    @ka010 said:

    @MikeLee said:

    @Pitje said:
    Yup, but it’s controlled by one knob. However, nothing is preventing you from making edits on the fly. It would be super cool to be able to set those independently though :)

    I was surprised to hear a fade in, especially at higher seq divisions they don’t make much sense to how I would use them. Independent fades would be very handy.

    Fades are indepenedant for each instance so you can have the ones with percussion on them be tight and snappy while others are faded smoothly.

    @jameslondon74 said:
    This is an app I didn't even know I needed.

    1. Would people say this is primarily for AUM?

    Not at all, it works well in any host.

    1. Is anyone using this in a DAW?

    Here's an example of someone using it in BM3 to great effect.

    1. Does this effectively add an Ableton-style scenes feature to Cubasis??

    Hm well not sure, not really I think though you could get somewhat similar results for sure.

    @reasOne said:
    i’m down for seeing a good video to show this thing off 😎 videos are the most powerful way up sell an app imo.
    i’m surprised app makers don’t make more demo videos themselves as opposed to waiting for someone else to figure the app out then make one... the developer always has extra insight on how the things work... i’m not ranting that they should it just kinda shocks me you don’t see it happening much

    Well, doing a good demo requires a lot of time, skill and the necessary gear. I'm sure many including myself are lacking at least one of them.
    That said, I did @djpuzzle was nice enough to provide an introduction and I think he did a great job. Have a look, you can find it on the website at http://numericalaudio.com/mm1/

    i get it that making an amazing in depth tutorial is hard to do, but just some screen recordings / internal mic or text overs showing the jist of an app and how it can work into your workflow goes a far way. there’s really only two people making pro level ios tutorials anyway so i don’t think that’s necessary , but this app is a good example as it is mysterious and is leaving everyone asking questions that maybe could been summed up in a 5 minute video, resulting in more people going oh i need that! or no, not for me. its great as a consumer to know up front rather then get refunds, no one likes to do that..... know one really knows what thisapp does that hasnt tried it... and we have all bought many apps thinking it did a particular thing only to find out after purchase it does not do that at all, so leaves us weary.
    i’m only speaking in general i’m not calling you out haha but its quite shocking in general how little data is out on any apps before they release, to build up hype, let people know an apps capabilities etc...
    i’m not a video guy at all but i’ve put up a good number of quick app demos on my youtube just to help people figure things out on apps, turn on screen cap and use the ipads mic and anyone can make a decent video in minutes, i don’t even edit em.

    hypey expensive or even free advertisment video teasers are great to attract attention but really don’t help the end user much at the end of the day.

    i just wish they existed

    rant over

    also numerical audio is very credible so we all trust ya going in to it 😎😎😎 but still have questions pre purchase

  • @reasOne Amen brother. No need for a pro level tutorial that covers everything. Just cover the bits that the other reviewers are unlikely to understand / cover properly. A quick tutorial can be done in AUM, mic in one of the channels using your headphone mic, use screen recording, upload, very little inconvenience to the maker, great asset to buyers, helps you sell more products, win win really.

  • I have changed the title of the thread 😊

  • @White said:
    I have changed the title of the thread 😊


  • @White said:
    I have changed the title of the thread 😊

    Sweet! Now make a BM3 tutorial showing sequenced mute pattern switching. There may just be another juicy star in it for you, :kissing_heart:

  • edited April 2020

    I noticed something strange.
    If I set 2 instances to control the same channel, the fade times in each instance remain independent.
    I would think they would link together.
    Are both fade times actually effecting the output, and if so, how are they mixed?

    I think I found a bug.
    The trigger sequencer seems to skip step 2 on the first cycle.
    It doesn’t skip it after that, but the sequencer is offset from the host as a result of the skipped step.
    This is with Pattern Src set to Seq, and Pattern Dir set to Fwd.

    Oh yeah, I think I figured out the fade time thing I was originally wondering about. The fades are independent, and each sets the fade time for the source entering that instance. But the mute pattern affects all instances assigned to the same channel.
    It is really cool that it is set up to work that way.

  • edited April 2020

    I really think CC assignment would be huge. I don’t want to be tapping the screen while I play, I want to play my instrument and get lost in the performance. To be specific I’m not really interested in random actions, I want to arrange my six parts and play them live.

    Any news?

  • Yeah, it wouldn’t kill to have a video or a manual. The downfall of iOS

  • I think I found a bug.
    The trigger sequencer seems to skip step 2 on the first cycle.
    It doesn’t skip it after that, but the sequencer is offset from the host as a result of the skipped step.
    This is with Pattern Src set to Seq, and Pattern Dir set to Fwd.

    I’ve found this as well, if I set up a 4 bar pattern it’s out of sync with the host.

  • As far as I can tell, each channel is limited to ON or OFF states, with configurable fades between them. It would be nice if each channel could have a configurable minimum volume, so that OFF was actually MIN. That way it could fade down to or up from a lower volume without actually muring the channel entirely, which would be nice for more relaxed or ambient pieces.

  • @TheOriginalPaulB great idea, +1 on that

  • You can select channels by midi learning the AU parameter for channel select, so in that way you can program it remotely using another sequencer/ or with midi notes which can trigger the channels in trigger mode.

  • @Paul16 said:
    no laughs, this town has been out of yeast for weeks now

    I had the same problem, but then I search the supermarket shelves all empty, then return home to find a large bag of flour, a giant packet of yeast and 2 packets of hot cross buns on my doorstep with no note through the letter box. We had seen a delivery van drive away on arriving. Delivered by mistake to the wrong address? Checked with my neighbours no. Maybe the bread fairy had left it. Finally worked out it was another neighbour who is a top manager for a bakery had heard of my baking plight and came to my rescue. There is a God after all.

  • @TheOriginalPaulB said:
    As far as I can tell, each channel is limited to ON or OFF states, with configurable fades between them. It would be nice if each channel could have a configurable minimum volume, so that OFF was actually MIN. That way it could fade down to or up from a lower volume without actually muring the channel entirely, which would be nice for more relaxed or ambient pieces.

    If you want to mix gradually between wav files try evolver it does just what you have in mind.

  • @Gavinski said:
    @reasOne Amen brother. No need for a pro level tutorial that covers everything. Just cover the bits that the other reviewers are unlikely to understand / cover properly. A quick tutorial can be done in AUM, mic in one of the channels using your headphone mic, use screen recording, upload, very little inconvenience to the maker, great asset to buyers, helps you sell more products, win win really.


    And this is why we have loved Sir Doug for so long....

  • @MikeLee said:
    Vielen Dank Kai!

    Sehr gern :)

    You really did a great job again. MM-1 will contribute tremendously to my generative groove approach.

    Let me se if I got this right:
    1. I set some triggers in the sequencer
    2. I set the divide trig source to seq
    3. Set the divide divisions to 8
    4. Set the pattern source to div

    That means that every 8th trigger of the sequencer moves to whatever is the next pattern, right?

    Yep, that's correct.

    But what about the chance module? There are no chance sources for the pattern or the divide trig source, just prob sources, but how does the chance source come into play here?

    I realize this is confusing but where it says "Prob" it actually means Chance, so setting any of the sources to Prob will connect it to the chance module. The reason for this simply is a lack of space.

    @iOSTRAKON said:
    I believe I had 9 tracks with mm-1. I’m not sure, but I believe you can assign each to a certain channel. @ka010 would be the one to answer that ;)

    @auxmux said:
    If information is shared across instances, can run more than one actual instance so it's managing 12 tracks?

    Yes, at the moment there are 6 channels to work with but you can assign multiple instances to one channel.

    @DukeWonder said:
    Also @ka010, with the number of people that mentioned some kind of drum machine, I think it’s fair to say your fans have a specific interest in mind 😉

    Well, lets just say there will be one sooner or later, maybe even two we'll see :)

    @jameslondon74 said:

    @eross said:
    so just curious. does each mute pad have a midi assignable note or cc?. so essentially you could set up 8 keys on a midi controller , and play the mute pads in the app like an instrument. or use another midi sequencer app to mute and unmute pads in whatever pattern you would like? could be cool

    That’s exactly what I want to know. CC assignable pads will make this a must buy for me.

    Not at the moment but it will be added with the next update, hopefully before the weekend

    @SpartanClownTide said:
    Anyone get any response from KEY in the utilities?

    Turns out the "KEY" options on both the chance and divide module are broken in the current version. A fix will be included with the next update as well.

  • @ka010 said:

    @DukeWonder said:
    Also @ka010, with the number of people that mentioned some kind of drum machine, I think it’s fair to say your fans have a specific interest in mind 😉

    Well, lets just say there will be one sooner or later, maybe even two we'll see :)

    If you put together a solid drum machine, between that and Shockwave, you will own my low end. If they launch with Universal, I will send you a cookie bouquet.

  • For those who've got MM-1 and feeling like you're not getting it quite yet...

    I had a brief time that I too was confused. It's really not as complicated as you might think at first.

    This is what I did... instead of trying to learn what it does from actual beat pattern or audio sources, etc. I set up a couple channels with a simple tone generator playing on each. Both different waves and easily distinguishable. Nothing complex at all.

    Once you've got these minimal sources, just start poking around, switching/muting, playing with the sequencer and various settings.

    Fairly quickly you'll have an "a-ha" moment and it'll all make perfect sense. The trick is to not try to figure it out with any complex sources. Keep it to just 2-3 simple tones so that you can easily hear the changes various controls make.

    That's what worked for me. I initially was making it much more complicated than it needed to be.


  • This is an amazing app - and I'm so impressed they are doing to add CC mapping in the next update (hopefully).
    Essentially this turns AUM into a real performance engine. Previously I had to mute and fade tracks manually. But with this app I will be able to perform like Ableton. Bloody amazing. Who would have thought it.

  • @skiphunt said:
    For those who've got MM-1 and feeling like you're not getting it quite yet...

    I had a brief time that I too was confused. It's really not as complicated as you might think at first.

    This is what I did... instead of trying to learn what it does from actual beat pattern or audio sources, etc. I set up a couple channels with a simple tone generator playing on each. Both different waves and easily distinguishable. Nothing complex at all.

    Once you've got these minimal sources, just start poking around, switching/muting, playing with the sequencer and various settings.

    Fairly quickly you'll have an "a-ha" moment and it'll all make perfect sense. The trick is to not try to figure it out with any complex sources. Keep it to just 2-3 simple tones so that you can easily hear the changes various controls make.

    That's what worked for me. I initially was making it much more complicated than it needed to be.


    Good call- I had a similar experience.

  • Experimenting with crossfading two sine waves tuned a fifth apart, then a single sine wave fading in and out. Finding the result quite noisy. The click when fade time set to zero is expected but with a fade it's like I'm getting a series of little discontinuities in the scaling. Anyone replicate this?

  • edited April 2020

    Can someone comment on the max length between fades/mutes?

    I basically use @brambos ’s perforator for this kind of stuff (audio and or the midi output), but its downside is the step length doesn’t go long enough.

    With MM, can I, for example, have it go 8 measures between mutes and have the fade last one measure? Do you have that level of control and period length?

  • @MonkeyDrummer said:
    Can someone comment on the max length between fades/mutes?

    I basically use @brambos ’s perforator for this kind of stuff (audio and or the midi output), but its downside is the step length doesn’t go long enough.

    With MM, can I, for example, have it go 8 measures between mutes and have the fade last one measure? Do you have that level of control and period length?

    Using the Sequncer, you get 1 measure step max. But if you use Divisions rather than the Sequencer, you can multiply that 1 measure by factors of 2, up to 64 (according to the dial).
    I haven’t had the patience to verify if it is working well at that extreme step-size setting, but it is supposed to do this long step length, according to the available settings.

    As for fades, they are measured in real time, not tempo.
    You get a range of 0-5 seconds for fade time.

  • Does this have midi out?

  • @Fingolfinzzz said:
    Does this have midi out?


  • @CracklePot said:

    @Fingolfinzzz said:
    Does this have midi out?


    Poop. It would be cool to trigger other things as the pattern changes occur

  • @AudioGus said:
    I haven’t bought it yet (or read the whole thread, sry) and am wondering if switching mute patterns can be automated in BM3?

    The current build can't do it but the 1.0.2 update will make that possible.

  • @reasOne said:
    i get it that making an amazing in depth tutorial is hard to do, but just some screen recordings / internal mic or text overs showing the jist of an app and how it can work into your workflow goes a far way. there’s really only two people making pro level ios tutorials anyway so i don’t think that’s necessary , but this app is a good example as it is mysterious and is leaving everyone asking questions that maybe could been summed up in a 5 minute video, resulting in more people going oh i need that! or no, not for me. its great as a consumer to know up front rather then get refunds, no one likes to do that..... know one really knows what thisapp does that hasnt tried it... and we have all bought many apps thinking it did a particular thing only to find out after purchase it does not do that at all, so leaves us weary.
    i’m only speaking in general i’m not calling you out haha but its quite shocking in general how little data is out on any apps before they release, to build up hype, let people know an apps capabilities etc...
    i’m not a video guy at all but i’ve put up a good number of quick app demos on my youtube just to help people figure things out on apps, turn on screen cap and use the ipads mic and anyone can make a decent video in minutes, i don’t even edit em.

    hypey expensive or even free advertisment video teasers are great to attract attention but really don’t help the end user much at the end of the day.

    i just wish they existed

    rant over

    also numerical audio is very credible so we all trust ya going in to it 😎😎😎 but still have questions pre purchase

    Well, I appreciate the encouragement!

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