Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.

What is Loopy Pro?Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.

Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.

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Loopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.

The Audiobus Forum is now the Loopy Pro Forum!

In case you didn't see the announcement thread, I have some big news: Audiobus – the app – is going to a new home. Francesco and Andrea are developers and musicians who are keen to pursue Audiobus’ further potential, keep it updated and enhance the experience for users old and new – and unlike me, they have the resources to do so! They’re full of ideas and energy, and I am confident that Audiobus will be in good hands.

The Audiobus Forum, however, is staying right here with me. After some consultation with the community here about what to do, I've decided to rename it to the Loopy Pro Forum, at forum.loopypro.com.

It has a new name and new colours, but otherwise, it's the same place, and nothing else will change.


iConnectivity Audio 4C



  • On the right. Obviously the holes didnt line up. Be sure to hold drill through the sandy stuff. On the left the drill bit broke in the hole.

  • So @sigma79 did you manage to update firmware? I LOVE my 4c and use it everyday. One of the best pieces of kit I’ve bought in a loooong while

  • @NimboStratus said:
    So @sigma79 did you manage to update firmware? I LOVE my 4c and use it everyday. One of the best pieces of kit I’ve bought in a loooong while

    Hi. Yeah updated via iconfig. Just put audio4c into boot mode manually from main knob and then iconfig said boot mode.

  • Added some line input cable managment though.

  • Mr Bandwidth. Not so bad even after no re-do of bracket and. Think I will add a spare hook for the spare device so that it dosent collect as much dust. I may may have a spare silk bag kicking around.

  • Got mine and it's up and running. Solid performance and great to have everything (power, midi and audio) running through that usbc cable. Pretty disappointed though they used the same power supply inside the unit that's heating pretty bad. So keeping the same advice as with ICA4+ : disconnecting the plug to avoid any problems.

  • These tiny DC/DC converter chips (regulating internal power) do run hot by nature.
    I‘ve had the iCA4+ on for extended periods without any problems.
    A bit of airflow would have been a good idea, but increases costs and might result in lower EMV measuring figures.
    Don‘t toggle power too frequently because the heat up - cool down cycle generates more stress on the circuit that a constant high temperature level.
    (ot example: Sharc DSPs are run at 85 Celsius surface temperature without heat spreaders. I never read about any temperature fails and my cards still perform regular after 20 years).

  • Random aside but if anyone is after a 4+ I'm about to list one on eBay (UK). DM me if interested at all

  • That’s interesting about not cycling it too much, I’ve only recently started turning my 4+ off properly before switching the power off in my music corner - I thinking borked the firmware a few weeks ago by just flipping the switches...

    Also, I’ve got mine mounted on an old mini photo tripod using the little screw hole on the bottom. That keeps its stable while being manoeuvrable, and I would guess allows a lot of nice air flow...

  • edited June 2021

    Thanks for the info the power/heat. The Arturia Audiofuse also ran VERY hot but their support said it was normal and why it was in a metal case. My i4c doesn’t seem to run that hot but I’ve got it on little feet so there is probably better air flow underneath

  • A great thing is the built in tripod mount underneath, I use a tripod clip mount and it gives it great airflow, and you can also change it's angle easily :)

  • edited July 2021

    Think mine is damaged. 2nd time used. Makes a thud and digital bleep when turned on from mains. Not so much when turned on from knob but makes a wasp/fly sound when turned off via knob. No buzz when on but a buzz when off. But it still works.

    The patchbay though. Why isnt there just a brief video. Saying stuff like. The analogue inputs need to stay routed and also the headphones ( if thats the case ) as I switched routing for headphones off and there were no sound in aum. So assuming you leave that. Why not then say stuff like usb 1+2 of aum output, relates to what in the matrix> Then from there. Say, this is a blank matrix. If you need to make this connection ( example ) then its like this. From then people should know how to route other stuff. Its bizzare a company wouldnt want people actually knowing how to use the product.

    All I need is a usb number to be an aum output. Then be an input on other ipad. So it seems like just one channel routing. I have made it so theres green led in aum ( so aum might record ) but Id need aum fader on reciever ipad, to actually be the fader that works ( thats if it were actually recieving audio ) Seems like factory default is to maybe have x 2 audio sources/ipads, then record the output from the iconnect outputs or acts like a mixer. Or is it setup to actually send audio over usb/aum to aum?

    Dont think so.

    Anyone have any advice on the basic aum routing. Aum to aum?

    Is there no online templates with aum audio routing. ipad to ipad


  • When I messaged as usb1 port is actually usb2 port in writing in a host. Person said usb1 is actually usb 2 etc but not sure if thats just for midi. Not sure if it makes it worse to deal with or it would just mean with an easy aum connection. You would just swap ipads. I cant deal with it mate.

  • Does anyones iconnect make a thud and zap when turned on, then make a buzz hum, when turned of from knob/standby mode?

  • I think. Hope. The midi would be ok. Its got all the midi sources in aum matrix on both ipads. Should then be able to point devices at any app in both matrix. If not. Well.

    Can someone suggest the routing so an ipad can either be a few apps that output to a usb number ( probably just a bus send to make it easier ) Then that usb number be on other ipad ( so the fader works the volume )

  • edited July 2021

    This is the matrix. Just need an aum output ( prob usb number for output ) to be an input on other ipad.

    Its actually a bit different. Theres an 8 ch setup and also a headphone routing from/or the analogue source.

  • 1st of all: that zapping noise when power switching is normal (for almost any such gear).
    The classical studio advice used to be: only turn on your monitoring after everything powered up - and switch monitoring off before power down.
    (power switching may generate pulses that potentially can danage speakers).

    Regarding the routing matrix: learn to understand it - it‘s not that difficult.
    All you need to know is that inputs are the horizontal top devices, outputs are vertically right.
    Of course you should know the types of connection: physical in/out (the interface connectors) and software connectors (for virtual channels and mixers).

    The latter is a bit confusing as each USB port and each hardware output has a dedicated sub-mixer tab, which are nice to have in specific situations... but completely useless in 90% of typical DAW scenarios.
    You can get rid of these tabs by setting their channel count to zero in basic preferences, which unfortunately is a page not very intuitive (so say at least...).
    Depending on point of view the terms input and output may seem reversed.

    You don‘t need to remove those sub-mixers (just ignore them), your main tab is the analog mixer tab as that defines your output connections. Channels 1-4 are the physical mic/line connectors, 5-6 is the headphone out. All channel numbers from 7 upwards are software channels that don‘t represent a physical io.

    Identify what‘s connected to USB 1 and 2 and rename the ports accordingly (in preferences) like iPadPro or iPhone or Mac. Do it early and well considered as the name will be used for every IOS connection and cannot be changed later (iirc) without side effects.

    Also in preferences consider the number of virtual channels that you want to share between your i-Devices/Mac/PC. Do you need more input or more output on one of them or rather equal figures ?
    Then enter those numbers for 1 device and check if input-output are in fact in/out on that device. Do a test setup as simple as it gets just to confirm your choices (I needed a couple of attempts...)

    If you reached this part - congrats... you almost mastered it, but now you‘re prepared for the main action:
    Throw everything out of the matrix to get a blank sheet.
    Then connect source channels to destinations - may experience no sound output.
    Switch to the analog mixer tab and move the respective channel faders.
    They always seem to be muted initially (or become muted on major setup changes).

    You really should try to understand the meaning behind the connection, it‘s only confusing in the very beginning (I was confused, too, even though I know what a routing matrix is for ages).
    Of course this may take even a couple of days to fully understand, but after that you‘re safe in whatever setup. Mind you: the tricky part is the preferences page, not the matrix.

    best of luck... ;)

  • edited July 2021

    @Telefunky Nice walkthrough! Thank you! It can be a little overwhelming trying to connect the dots, so to speak.

  • Definitely... my thoughts were a simple wtf... when I first saw it o:)
    But technically it‘s a brilliant and actually simple solution.
    Atm I setup my system (WinPC, Pro Tools Mac, iPad) to exactly the same as with the iCA4+, but with 8-channel digital busses instead of the iCA‘s analog stereo pathes... that‘s a whole different level with all the digital syncing requirements and no central switchboard matrix. :#

  • edited July 2021

    @Telefunky said:
    1st of all: that zapping noise when power switching is normal (for almost any such gear).
    The classical studio advice used to be: only turn on your monitoring after everything powered up - and switch monitoring off before power down.
    (power switching may generate pulses that potentially can danage speakers).

    Regarding the routing matrix: learn to understand it - it‘s not that difficult.
    All you need to know is that inputs are the horizontal top devices, outputs are vertically right.
    Of course you should know the types of connection: physical in/out (the interface connectors) and software connectors (for virtual channels and mixers).

    The latter is a bit confusing as each USB port and each hardware output has a dedicated sub-mixer tab, which are nice to have in specific situations... but completely useless in 90% of typical DAW scenarios.
    You can get rid of these tabs by setting their channel count to zero in basic preferences, which unfortunately is a page not very intuitive (so say at least...).
    Depending on point of view the terms input and output may seem reversed.

    You don‘t need to remove those sub-mixers (just ignore them), your main tab is the analog mixer tab as that defines your output connections. Channels 1-4 are the physical mic/line connectors, 5-6 is the headphone out. All channel numbers from 7 upwards are software channels that don‘t represent a physical io.

    Identify what‘s connected to USB 1 and 2 and rename the ports accordingly (in preferences) like iPadPro or iPhone or Mac. Do it early and well considered as the name will be used for every IOS connection and cannot be changed later (iirc) without side effects.

    Also in preferences consider the number of virtual channels that you want to share between your i-Devices/Mac/PC. Do you need more input or more output on one of them or rather equal figures ?
    Then enter those numbers for 1 device and check if input-output are in fact in/out on that device. Do a test setup as simple as it gets just to confirm your choices (I needed a couple of attempts...)

    If you reached this part - congrats... you almost mastered it, but now you‘re prepared for the main action:
    Throw everything out of the matrix to get a blank sheet.
    Then connect source channels to destinations - may experience no sound output.
    Switch to the analog mixer tab and move the respective channel faders.
    They always seem to be muted initially (or become muted on major setup changes).

    You really should try to understand the meaning behind the connection, it‘s only confusing in the very beginning (I was confused, too, even though I know what a routing matrix is for ages).
    Of course this may take even a couple of days to fully understand, but after that you‘re safe in whatever setup. Mind you: the tricky part is the preferences page, not the matrix.

    best of luck... ;)

    Thanks Telefunky. Dont have monitors. Just through headphones. Powering on via mains seems like a bad thud and zap. This is with all gains off. Then powering off via knob, then leaves a constant buzz sound. Why would there be a buzz sound when off if it isnt there, when on?

    Its mainly the usb routing. Not sure what the usb numbers mean as an input and aum usb channel output/s. If I select a hardware input like a volca drum or mic. I can obviously use aum fader on that channel. Not sure how to sort the usb's so that an aum output with a usb number, can be an input on the other ipad. Just so its like selecting a line input.

    Bonus would be a number of channels ,so that a number of channels can be recieved on other ipad. I guess so stems are all on reciever ipad and if I need cpu for effects.

  • Why would there be a buzz sound when off if it isnt there, when on?

    The interface doesn‘t have physical knobs (potentiometers) to regulate level but a control circuit. If you switch it off, then power doesn‘t immediately drop to zero.
    It decays and the circuit runs beyond it‘s specs for a short time, making some noise.
    The new version of the interface may have some standby mode that obviously doesn‘t mute the headphone out (if you have a continous) buzz.

  • edited July 2021

    Travis from iconnect made a zoom call. Didnt even need to edit anything for a stereo ( aum to aum ) after all my negative attitude. Just a case of selecting correct aum usb numbers but made it so I got x 3 stereo outputs/inputs from aum to aum. Just in case Im only sending a few synths and could gain some cpu for effects ( if ever needed ) plus no need then to airdrop stems ( of a few synths ) should I then work in an ios daw ( but its trivial ) Considering a 3rd idevice via line in vs an instrument ( or neither )

    You can make beast synths with the iconnect with x 2 idevices.

  • edited July 2021

    @sigma79 @NimboStratus quick questions, "How many channels of Audio Out do you get from the iPad and into the Mac with the IC4c interface?"

  • @echoopera I have 10 channels going both ways but I think that can be adjusted in the software, allowing for different combinations adding to 18 in and 2 out and vice versa. I just haven’t tried.

  • edited July 2021

    @Sawiton said:
    @echoopera I have 10 channels going both ways but I think that can be adjusted in the software, allowing for different combinations adding to 18 in and 2 out and vice versa. I just haven’t tried.

    Cool. Really interested in getting 8 Channels of Stereo out of AUM into Ableton on 8 separate Stereo In Channels for mixing and effects in Live.

    Do you know what happens if I plug an AudioInterface into the USB Host port on the back of the IC4c unit? Does the Audio Interface also show up for additional Analog Ins?

  • edited July 2021

    It is my understanding that that port is strictly MIDI. Again, haven’t tried. 🙂

    I’ve been experimenting with sending audio and MIDI into Live! and haven’t had any issues so far. I can’t see why 8 stereo out wouldn’t work.

  • edited July 2021

    @Sawiton said:
    It is my understanding that that port is strictly MIDI. Again, haven’t tried. 🙂

    Gotcha...so using something like their Mio Midi to USB interface and the like...

    I’ve been experimenting with sending audio and MIDI into Live! and haven’t had any issues so far. I can’t see why 8 stereo out wouldn’t work.

    Yeah...as long as whatever I have in AUM shows up as independent channels in Live I am good. Right now I just have my iPad hooked up over USB Midi (the Mio) with its audio as a Stereo Pair in to Live via the AudioInterface it hosts...so this might be a good solution.

    It's a shame that their Tutorial videos and such don't go over how to hook up an iPad with something like GarageBand (8 Stereo Outs) being fed in to Logic on the Mac (receiving those 8 Audio Ins) to be further Effected and Mastered., or something more practical like that–the thing the device was created for :smiley:

  • I run 18 mono channels (or 9 stereo channels) from AUM via Audio4c to Mac Logic Pro X using the two USB sockets. The host is for midi.

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