Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.
What is Loopy Pro? — Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.
Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.
Download on the App StoreLoopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.
Hello,Someone knows how can I access the samples I transffered from the PC with iTunes to iMPC Pro app? I tried the ''New Sound'' feature and nothing appered for me to load.
@Danffsm hey welcome, this question was asked on my YT channel, but I have not tried this, and dont have the time to yet, so please help him out, thanks
@crabman i ve got the behringer is202 and with impc all is good. But with impc pro i have some bugs this is the mail i send to retronyms when they tell me to explain problems with details from twitter.
So i test some scenarios for using is202 istudio of behringer.
I use ipad2 and ios7.
1) first test
A)i kill all process in ram of ipad for maximum ram for Samples.
B)I turn on the is202 and launch impc pro.
C)When i touch play, speakers of ipad is on but not the main output or headphones of is202.
D)I have to power off the is202 and power on for just enable the output and headphones of is202 and it works sometimes.
E)with this manipulations (C&D), sampling with line/mic of is202 don't work but only the mic of the ipad2.
2)second test
A)i kill all process in ipad ram.
B)i turn on the is202.
C)i launch impc first.
D)i launch impc pro.
E)now i have any problem for listening with output and headphones of is202 and recording is ok with mic/line input of is202 with cd,vynil,tape,smartphone...
F)but if i kill the process of impc, we have the same problems of first test at case C).Main output and headphones disabled for is202 and recording with mic/line of is202 not working only ipad hardware is functionnal.
@Sinapsya said:
Yes I know but impcp can't do it within the app while bm2 can, this is what I was referring to.
@amekcia:thanks for the explanation.The behringer does not even have multiple outputs it seems?I can only imagine that it will be even worse to route programs to different outputs,or not possible at all.Not very "Pro"again if you can't even use it properly with external soundcards.Sorry,if someone feels offended when we point out the weak spots but they decided to go this route when they called it an MPC"Pro"...I really want to like this thing,that's what makes me angry about.And the"hey its just the price of three beer "knockout argument doesnt't count if it's a bugfest like this.Retronyms is known for taking time until they fix things.I don't want to pay just for a collection of samples with a play button and i have enough sketchpads.Still not sure though because people are right.It IS just the price of three (nightclub) beer
@Danffsm said:
This is the process for the original iMPC, maybe it's the same for Pro?
Hey, I'm new to the forum, but I thought I would share my experience with the iMPC, Tabletop, and the iMPC Pro apps. I first bought iMPC , and loved the workflow, but the limitations (as you all know) were frustrating. Then , I found tabletop and it "was" a lifesaver..I used that non - stop with no problems until the stryke app was released , and the update broke my timeline (sounds weird , I know) and ruined 25 plus beats i had waiting to be exported. (If you open the timeline editor, when making a beat, you will notice 4 white lines all under the 1, 2 ,3 ,4 number bars at the top of the screen. the 3 , and 4 lines disappeared, and when i would export a song , the entire thing skipped off beat. So since this happened , I have been desperately waiting for a bug fix and the impc pro..Now that the pro is out I am happy because I can export songs again, but the app lags horribly and i have over 8 gb on my ipad of free space since tabletop messed up and i had to delete everything..Also on the iMPC Pro, I cant even see my samples in the app section of iTunes, so now i cant delete anything that i sample...Really frustrating, but I am hoping im not the only one going through this and Retronyms is actually listening.
@Danffsm said:
Go to Program, select sounds, select my sounds, and look in the folder "iTunes file transfer bank".
iMPC is a great instrument for anyone out there considering a mobile sampler. It has a ton of bugs and needs as does most newly launched software. It's an infant for Pete's sake. Shout out to everyone contributing solutions and workarounds vs moaning. Also shout out to everyone that can afford a whole $13 to support a potentially great new tool as most logical people understand support for apps is a two way deal with developers. We all know how much ultra valuable sh1t you can buy with $13 whole bucks. Pay them and they will develop. Simple math really. Ableton is on version 9+ and still has plenty bugs as does Logic, ProTools, etc. Some of you nerds need to get a grip more than new gear or apps. Seriously.lol
@thinds said:
@PHᐃNTᐃSM said:
Thanx a lot
@Sinapsya said:
That's good to hear, I was noticing this after trimming my samples as well.
@daveproper said:
I've been trying this in Cubasis with no luck. Triggering notes fine, start / stop = nada.
Got it working with Nordbeat & Auria (thanks @ChrisG & @ArcaneScreams) but it would be nice to get it working with Cubasis. I'm passing CC 80 changes on Channel 1 (Virtual Midi port) ... theoretically it should work so presuming this is some "less robust midi implementation" from Steinberg issue?
Still awaiting step by step instructions from anyone to explain how to sync with Cubasis.
I'm thinking that it doesn't really "sync" with Cubasis and people are just talking about using the IAA transport panel from inside iMPC. Playing notes on iMPC from Cubasis by routing out to Virtual Midi ch. 10 definitely works though.
Its a shame because the step editor in iMPC is really easy to use. I love the three-finger pinch to delete selected notes gesture.
I'm working right now but it was something like...
Set iMPC Pro with IAA in Cubasis, then add MIDI track and select iMini as MIDI route (that's what it shows as). Go to iMPC Pro and you will see IAA controls. Press play and both iMPC and Cubasis will play / record. You can play / record note output from iMPC Pro into Cubasis.
In the US App Store we only have access to Nordbeat 2 and I don't see any way to send CC info in that version. The Nordbeat 2 transport/clock doesn't start iMPC either.
I'm also not seeing any success using Little Midi Machine's transport via virtual midi or "iMini". No way to send CCs from that app either.
I don't think I'm going to blame this on Cubasis, because I see it sending the same CC info as iMPC on a midi monitor when using Automation.
@Michael_R_Grant said:
That's because they don't exist. Step 1 .. read thread, Step 2. try things Step 3 report findings here in order to help others
Yes nordbeat 2 I'm using. (no joy with Little Midi Machine)
Menu > Midi Setup > Midi Channel Set to 1
Menu > Midi Setup > Midi Note Set No.1 set to 80
Menu > Midi Devices > Output set to Virtual Output
Menu > Midi Devices > Clock Sync set to send
Add a note on the first step of note 1. I had to toggle back to iMPC after setting nordbeat running for it to 'bite' first time. Works a treat
If you set Auria to accept Midi Sync in from Nordbesat 2 a play in NB2 starts both. I haven't check any tempo syncing, only that they start.
I just tried that - and when I click the IAA play in iMPC pro... it starts Cubasis but doesn't start iMPC Pro sadly
At least both play buttons are near each other so a manual "double play button press" is easy... not sure if you meant this or had any joy with actual sync?
After a lengthy conversation on the iOS Musicians Facebook Group, I have gone ahead and posted a very lengthy request and explanation about what it exactly is that we need with Midi Sync on the Retronym's Facebook site. I have invited members of the iOS Musicians group and am inviting Audiobus members to please also go and "Like" my post so that Retronyms gets the message that this is important to us. Here is the link to their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/retronyms
holy hell. so your comment just helped me figure out a workaround. its dumb as bricks but works.
iMPC isn't responding to midi CC's, its responding to notes. Midi note # 80 is start/stop toggle.
@Michael_R_Grant, create a guide track in Cubasis.
1) create an audio track in Cubasis, assign iMPC via IAA, launch iMPC, load your project
2) create a midi track in Cubasis, route midi out to virtual midi, ch. 1
3) on beat 1 of midi track create a note at G#4 (Cubasis has their octaves funny, but this is what they are calling midi note # 80)
4) create another G#4 at whatever bar where you want iMPC to stop playing
5) i'm guessing that other midi note #s will do other useful things like toggle record, etc.
If you are working in loop mode, you'll have to mute/unmute the guide track to keep iMPC from stopping when you don't want it to.
@daveproper said:
Worth a try as a work-around, if it works, but agreed--it's as dumb as a brick and we shouldn't have to: 1 figure this crap out for ourselves, and 2. jump through all of the hoops because Retronyms is too lazy to implement it correctly.
Nice... Not dumb as all that, hell it works! I'd been trying to do that but didn't work out G#4 for 80.. I was on wrong notes!
I can live with that for the time being. So after all the BM2 ranting... It appears that it'll 'sync' with Cubasis and Auria .. (albeit in a slightly Heath Robinson fashion). Well done team auduobus forum
@daveproper Just tried it. This works. Kudos to you!
This app is getting better and better just by reading this thread...:)
Once we finish finding workarounds we ought to post a FAQ at the top of the thread.
@ArcaneScreams said:
Agreed! It would be very helpful! There shouldn't have to be workarounds, but if it works........well, that's something at least....
Not only that, but someone at Retronyms should have a look at what we're having to do, because of what they didn't.
Really want to like any well constructed feedback for Retronyms but can't see post via ipad Facecrack app? Is it a fresh page post or a comment on an existing post?
Nearly finished a beat on it and got to grip with it really quickly. So far I'm scoring it 6/10 because theres a few areas that's bugging me (I would score BM2 8/10):
anyone know how to 'undo' if I move a sample from one pad to another? It seems to copy over the sample in the pad I moved it to without the ability to undo.....
worrying when u r as clumsy as me
I have to say I'm loving this app now its capabilities are starting to be revealed..
@daveproper, great thanks worx