Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.

What is Loopy Pro?Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.

Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.

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Loopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.

MidiBAND 3.0 is out! Pro Music Arranger App for IOS...



  • edited June 2015

    You know, I wonder if exporting a midi song from ChordBot would be the easiest thing in creating custom styles. I guess cause you can just keep the song playing in the same key and export to MidiBand then converting this midi file into a MidiBand Style. Mmmmm.....sounds interesting. I'm going to try it. As I've always wished ChordBot worked with a Midi controller and played as you played the chords on the controller in real time. I guess now, my wish came true with MidiBand!

  • Good idea!

    I'll be trying the same with Looptical!

  • edited June 2015

    I can confirm that ChordBot songs work perfectly with MidiBand. I made an 8 Bar song in Key of C major and selected "Send Midi" which same as Open In feature, and opened it immediately in Midiband.
    Went to edit style and there it was. Midi song looped and allowed me to create a style variation from the imported ChordBot midi song. So style creation in MidiBand is super easy. Of course was using Roland SC as audio source for playback.

  • @Musikman4Christ said:
    I hope the dev comes here some day.

    I figured the dev was already here and you'd been speaking with her?

    Isn't @Ksh Kateryna Sharayeva?

    Bought this app on your enthusiasm for it M4C, It sounds like a great concept and looking forward to getting it up and running with BS-16.

    It was funny reading your threads on a search for an app with this functionality, and then finding it and spreading the word. :)

  • @Musikman4Christ said:
    I can confirm that ChordBot songs work perfectly with MidiBand.

    I'm not having luck yet. I can export and send the midi file via email or audio share, but MidiBand thinks is a style file...and doesn't play.. I'll try chordbot to rule out Looptical's midi export.

  • When you load it to MidiBand ot takes you to the main Style playback page. You need to click on the little grey gears and that will take you to the style edit page. Once in there, your midi file will play looped and you can select your sections from it.
    Don't know if your app is sending the midi file in GM or standard form.
    Also if it sounds too low, I figured out to put all instruments as loud as possible and just adjusting them later in Midiband with the track mixer.

    SpookyZoo, yeah I just figured it out. :)
    It's really interesting that it happened just as I was posting about someone creating an app just like this one. Well, I guess it was meant to happen and I am so happy it did. It has really turned on my inspirational juices!
    It's not an app that will make you make a complete pro song, but what it really does is get you to start putting that song in your mind in action and fast. It fits my work flow cause of time constraints I don't have the luxury to take as long as I wish to record stuff. So this amazing app gets me going quick, export as GM midi to Cubasis, add more instruments, background stuff, edit the song as needed. Then send to Auria for more mixing and stuff.
    It just fits in nicely.
    The hardest thing I guess is finding good styles but I love rock, soft rock, contemporary worship rock music so that's not that hard to find. Especially now that all I have to do is find a nice midi song, import it and convert it to a style, create my variations and rock on!

  • edited June 2015

    This looks like a useful starting point. At least that's where I'm gonna be for the next 30 mins... :)


    In particular this 10min starter guide


  • edited June 2015

    @Musikman4Christ said:
    When you load it to MidiBand ot takes you to the main Style playback page. You need to click on the little grey gears and that will take you to the style edit page. Once in there, your midi file will play looped and you can select your sections from it.

    That was it! Thanks! Looptical export works...

    So steps to follow for what I can tell thus far....

    • a .mid file is converted to a stye file automatically. It's is not in the midi file folder..it will be under styles...

    • click on the gear

    • Play your midi track (with your fav GM sounds). Note: be patient-it may take a few seconds to start..

    • as it is playing, press the buttons you want as a section

    • when done (or stop) press the gear again to adjust the measure length to 1,2,4 or 8 bars and tune to the desired pitch.

    Up next, external midi controller and chord changes!

  • Unfortunately for me, my setup is very buggy.

    Ipad4 / ios 7.1.2. / irig midi / midi keyboard / BS-16i / Midiband.

    It seems no matter what I press, in whichever app, in whichever order, something gets turned off and breaks the flow.

    Are those level sliders in Midiband supposed to move? Zero luck there.

    I've had several crashes, when loading a sty file.

    As much as I like the idea of Midiband, it feels very unresponsive to touch. The 'success' area of tapping buttons like the back arrow top left feels very small. And I'm no gorilla.

    All a bit disheartening. I'll try again tomorrow.

  • Indeed, arrangers are expensive. I have a few and at a minimum paid around $50. I have a Bk-7m which was about $800 US.

    Arrangers are tricky when they are software. The hardware ones are fool proof, and the only one i'll use. But if I din't have the hardware I certainly would spend time with this (which I actually bought years ago).

  • It definitely could be your OS version. I know the program was not working for me as good before the latest update to 3.0.
    I'm on 8.2 and haven't got a single crash yet.

    @SpookyZoo said:

    Unfortunately for me, my setup is very buggy.

    Ipad4 / ios 7.1.2. / irig midi / midi keyboard / BS-16i / Midiband.

    It seems no matter what I press, in whichever app, in whichever order, something gets turned off and breaks the flow.

    Are those level sliders in Midiband supposed to move? Zero luck there.

    I've had several crashes, when loading a sty file.

    As much as I like the idea of Midiband, it feels very unresponsive to touch. The 'success' area of tapping buttons like the back arrow top left feels very small. And I'm no gorilla.

    All a bit disheartening. I'll try again tomorrow.

  • If anyone is interested in more free user made styles, there's a Yahoo PSR group with lots of free styles to use with MidiBAND. Also remember its super easy to create your own.
    Great app to make songs really quick in real-time with whatever type if genre you like best. Rock, jazz, pop, just find the perfect rhythm style and you're to record.

    I think MidiBAND is like Ableton sort of, but instead of using samples or audio, you loop Midi files which take way less resources.
    Export to Cubasis, work some more and render.

  • @yowza said:
    ChordPolyPad works with it but you need to set CPP's midi out to be CPP because MB doesn't show up as a virtual port and turn off all Midi in in CPP. That's why I wished for more midi config in MB. It's midi ports are promiscuous and you have to work around this in other apps.

    Plus you have to make sure you are playing chords lower than the split point set in MB.

  • Hi there I am new to the forum and have a couple of questions on using Midiband.
    Any tips on getting Chordpolypad to work with Midiband?
    Is there a specific channel I need to use. I set Midi out to CPP 's Midi Out , but none of the chord changes seem to be recognized.
    Also , I am still a little bit confused on the process for chord entry when using a Midi Controller keyboard .Do I need to play the full chord on my Keyboard or just a one finger chord for Midiband to recognize the input as a full chord. If one finger chord mode does work ,any tips on on how to play a Major 7 chord for example? Any advice from the experts would be much appreciated.

  • I usually play full chords. Haven't tried major 7s but suppose they should be recognized. I played minor chords and were recognized perfectly.
    I wish I knew how to make videos to help with showing easy it is to use.
    Look up the two links above which go into detail about midi settings and other details.

  • I'm still having no success at moving the sliders on the right. The master slider works fine. Wondering if anybody else on ios 7 is experiencing this?

    The crashes I'm getting don't actually appear to be from loading Sty files. I've managed to load quite a few in. The crashes happen randomly and it's hard to pinpoint a trigger.

    @KSh When trying to convert a midi file to sty file, is there some smart code working behind the scenes as to when you select a part that adheres to tempo, or do you just have to be very precise with the timing when hitting '+' button? Thanks

  • Seems interesting app (downloaded the free edition) , but I definitely need a step-by-step video tutorial. Never used arranger before

  • edited June 2015

    @SpookyZoo said:
    I'm still having no success at moving the sliders on the right. The master slider works fine. Wondering if anybody else on ios 7 is experiencing this?

    Yup! I am too (iPad3/64, iOSv7.1.2. I've also experienced random crashes. For the longest time, I couldn't get any sound out of the bundled .mib. I was about to give up but, after importing a .mid file, bs-16i finally came to life. Why doesn't the HonkyTonk.mib do anything?

    I have a gut feeling that this app could be great fun and useful also but I'm struggling with the UI (it's far from intuitive) and I lack experience of the whole Yamaha STY thang so I'm having difficulty getting my head around the app. I guess I don't understand what I'm looking at. I too would like to see a couple of tutorial vids.

  • edited June 2015

    @Ksh @Washboy completely agree. Think this could be a great app, but needs a little work on the UI, the responsiveness and a good tutorial vid.

    I also had that frustration with BS-16i and the Honky Tonk file, until I realised that when loading that file Midiband turns the faders in BS-16i all the way to zero. That cannot be desired behaviour! :) Turn them up in BS-16i after loading and you should get sound.

    Really want to get this app working.

  • Its really weird cause none of those issues happen to me. I think it really is because of all the updated code from IOS8. I know for a fact that when I was using the previous version, I had issues but people on IOS7 had none.
    I'm on IOS8.2 and none of those issues happen to me. When ivload up a style all the faders in the mixer work. They don't have automation but if I move one up or down, when I go to BS16i, that same fader moved to wherever location the fader un MidiBAND is at.

    If you can get to try it on another unit that would answer a lot of questions.
    Hopefully you can cause this app has sparked my creative juices big time.


  • @Korakios said:
    Seems interesting app (downloaded the free edition) , but I definitely need a step-by-step video tutorial. Never used arranger before

    I'm with you on this. I bought the app (I am a scorpion, it is my nature), but having read both the enthusiasm, but also the teething problems, and being a n00b, I think waiting for a tweak update is best (for me). A simple vid or two would also def. help/be welcome....

  • KshKsh
    edited June 2015

    @SpookyZoo said:
    I'm still having no success at moving the sliders on the right. The master slider works fine. Wondering if anybody else on ios 7 is experiencing this?

    The crashes I'm getting don't actually appear to be from loading Sty files. I've managed to load quite a few in. The crashes happen randomly and it's hard to pinpoint a trigger.

    KSh When trying to convert a midi file to sty file, is there some smart code working behind the scenes as to when you select a part that adheres to tempo, or do you just have to be very precise with the timing when hitting '+' button? Thanks

    I did a smoke test on iOS 7 simulator, but not a thorough one, I admit. It seems like the problems are all reported by iOS 7 users, iOS 8 where I developed works fine. If I can reproduce the problems on simulator, they will get fixed asap, in the next release.

    Hitting [Add]/+ button creates a section at the beginning of the measure currently playing. Any point within a measure will do.

    Any note played below a split point becomes an input for determining a chord. You can play 1-finger chords, 2-finger chords, 3-finger chords and 4-finger chords. 1-finger chord is always a major; you can add a minor with a second finger. 3 fingers give you a full chord, and 4-fingers give you 7th chords. You can also play a 3-finger chord of any three notes in a row to temporarily silence all tracks except for drums.

  • Awesome!!!
    Thanks for the tips. I have a cool style I like but on one of the variations, one of the midi tracks or instruments playa out of tune while the other ones are fine. For now I just mute it, I wonder if doing it the way you suggested will line it up in tune with the other instruments.

    Also, maybe you can note this one for a future update:
    Maybe someday we can copy variations from other styles and import them and create a new style. That would be cool.. Say I really like a fill and a variation from style xx and I could export those phrases into the style I'm putting together. That would be so cool! No rush just a wish for a future update. Right now updating and making the app accessible to more people is cool!


  • Than you @Ksh,
    Could you give us any idea on what chord types are recognized? And how would you go about playing a Major 7 for example?

  • edited June 2015

    @Ksh said:
    Any note played below a split point becomes an input for determining a chord. You can play 1-finger chords, 2-finger chords, 3-finger chords and 4-finger chords. 1-finger chord is always a major; you can add a minor with a second finger. 3 fingers give you a full chord, and 4-fingers give you 7th chords. You can also play a 3-finger chord of any three notes in a row to temporarily silence all tracks except for drums.

    Hey @Ksh,

    I have said it on another thread (or maybe this one and the title has changed slightly?) but only now, fully knowing you are the developer, I will say/ask it here:

    Is there a reason why you haven't implemented a virtual on-screen keyboard?

    (with the choice to have it displayed, or not).

    It is essential for your type of app on iOS touchscreen. Some of us (not all) can not easily imput note/chord changes without a lot of messing about. ie plugging in a midi keyboard or switching back n forth to other apps.

    Having that immediate playability and satisfaction is missing...

    I've had this app for ages and thought it may have been a new feature in your most recent update. We need this feature, and you sales will improve vastly, I'm sure!

    Seems logical to me..

    LookIng forward to hearing your reasoning. :-)

    Added: having some sort of basic general midi sounds onboard would be great for instant play. I know what your description says. My question is, why/not? Even Audioshare has probably the most basic midi player there is, but it is instant play. Cheers! :)

  • @Ksh

    I'm having trouble renaming and deleting styles... in particular the mid files imported via email... Ios 813... Anyone else?

  • In the style selection screen, to delete, slide style to the left I think. Then you have option to email or delete. Not sure but I think that's how you van do it.

  • edited June 2015

    Yeah, tried the "slide", but the file still was there...seems like it the last two (at the bottom of the list) do not delete, but ones belore do... Also I tried one a couple of times and it crashed...I'll see if I can send this to the developer...

  • Thanks for the reply @Ksh.

    @Musicman4Christ I had a go at what you suggested. Converting a CHORDBOT file to Sty.

    To make things easier to detect. I did one bar of one chord for 4 beats. Next bar was 2 chords for 2 beats each. And the final third bar, a chord change in each 4 beats.

    Midiband managed to capture/convert the first 2 bars, but had no luck with the final bar of single beat chord changes. Have you managed to do this? Cheers

  • I haven't but the song I exported as midi played ok In MB. So it could still be the issues you're experiencing with your OS version. Good thing Ksh working on an update.

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