Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.

What is Loopy Pro?Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.

Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.

Download on the App Store

Loopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.

NanoStudio 2 on sale

I was waiting for it to be universal and support audio (i buy apps for what they can do today, not for what they might do in the future) but I figure £19.99 is a good deal even if it never gets those features.

I’m looking forward to digging in to it, especially Obsidian.



  • Cool! Get it boys!
    Are the iAP on sale too?

  • edited February 2019

    hm i see still normal price in appstore (32€), are you sure ?

    edit: Ah i see it now, 33% limited time discount now :)

  • Yes it's on sale....hmm might have to go for it :)

  • I have to be honest, this really pisses me off.

    I only bought this a couple of weeks ago for a tenner more. I wish they'd wait at least a few months before slashing prices, as it gives me absolutely no faith in buying apps shortly after release.


  • @MonzoPro said:
    I have to be honest, this really pisses me off.

    I only bought this a couple of weeks ago for a tenner more. I wish they'd wait at least a few months before slashing prices, as it gives me absolutely no faith in buying apps shortly after release.


    First sale with the release of the iAP for Audiotracks would have been cool.
    Maybe early adopters will get a good deal for audiatrack completion!? ;)

  • I guess you can't please everyone...
    There will always be someone who bought it the day before the price drop.
    You can avoid disappointment by buying things you need, and seeing their value for the asked price.
    Or you can wait... eventually everything gets discounted.

  • edited February 2019

    @david_2017 said:

    @MonzoPro said:
    I have to be honest, this really pisses me off.

    I only bought this a couple of weeks ago for a tenner more. I wish they'd wait at least a few months before slashing prices, as it gives me absolutely no faith in buying apps shortly after release.


    First sale with the release of the iAP for Audiotracks would have been cool.
    Maybe early adopters will get a good deal for audiatrack completion!? ;)

    I bet we don't. We'll pay full whack again, and then it'll be added as a free update a few weeks later.


    I'm one day over the 14 day refund period - if not, I'd get my money back in protest.

  • I hate you guys! I've promised myself that I shouldn't by more DAWs(and apps) before I've at least learned them 😜🤤😤

  • @recccp said:
    I guess you can't please everyone...
    There will always be someone who bought it the day before the price drop.
    You can avoid disappointment by buying things you need, and seeing their value for the asked price.
    Or you can wait... eventually everything gets discounted.

    This wasn't a fiver, it was thirty quid. And it's only been out just over a month.

    The problem with this now, is I've been stung again as an early adopter, and I won't do it again. Pissed off.

  • @MonzoPro said:

    @recccp said:
    I guess you can't please everyone...
    There will always be someone who bought it the day before the price drop.
    You can avoid disappointment by buying things you need, and seeing their value for the asked price.
    Or you can wait... eventually everything gets discounted.

    This wasn't a fiver, it was thirty quid. And it's only been out just over a month.

    The problem with this now, is I've been stung again as an early adopter, and I won't do it again. Pissed off.

    I'm not trying to defend bleep or argue with you... I honestly hope that more people would follow up with these type of statements, it will clear many of poorly developed apps while focusing support on the quality app developers (like bleep)

  • In terms of customer relations the best approach is to do a launch sale to reward early adopters. In fact I seem to recall that the official line about NS2 was that it was never going to go on sale, which was why there was no early bird discount in this case.

    My guess is that initial sales were somewhat disappointing, partly because the current App Store climate is nothing like it was when NS1 was first launched (it's much harder to achieve significant sales now compared to back then).

    Personally I'm happy to support Matt, and I sympathise with the difficulties of making a living in this market, especially after 6 years worth of development. However I would also suggest it's wise to reward those customers who are loyal and who buy early, rather than try to tempt a more casual audience with a surprise sale. Just my opinion.

    FWIW BM3 made an even bigger clanger by giving their app away for free during last year's NAMM. I imagine that got them very little in terms of new and loyal customers, but mightily annoyed existing ones.

  • edited February 2019

    @richardyot actually majority of loyal customers on old NS1 forums were asking matt to NOT give initial discount, they wanted to pay full price to support Matt :) Not only that, few people asked for IAP without any added functionality, just allowing support him more :)

    THAT ale loyal customers in my opinion ;)

  • It’s always annoying to buy something just before it goes on sale and I sympathise up to a point.

    But the fact we are talking about a tenner as if it’s a huge amount of money shows the issues small developers are having in the App Store.

    I visited Bath recently. It cost me more than a tenner to park for the day.

  • @richardyot said:
    FWIW BM3 made an even bigger clanger by giving their app away for free during last year's NAMM. I imagine that got them very little in terms of new and loyal customers, but mightily annoyed existing ones.

    Only a few people got grumpy as I recall it. The rest of us didn’t give a hoot. In fact, I quite liked the idea of more people trying BM3 because of the NAMM hype or just out of curiosity. I don’t think Intua have ever said how many customers it brought in and how often they use the app or how many sound packs they purchase etc. We can only guess if it was good for business or not.

  • @recccp said:

    I'm not trying to defend bleep or argue with you... I honestly hope that more people would follow up with these type of statements, it will clear many of poorly developed apps while focusing support on the quality app developers (like bleep)

    You're not going to get widespread support from customers who spend £30 on a new app, only to find it's been slashed by a tenner a couple of weeks later. What will happen is that you lose their trust, and their confidence in buying future products on release. You probably will on here or the other forum - the general consensus is that we should pay much more for everything they do, and be grateful for the priveledge - but the world outside forums doesn't work like that. I just told my mate who bought it three weeks ago. I won't repeate what he said.

    @dendy said:

    THAT ale loyal customers in my opinion ;)

    That's, taking advantage, in my opinion. Loyalty works both ways.

    @richardyot said:
    In terms of customer relations the best approach is to do a launch sale to reward early adopters. In fact I seem to recall that the official line about NS2 was that it was never going to go on sale, which was why there was no early bird discount in this case.

    +1. I was told several times it wouldn't go on sale. It was a big deal for me to shell out £30 on an app - I've had a shitty year financially, it sticks in the throat knowing I could have saved a tenner by waiting two weeks.

    The only developer I will buy apps on release from now is Brambos. Fuck the rest of them.

  • @klownshed said:
    I visited Bath recently. It cost me more than a tenner to park for the day.

    yeah ! recently we ordered sushi with my wife - we payed 40€ ... it’s very sad when i think how many great apps where developers spend years of their life by developing them, costs less than this...

    prices in appstore are just ridiculous... they should be 10x bigger..

  • Has it really only been out for a month? Wonder what prompted this? Possibly Gadget's update, which might expand its capacity as a DAW? So spending $20 on NS3 in early February makes you think twice of paying for whatever new Gadgets arrive in later February?

    It's a tough market, to be sure.

  • Part of the problem with the app model is the consumable license. Since it’s locked to your account, with no hope of a transfer market ever, a purchase’s value should be seriously considered as it adds up fast. On the other hand some people aren’t price sensitive, or at least act like they aren’t. Sorry you’re feeling stung @MonzoPro, how do you like NS as a utility?

  • edited February 2019


  • @MonzoPro said:
    Fuck the rest of them.

    Sometimes the idea of a "Forum driver's license" does appeal to me :)

  • @ashen_hand said:
    Part of the problem with the app model is the consumable license. Since it’s locked to your account, with no hope of a transfer market ever, a purchase’s value should be seriously considered as it adds up fast. On the other hand some people aren’t price sensitive, or at least act like they aren’t. Sorry you’re feeling stung @MonzoPro

    Thank you. It's very rare that anyone on here acknowledges we don't all have masses of disposable income to fritter on music apps. Usually when anyone mentions app prices, there's a barrage of 'oh I spend less than that on a cup of coffeee'.

    @ashen_hand said:
    how do you like NS as a utility?

    I've been bigging it up on here, and on social media - as I do with all music app devs work (naturally they never re-tweet any of my stuff, but there you go, that's loyalty for you), and it's a really nice thing to use. However, it feels incomplete, and as a result I've gone back to my old ways of working. Needs audio tracks, some kind of timeline reference when you're using synths and pads, and AU MIDI recording.

    This has soured it though - statements about it not going on sale, and then going on sale two weeks later don't sit comfortably with me. I won't now put more money into it for the audio tracks IAP, so I reckon this will go in the 'meh' folder.

  • @SevenSystems said:

    @MonzoPro said:
    Fuck the rest of them.

    Sometimes the idea of a "Forum driver's license" does appeal to me :)

    What's that supposed to mean?

  • Bought it (and all the IAPs) full price as soon as it was available. No issues whatsoever with what the dev wants/needs to do to help make the last six-years of incredible work worth his while. Looking forward to the continued development of this amazing piece of software.

    I'm on a fixed income myself, and have to think carefully about purchases I make, but it astonishes me the way people gripe about pocket change differences in app costs... the same amount of work and craftsmanship applied to desktop software commands HUGE cost differentials. Be glad that we can get such quality software for so little!

  • @MonzoPro said:

    @SevenSystems said:

    @MonzoPro said:
    Fuck the rest of them.

    Sometimes the idea of a "Forum driver's license" does appeal to me :)

    What's that supposed to mean?

    Ok gents, let’s not get into that. I get what @MonzoPro is saying, it can be frustrating when an app suddenly goes on sale after paying full price especially just after it goes on sale. It’s happened to all of us at some point and it sucks. However we don’t know what the response to the app has been sales wise. You have to remember we are a tiny niche in the app market and the developer just spent a literal investment of years making this thing and maybe he isn’t getting the return that he initially hoped. No one ever got rich making IOS music apps so a change in sales strategy, while annoying, might be justified if indeed that’s what it is. I have to be honest here, I just bought it on sale as I wasn’t about to spring for 30 note so maybe this is what the developer was hoping for, to catch folks like me on the fence. To be fair, he should have gone the other way and released at 20 and then gone up but that’s hindsight I guess.

  • edited February 2019

    I just got an email from a supplier informing me that the product I bought on Thursday is now 10% off.

    Which was nice of them

    I’d rather they hadn’t told me I missed out on the saving! :-/

  • edited February 2019

    @Mull said:

    I just bought it on sale as I wasn’t about to spring for 30 note so maybe this is what the developer was hoping for, to catch folks like me on the fence. To be fair, he should have gone the other way and released at 20 and then gone up but that’s hindsight I guess.

    Yep. Sometimes early adopters are given an 'early bird' price, as they're the one's that report the bugs, share tips on how it works (as there's usually no docs or tutorials ready), send links to their mates, share the new app on social media, big the app up on forums etc. and get the ball rolling for the developer. Their loyalty is repaid by getting a bit of a discount.

    Not all developers do that, but usually the one's that don't, don't then give the early adopters a slap across the face by discounting it a few weeks later. Brambos is a perfect example of this. He brought out Noir a few weeks before Black Friday last year, but didn't drop the price for that particular app.

    There's nothing wrong with having a sale, or joining in with Black Friday type events to boost sales, but releasing an app at full whack and then slashing the price a few weeks later doesn't do much for consumer confidence - not just for that particular product - but for app purchases in general.

    Anyway, I'm going to butt out of this thread as I can see I'll end up getting skinned alive again.

  • edited February 2019

    I’ve put probably 100ish hours into NS2. That means if I stopped using it right now, I would have invested 30 cents an hour to work on music. If I bought it at the discount, it’s 20 cents.

    Personally, I feel like my own time invested over 100 hours is far and away more expensive than either of those amounts so the difference is negligible. If somebody said “sit in an empty room and do nothing at all and I’ll pay you 20 cents an hour” would you do it? No? how about I sweeten the deal and give you 30 cents an hour? No?

    My time is worth something and for me to invest (because that’s what I’m really doing when I buy anything at all) such a small amount of money to make that time even more valuable because I’m doing something I really enjoy seems like a good deal to me. It’s just not enough money in the long term to even think twice about.

  • Are these the normal prices for the IAP's?

    FREE Launch Pack Free
    Acoustic 1 $6.99
    HipHop & Trap 2 $5.99
    HipHop & Trap 1 $5.99
    Industrial 1 $5.99
    Acoustic 2 $6.99
    Dance & Dub 1 $5.99
    Industrial 2 $5.99
    Dance & Dub 2 $5.99

    If they are discounted I'll jump for the $24 saving (in my case - NS2 + Acoustic 1&2).
    If not I'll probably get the product because I have been holding for a price break since I don't need another DAW but the quality of the synth has my attention at a fair price for a Top 7 Synth.

    Is there a demo of the acoustic IAPs?

    With my luck I'll miss the window. When does this end?

  • @drez said:
    I’ve put probably 100ish hours into NS2. That means if I stopped using it right now, I would have invested 30 cents an hour to work on music. If I bought it at the discount, it’s 20 cents.

    Personally, I feel like my own time invested over 100 hours is far and away more expensive than either of those amounts so the difference is negligible. If somebody said “sit in an empty room and do nothing at all and I’ll pay you 20 cents an hour” would you do it? No? how about I sweeten the deal and give you 30 cents an hour? No?

    My time is worth something and for me to invest (because that’s what I’m really doing when I buy anything at all) such a small amount of money to make that time even more valuable because I’m doing something I really enjoy seems like a good deal to me. It’s just not enough money in the long term to even think twice about.

    Great post 👍

This discussion has been closed.