Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.
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Animoog isn't modular. It's wavetable synthesis. I like Animoog in theory, but in practice I find myself using Nave instead if I want that kind of thing.
Any number of synths, including now Tera, have keyboards that function like Animoog's. The difference is you can pay extra to use Animoog's keyboard to control other synths.
@cian said:
My bad. They used the word "module" all over the description, but not in the sense of a modular synth...Guess I never looked into it that closely, but the pricetag had something to do with that.
Are there Animoog patches available online?
Sorry to get off-topic, though. VirSyn makes great apps, and I love the IAA functionality as an additional option to use it with a DAW. Their synths tend to get more often for that reason alone.
@StormJH1 said:
FWIW, I also like the concept of Animoog, and I like owning a Moog product - but I almost never use it. One reason is that you're stuck with the wavetables that come with it (or via IAP) unless you want to start iFunbox hacking. Too much trouble for me.
I have only logged about 90 minutes in Tera but I like it a lot. I could see it being something I consistently use. The possibilities with all the different synthesis methods, filter types, custom LFOs via the multipoint LFOs, and the ability to craft your own waveforms via additive synthesis are kind of blowing my mind at the moment. It's a monster!
Moog themselves sells patches, and I think Sunsine has a couple of packs. Moog's are not transferable between the iPad and iPhone versions (expect manually with iFunbox or similar) which really lowers my estimation of their company, along with still no AB support for the iPhone version.
I feel like it is pretty pricey for what you get (though I paid 99 cents as the intro price, so no complaints about that), but it is a favorite of many people.
Sorry to continue the OT trend....
Help i saw the features of TERA
and one is: For each step you can program tie, accent, transposition and note order
Does that mean that i can draw the notes for make arpeggios?
Cant understand what is tie and the translate is a piece of clothes.
Thanx in advanced
Since you are quoting from the manual, look under Step Matrix Editor:
"In the next row you can set or reset the tie control for each step. With tie activated on a step the note before this step will get played legato to the note in the step. If both steps play the same note no note off message is generated which means that the note just gets played longer. With legato and slew set on the keyboard page the tied notes also gets the typical 303 type note glide effect."
Tie is like tether, or atadura in Spanish.
EDIT: I see the app store description has the same text as the manual. Manual is here: http://www.virsyn.net/mobileapp/images/ts/terasynth.pdf
Or tie (American) is like two teams who draw a game (referred to, also in American, as kissing your sister)....
or join, two notes joined together, played smoothly, legato.
@StormJH1 Animoog is GREAT lots of dynamics in all of the patches (its wavetable synthesis as mentioned before). It does gritty to ethereal. If you've only got $20 get Animoog.
I've been mucking about with TERA and I have to say its probably the widest synth in terms of sound design and timbre that Virsyn has made (I dont have CUBE, but do have Addictive). The arpeggiator is top class and sounds are very well made and VARIED.
Hey guys....I really happy in programming Waveguide of TERA......beautiful
I think I can make any kind of sounds with this things :-)
The best timbre i ever listen on an iOS synth....
If anyone has any tips on how to use the Waveguide module, I"d love to hear them. The manual description is very short. I have followed tips there and had some good results. But I also feel like I'm far from having mastered it.
@SuperNiCd Put Pink Noise in input and WaveGuide in Feedback, now select waveguide on first mixer channel and move the knobs down in Waveguide module to change timbre.
Thanks @Sinapsya! Actually, I have gotten this far (used white noise instead of pink though) and experimented with a few other input signals. More specifically, I guess I'm trying to wrap my head around this statement from the manual, and how to develop some methodology around attaining specific timbres using it.
"The spectrum of this input signal strongly determines the resulting sound in a very interesting manner: the resulting sound is filtered by the spectrum of the input signal !"
can somebody tell me how fast the LFOs goes (Audiorate?) and if i can control the LFO rate via keyboard?That would be an alternative to the missing (at least in a modular synth missing) Audiorate/FM of Cutoff etc.
Man,whenever a new modular style synth enters the arena it pisses me off that i cant use Thor as an IAA.Why,oh why Propellerhead?
Okay, picked up Tera Synth - LOVE it! Speaking as someone pretty amateur with synths and especially modulars, the presets are unbelievably deep. Like basses? Good, here's 100 of them out of the box. There's even a percussion section with totally legit sub kicks, snares, and pitched toms. They're synth but some sound pretty close to acoustic. You could make a whole song with just this and a recorder and it wouldn't miss other apps that much.
Some things are a little rough around the edges, like text that runs outside of the buttons where it's supposed to be, but nothing too critical. Monster app!
One thing I wish - addictive synth (or micro addictive, maybe?) had like a 4-track looper within the app - it was a great sketchpad! The other Virsyn apps don't have that but I kind of wish they did!
@Crabman: The LFO's are as fast as in MicroTera.... means up to 689,06Hz which is really fast

You want to control the speed with after touch like in Nave.... not sure if this works here. I think not but maybe i missed something. The good thing is that nearly every parameter could be controlled via the MIDI cc and the Nave Blades. Awesome. Nave is so great to control other synths or FX in a rythmic way
However, i like this synth a lot. This will be for sure another iOS synth i will use often.
The onscreen keyboard of Tera works the same as the blades- mod source "aftertouch".
Has it also poly after touch?
Edit: Also the Blades in Nave are more playable and the scales and chords are better too. When there is one thing which i really don't like in all Virsyn iOS synths, it's the bad keyboard layout. I still wonder why there is no rework on this....
The keyboard needs work. The chromatic keyboard needs a scroll option added (drag the keyboard while holding a note), one 3rd option for a smaller size keyboard (prefabely completely adjustable). VirSyn also needs to work on what the user actually does, modulate or playing (or both). I know you can press the "Q" button to change modes, but I want both modulation and being able to slide around the keys, triggering notes. Also, doing a chord and dragging up/down on the keys to modulate something, only one of the fingers decides the modulation, so doing a chord and changing into another while holding a finger or two, you might loose the ability to modulate. The keyboard really is the only weakness in their otherwise awesome synths.
By the way, is it just me or did this app never even show up on the music top chart? Even the suckiest apps usually takes a peak above the 200 mark or so. What happened with this one?
@ChrisG: You're right with everything here.
I also didn't find a Virsyn app in the Top of the german store and i also never saw a Virsyn VST in a Top list. For me underrrated for sure...... maybe it's the keyboard
Hello to you all. I want to thank you for your great support and want to let you know that i'm listening...
Was now busy with the first update and it's now waiting for approval. This will fix the weird graphics issues on non-retina iPads. Some other bug fixes were done too.
And i'm now especially listening to your keyboard ideas.
Regarding the App Store Top Charts: With all our Apps we were in the Top Charts from day 1, but not with this one. It was a technical problem at Apple's side. Better late than never... We're now getting visible, have a look !
Harry / VirSyn CEO
@VirSyn said:
Wow! A direct response! Thanks, Harry, for letting us know that Virsyn is listening.
I own all of the Virsyn apps, but I think Tera is my favorite -- it's really something special. I've been culling the music apps on my devices, but the Virsyn ones always stay, because they're always unique...
Keep up the good work!
^ what he said!
@VirSyn thanks for responding, Love your Apps but like many other users don't like the keyboard,hope to see this change soon and also hope this change would be in all your Apps.
And finally one of my (synth)gods is answering
Nice to hear ya! An update for the keyboard would be awesome. More octaves (custom size), scrolling....
Welcome news indeed. :-)
Finally bought this one too.Well,that was clear anyway since i bought nearly everything from Virsyn
Had only time for a couple of minutes but one thing that bothers me:i wish i would only see the active modules and not always all at once.Less scrolling (in simpler patches) would be nice.But i like anything else i have seen so far.
@audiblevideo said:
what she said... :P
@VirSyn said:
Finally! Hopefully it didn't cause too much damage. It's not the first time I've seen this happen. They should feature this synth on the music page with a top banner, since it not only deserves it as another quality app obviously, but as bit of compensation for their fock up here.
The chromatic keyboard. Perhaps limit the modulation on the white keys to the area where the black keys starts. It's a small area though...Add another option, one where you do a chord, and drag your fingers up to modulate and it completely ignores other notes, it'll stick to the chord you're playing and modulation until you change chord (and any note/finger should be able to control it's own modulation). Kinda how it works now, only make it less "random" in how the behavior between playing white/black keys and modulation works right now. Add another option where the mod is off and you can slide around, triggering each note without a hiccup when going between the white and black keys. Or something along those lines...I dunno it's a though one to get right I guess..The size, def needs one more smaller option, and being able to adjust which key it starts on (it's always C now).
When I did my presets for Nave I remember constantly thinking that it would be awesome if all iOS synths had a chromatic keyboard that worked just flawlessly as this. Same for the blades and it's option. "Borrow" a few things from that one.
Nave and Thor are probably the best synths in regards to how the playing UI works. Nave totally nailed the "standard" approach. Thors resize and collapse is another design that turned out to work really great on touch screen UIs..