Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.
What is Loopy Pro? — Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.
Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.
Download on the App StoreLoopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.
@bsantoro said:
Interesting. Thanks for the confirmation. Guess I'll try a reboot and go again.
@sonosaurus said:
I did consider it afterwards, but seeing as the reply to my pitch bend request was "will look into it for a future update. Can't promise anything though", I didn't want to raise the 'hassle to implement' factor.
Would it be possible to implement note-per-channel MIDI mode as a free abstracted library? That way other devs would be more likely to include it in their apps.
I emailed the dev and pasted Sonosaurus's message so he knows about it. I haven't gotten any reply yet.
@richardyot said:
Strange, I can't find that option either. Would be nice to have some more scales included as well.
@PaulB said:
If so, +10. Great idea.
Though, with this sort of library stuff, I always wonder how iOS developers would even find out about it. Is there an iOS audio app development resources clearinghouse/blog/mailing list sort of thing going on? Is the AB dev forum becoming a general iOS audio development forum in the way the customer forum as sorta morphed into ground zero for iOS music? Do new devs even know to look there?
I get the sense that a lot of developers do their work in a bit of a vacuum. Perhaps following a tutorial to get off the ground, looking on google/stack overflow when a particular problem comes up and maybe searching github for a library when they feel pretty confident they're reinventing a particular wheel. As an example, when AudioBus was first released I was surprised by just how many developers hadn't even heard of it when people reached out to them to integrate it into their apps. Some of us had been drooling about it for a year at that point!
End ramble. Great idea Paul.
Really enjoying this app so far. I love Grain Science as well, and will probably keep buying Wooji apps because of their excellent track record.
One things I've noticed tho is that the GUI, while beautiful, seemed to suck up a lot of battery life. Having some way to turn this down or off would be great for long sessions.
Introductory pricing didn't last long did it! And I missed it...
Hey everybody,
Thanks for your kind words about Mitosynth! It's awesome to hear you're getting so much out of it. And so many community patches already! Top work by Cinebient and Sinapsya. I'm particularly a fan of Sinapsya's Circuit Brain Message and Cinebient's Black Water patches.
I think everybody figured this out already, but: Mitosynth imports/exports "packages". Mitosynth packages can contain not only patches but also the audio they use as well, and they can either contain one patch, or many. To import a package, either:
You can make packages with one patch (+audio, if necessary) just by exporting a patch from the library, but at the moment, if you want to make a package with lots of patches (which, of course, saves people time importing them) the only option is to back up your entire patch library from the settings screen, which exports all of your user patches in one package.
For v1.1, I'm working on a tool where you can pick out a selection of user patches, and export just the selected ones into a new package.
kgmessier and Zymos are correct, Mitosynth is a play on the word mitosis. See also
A "randomise patch" option is unlikely to make it into Mitosynth because of the way it works. If a synth is basically just a bunch of 0-100% settings, well, you can just pick random values for each setting and get something, maybe good, maybe bad. With Mitosynth there is a huge amount of user-defined flexibility, not just in terms of twiddling a setting to a value, but installing/removing things, replacing settings with automations, and so on.
IAA & State Saving: The Audiobus 2 SDK with support for those things wasn't publicly available until after Mitosynth was sent to the App Store. In fact I think it turned up about 24-48 hours before release? I haven't had time to look at it yet, but of course I will be checking it out
BPM: I explained to Lee in email, but basically, BPM is set by going to an automatable dial and putting it into BPM mode (works on iPhone, not just iPad), there you can set not only the dial's BPM ratio, but also the global BPM and note length. Cuz that's a bit inconvenient to get to for a global parameter, there's also a short-cut to it on the iPad performance screen, but there wasn't room for it on the iPhone. But the feature's still there.
Sonosaurus: Drop me an email about the voice-per-channel thing. Mitosynth supports poly pitch bend internally using the poly-glide mode, it might be possible to hook that up to the MIDI as well, I don't know. At the moment it only supports mono-glide over MIDI.
Sorry there aren't a lot of options for scales, it's on the list of things to look into for updates.
Okay, I have to go reply to more emails now, and work on new features
Thanks again everybody!
Wooji Juice
Thank you for this great work, I'm really enjoying Mitosynth!
I have a request, don't know if anybody asked for it already, but I would like to create folders in "My Patches" for the imported patches like the ones from @Cinebient or @Sinapsya, so I can quickly see, who made the patches, and have an overview.
There are no different folders available but you can sort the patches via the tags. Just open the tag search field at the top of the list. If you search for "Cinebient" just all my patches will be showed. Search for "Sinapsya"....the same. You also can add more tags like "Cinebient", "Pads".... then only Cinebient Pad patches will be showed etc.
The same works for the audio folder (tough i forgot to tag my added audios here;)
Hope that help a bit.
@Cemaro said:
Looking forward to that select presets -> export as package feature. I'm currently done with 10 or so presets, I'm using 1 or 2 samples from your package @cinebient if that's ok? They are fully credited to you in the preset description(s), and of course it's all gonna be free. The piano sample and some bass waveform I believe. I can swap them out if you want me to!
Making presets in Mito has made me tone deaf I think. I've been struggling with the frequency setting, which does have a test tone button next to it, like crazy trying to get things in tune. But I dunno...maybe I got too much wax in my ears or something.
Speaking of, I'd love to have the slider that lets you fine tune/change parameters being even slower at the lowest amount. It is a bit tricky to enter exact values. Perhaps a double tap on a parameter to enter an exact value would help here?
@ChrisG: Sure you can use all the audios. They are all there as sound sources for user patches. How i said that are just some (low quality) royalty free samples or my own recordings and field recordings. I'm looking forward to see what you do with it and i also hope that others will add more unique samples as sound sources. Especially some field recordings are hard to get in some areas. There is enough forest around me. I'm missing a sea
@Canis said:
Hey thanks for posting here - for the scales I can live with the limited set available, but the inability to actually set the root note/key is far more problematic, I don't want everything to be in the key of C! I presume it's a simple bug or oversight, but without being able to set the root note the scales option may as well not be there at all.
@Cinebient Yes, thanks. but for a quick overview I'd prefer having folders or banks. Maybe in a future update?
+1000 what ChrisG said- some way to enter exact values would be very, ummm, valuable!
@Cinebient said:
Great. Yea, I'm missing a proper mic and a sea sample or two.
I'm gonna try and hunt down some sea, river, water samples since I like that myself. Hmm maybe the bathtub and the built-in iPhone mic will work here 
@ChrisG: I'm always lurking for such things. All the field recordings indeed here are just recorded with my iPhone 5 internal mic via AudioShare
I was lucky to get the Specht(Woodspecker). i also used this sample as source for some great percussions FX in a few tracks. I plan something to do with a proper field recording mic too and i still have some great unique things made but sadly these a for another project (not iOS) which i can't share. But i will try to add something more into the Cinebient Volume 2. I created also a bunch of trancegates which are really easy and great to get with this synth.
Ok cool, I thought the bird/nature sounds were recorded with an external mic!
Well, if I walk outside with the iPhone ready around/near my home, I'm just going to be able to pick up passing cars, barking dogs and the occasional drunk. It's a small town. I'm definetely going to try and get some large city ambience kind of samples, and the water stuff. Djungle and forest recordings (like the bird) are another source I really think fits well having mixed inside pad/scape sounds.
Like Cinebient says, tags pretty much are folders. It's just that a patch can have more than one tag at once. If you were to give each patch exactly one tag only... then you'd have folders.
To "go into" a folder, you just tap the label button at the top-right of the patch library, next to the search box, then tap the "folder" you want to go into.
Want to see only your own patches? Tap "user". Only the ones that ship with the synth? "built in". Want to see all of the patches in Sinapsya's or Cinebient's packages? Tap their name in the list. This is exactly like having all their patches (or yours, or Mitosynth's) in a folder, and going into it. Except that you can narrow it down with extra tags, so, you can find all the Cinebient bass patches or all the Sinapsya pad patches.
Bonus: It's easy to give patches temporary tags, like "to do" (or something) for patches you're not quite finished designing yet. Or tag the patches you need for a particular performance. With folders, you'd have to move them out of one folder, into another, so if you wanted to put one of Sinapsya's patches into a folder for quick access during a performance, it would no longer be in the Sinapsya folder. Chaos reigns, cats & dogs sleeping together, mass hysteria, etc...
Regarding entering exact values: I have something in mind for that, but, in the meantime, there's a cheesy workaround. Got a calculator on your iPad (iPhone of course comes with one)? Type in the number you want there, copy it. Switch to Mitosynth and paste it onto the dial :P Yeah, goofy, but if you really, really need an exact value in Mitosynth v1.0...
@ChrisG @Cinebient I'm living (for next month or two) on a small peninsular in mid-coast Maine. Turn left out of the old farmhouse and there's a tiny village called Round Pond (more commonly known as the Atlantic Ocean
. We also have the Pemaquid river at the bottom of the garden which we kayak on. Lots of water and beasts. Rumors of moose, but might be hard to capture (sound from), but if you have any field recording requests or suggestions, feel free to let me know.
@canis Ha! Thanks for the calculator tip, it'll do for now
Yea we got moose too, only see them crossing the roads some times though. Saw a lone huge wolf in a forest not far from where I live. Needless to say I didn't exactly think to pick up my iPhone from my pocket at the time lol, and the wolf shot away through the forest like an arrow upon spotting us anyways, but it would have been cool to sample a howl
There are all these relaxation apps on the AppStore, both free and apps that cost, most of them have different kinds of flowing river water, shore waves, rain (on various surfaces), thunderstorms etc. So anything from gentle "clucking" water, small flowing river/ponds to crashing ocean waves and anything between are all useful sounds. I'm gonna try to take a look at some of those apps, and see if it's possible to grab the samples, and if any clearance is needed
Wow. The wolf. I would have shot off too
I'm sure I'm trying to teach you guys how to suck eggs here, but if you don't already know of it
can be absolutely terrific for global field recordings/found sounds.....have to dig about (of course), but much to find that cannot otherwise be found etc.
@JohnnyGoodyear: Everything can be used for creating sounds. You can even create extrem interesting soundscapes with daily tools like glasses and ventilators or combine wood with metal and so on. I was much inspired by a fantastic sound designer named "Diego Stocco". He made a lot of the "psycho acoustic" stuff for a famous VSTi and he can create an instrument out of everything. In general it's easy to create something out of any sound you can hear. It just lacks tools on iOS to use such things for me. I could only use it proper in my desktop synth of choice but now there is Mitosynth where of course i miss some things too but for now it's a great way to combine all this things in a unique way. And there are really some things which i can't do in any desktop software i saw. I just miss still one thing really hard in any iOS synth... additive resynthesis.... but iOS is still a child in the music world and i hope things grow up more.
@ChrisG: But even if the apps are free you could be in breach with some copyright when you share such samples. Because of that it's better to use just "own" sounds or created patches etc.
@Cinebient Thanks for the note/encouragement. What do you find the best app for efficient/quick/convenient etc 'field recording'? I have used Loopy successfully (for street musicians in Austin especially), but would love to hear your thoughts.
Yea that was the first time I saw a wolf in the wild, about two years ago. Only seen them in captivity before. What amazed me was how friggin fast the wolf was. This was in a very, very dense forest, lots of foliage, bumps/hills etc. This huge thing navigated it all like it was nothing, and was long gone in just a couple of seconds. Scary fast. Fortunately in the right direction though.
Didn't know about that site, looks like a great source, thanks.
Is a ping pong mode in the looping section inside Mito something that would be useful, or is it just me? When putting certain things in looped mode, as opposed to one shot mode, I keep thinking "this would sound really cool going back' forth", kinda getting some reversal effects going on etc.
@cinebient Yea you're right. Better to be safe then sorry here, for sure.
@JohnnyGoodyear: I mostly used just Audioshare and recorded some longer pieces. Then at home i look at it again and see what i can use from it to create nice sounds. I still have hours of recorded stuff which i havn't analyzed yet
I always save a "raw" file there too. Then i cut it in usable pieces and use it straight away (sometimes an unwanted noise is exact the thing which makes the unique character of a sound after mangle it trough FX and a synth. (Eden in NanoStudio is also amazing indeed for some organic sounding FX... just load a simple sound into it and see how it works
Sometimes i put some FX on it and mangle it trough my fav. mastering app on iOS before using it in a synth. F.e. the field recording "Forest Walk" which is also included in the Cinebient Volume 1 package was just a "fail record" but it worked great for me and i also used it in other projects (a track from me called "Tribe") where it sounded like a thunder after piched it down a lot and put sone FX on it
The main thing for me is that even if you put all the FX and filters etc. on it, it still has this organic sound which i love.
@Canis said:
This. Tags concept is a multipotential folder, way more powerful and effective. It's just a matter of getting used to it
@Cinebient. Thanks for the insight. I'm pretty sure I don't use Audioshare as much as I might (and I love it already). Also been meaning to add my thanks for sharing those first 100. Many, many there that I find really inspiring, partly as regards making my own patches, but immediately as regards using them in sound pieces/songs etc. Really good work on your part and much appreciated. JG
Thank you
Much appreciated!