Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.
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Thanks for the review. I think you're spot on as regards the 'demo' aspect. Not conscious on my part (who decides to be unpolished?), but I have caught myself 'allowing' myself to get stuck on a few things that I know are song ideas that needs extending beyond the one minute 15 second mark by the 'production' aspect (which I have the least experience/skill at). I guess SOTMC requires us each to take a look at ourselves as regards what we might be using as an excuse and yours may be different to mine and so forth.
I wrote the lyrics for this in one short session and then about an hour later recorded it on fly three or four times and cut up what I had. Following on from advice I have (so generously!) given you and others, I really need to sing it 100 times and keep trimming down the syllables until I get the rhythm of each line/stanza nailed.
It can feel like a bit of a slog, but your last admonition made me realize/fess up to the fact that one has to embrace the slog part, just like working at the gym or similar, put in the hard yards etc. What I've also noticed is that it's only when I feel that I'm in a sloggy bit that I end up with a song somewhere on the other side....
Ah, Crass
The days of my full sneer/shoutiness are I fear long gone. If I look in the mirror of my own vocals I see very clearly how I've lost that yard of pace
Agree with you 100% about the backing track. The very fact that I so easily reach for the phrase 'backing track' gives it all away I guess. Again, as mentioned to Mister Yot, I think in the end I decided I needed to not give myself an excuse to quit/fail. I would like to give this piece (in essence anyway) to a tight four piece guitar outfit and have musicians come up with something driving and mean to howl against.
Back to bourgeois balladry for me I think
BTW, don't think for a second I missed the sly push to spending the kid's college fund on Cyclop you managed to crowbar in there...
@JohnnyGoodyear I wouldn't worry too much about the production aspect, because it will come with practice, and actually writing a compelling song is much more important. You will make progress in both areas every month.
Revision always is a bit of slog unfortunately. I think there's two bad parts of the creative process: first there's the blank page and the working/waiting for ideas to come, this can often feel like hard work unless an idea hits you in the shower or walking the dog, but trying to conjure up an idea out of thin air when the idea isn't ready to come isn't much fun.
Then the other grim task is revising material - you've got past the exciting bit when the idea has finally come, and you've written/recorded something that you like, but you know needs tweaking This bit is also a chore, but it's necessary because it removes those nagging imperfections that you know are there. If you don't do this you can bet that people will notice and comment on those bits you knew could have been better but didn't fix out of laziness.
I agree. We all pay lip service to the benefits of experience, but one has to get it. A bonus, accelerated by sharing ideas, is the amount one learns by accident as much as design with each project. This may be particularly true when one takes on very different styles or approaches. I'm sure the music track doesn't reflect it to the listener, but this was the first piece I actually incorporated an Abu track into and as a result learned far more about what that particular Gadget can do than I had previously just futzing with it....
One rather big benefit of Gadget actually (as I've just discovered in my few days using it) is that it requires much less tweaking than any live recording. I guess the sound is already very good, even with the built-in reverb, so a track out of Gadget needs a lot less work in Auria than say a recorded acoustic guitar - this is a massive timesaver.
Also being able to record a performance as MIDI, then fix the mistakes makes life a lot easier. This is hardly a big secret but I haven't used MIDI for quite while so using Gadget this past week has really bought that home, it makes finishing a track a lot faster compared to having to actually perform the music in real-time.
Absolutely. And for those of us who need some discipline with our structure (erm, that would be me then) Gadget also helps.
I look forward to hearing how being relieved of the 'playing the guitar and singing at the same time' effects/changes things for you.
Well, having said I wasn't going to use Gadget for my SOTM entry, it turns out that I was having so much fun with it that I did end up writing a song with it. Rather than taking almost a full month to produce it will probably end up taking about a week, so maybe I should be writing 4 songs a month with it...
Anyway, inevitably it's a pretty different sound to my usual shoegaze efforts, the challenge for me is to find a way of meeting in the middle. I don't like the idea of being boxed in a genre, but it's rather hard to escape because the noises you make tend to fit in to one box or another.
I like to think of myself as a half-empty tenement building, still many rooms to explore
The room I'm looking for is the one that no-one else has found yet - don't you go finding it first.
I think there's still enough sneer in there, especially if you ramp it through Tonestack for a bit of growl...you need to add space in there though. It's a consistent theme with your spoken word/singing - you try and cram as many words as you can into the thing. Give the words room to breathe.
I wish they'd put that thing on sale, a few quid off and I'll nab the bugger. I've got my own noise project just waiting for that one.
Do you ever do collaborations? I wouldn't mind mucking about with your vocal track and putting it against one of my Throbbing-Gristle-esque noise fests, if you can handle the horror.
I'm all for hodging the podging. That (or those) vocals are in a hundred pieces which you're more than welcome to slice further, discard, ruin, shred and revivify as you wish. The horror is all mine I assure you....
Smashing - if you stick the audio track/s (easier if it's in one long audio file though) online and send me the link as a private message (or I can give you my email and you could send it that way) then I'll find a suitably unhinged and angry home for it. I'm actually overdue a noisy session so I'd enjoy doing this, and my vocals are about as edgy as Val Doonican doing an Axminster W.I. gig. Actually my vocals can sound a bit Sir Viv, but that's another genre/World completely...
@JohnnyGoodyear, Wow!! I was not expecting that from you mate.kudos to u sir!
I agree with a lot of previous posts so I won't rehash them.Just know that I sang the hook to my baby boy and it made him smile...albeit in a very windy way! So...er...yeah,I'm not sure 3 week olds are your target audience but hey!:D I thought how you used phasey effects on the music was cool and I also liked how u sang the main hook lots of different ways giving the impression that I gather u were going for of a load of different people singing.
I shall look forward to a Johnny & Monzo mash up!:D
@LostBoy85 Thanks Mister. I can assure you that in about ten minutes your 'little' boy will be singing THESE EXACT WORDS BACK AT YOU. That's their job
As for the potential Johnzo Mash, I think this will strictly be a Monzo affair and any and all complaints or grammys will have to be laid at his incredibly dark door....
@JohnnyGoodyear "I am....."
Awesome! Can't get it out of my head. May be permanent damage!
My effort this month, the vocals were done with iVoxel (tried to use Attack but the timing was too hard to control), rest is Gadget with some Animoog and Alchemy:
Slightly off-topic, but if you have 25 minutes to spare this talk is quite interesting - it's about visual art, but it's essentially exactly the kind of thing we are building here:
Hi @richardyot , listened to your song, it made me laugh. The picture (made it yourself? I think you did) is funny and apart from the funny part: it is very good! Stylish. The music is also funny, and apart from the 'funny aspect' it is quite good. The effects are well chosen. Everything together is catchy. Good work! I don't have any ideas about what is not good about it, so no constructive criticism.
Haven't commented yet on other peoples songs, I will do that in the time to come.
@Marcel - thanks, and yes the artwork is mine, I figured it made more sense to start using the same image on all my songs rather than trying to fish through my archives or make a new one each month.
Just checking in to say hi...
Jeez... 68 comments to read... and who knows how many tracks to listen too? I've been slacking so I need to put some time aside before the end of the month to do some listening and commenting.
And finishing (starting?) my track...
Nice tune, Like it. Shame you weren't able to use Attack.
Yeah, it's hard keeping up to date with this thread...
@richardyot - just listened to your track:
I love:
the main vocal hook - very catchy
the building of the music towards the end. The progression is good
the drum and percussion tracks. Good rhythm on this one
It feels like:
the vocal hook is used a bit too much. It's like you have a chorus and have decided to use it for all the verses too. I think it needs a couple of verses of nice vocoded lyrics. That's the main criticism really. It's got the makings of a great song / track - but feels like you haven't done the verses
the Berlin solo about 1 third through I'm less keen on. It sounds a bit too 'Berlin' and it's kind of like stuck in there because of lack of content. I'd rather have more 'song' if you know what I mean. Edit: actually it's ok there on second listen. It's just the sound I've heard a bit too much
It's good though. Reminds me of Daft Punk obviously, and hot chip. The hook is really good!
@Matt_Fletcher_2000 thanks for the thoughtful crit, I appreciate it. I actually had many of the same thoughts as I was making the track, I recorded lots of vocoded phrases and I did have a second verse but they fell by the wayside as I just kept the stronger material - I am aware that the repetition could be a weakness, but I thought for a silly bouncy song it might be OK - I will need to some time to decide if that was the right call.
I wasn't keen on the Berlin solo either to start with (like the vocals I record several of these melodic breaks and delete most of them in the end), but this one grew on me so in the end I kept it.
But yes this song has many areas that are repetitive, the lyrics (laughably so), the drums, the harmony which doesn't change at all, so I used dynamics and melodic breaks to add variation and interest. If I feel the song needs to be reworked a few months down the line I might well come back to it, because I think it's got a good groove and some catchy hooks.
First and foremost, I've heard from the Reid brothers and they're not happy
Very interesting piece for procedural reasons. I think Matt has already covered the bases on this as regards repetition. It feels to me like you have found a new environment and are stretching your legs in it. This is a little unfair because I happen to know you have got your Gadget on in this past period, not that anyone would if they didn't (if you get me).
It's a nice enough piece and well-executed. The Attack Vocoder excitement in a post Daft Punk world did make me think that we would be hearing a lot of synthvox in the next period. All perfectly valid. If I were your agent (I'm not
I would probably ban you from using it because I think one of the best things SOTMC offers is the opportunity to work in areas we feel we need to and singing is something you have been making progress with.
It feels a little as though this month was a slight deviation, but I guess every month is in one was or another. Being a words boy, I would like to hear this piece with lyrics in place of the 'This is just a test' mantra, but I it also feels exactly right to put this to one side and take another look at it in a few months time. To be truthful, this is one of the things of SOTMC I like and look forward to the most.
On a musical front, I don't suffer from having 'overheard' Berlin or others as I don't use them as much perhaps. As a result there were no overly derivative sounds. I liked what I heard. I particularly liked the lead sound at around 1.17 and it made me realize that the cut of a guitar sound amongst the synth layers can be very effective.
Aint Gadget fun?
Thanks, more good thoughts to chew on.
BTW, that sound at 1.17 is the Berlin one Matt wasn't keen on, but I liked it because it sounds so guitar-like (but so much easier to play!). I added a bit of Saturn in Auria for some added crunch.
And vocoding was with iVoxel, couldn't control Attack at all, iVoxel at least helps me to speak/sing the rhythm. It's an app that I'd owned for ages but hadn't really got around to learning, so the experiment was useful.
It's definitely a transitional piece, I'd really like to somehow combine this with the guitar/indie stuff somehow.
1 + 1 = 3
Wow! @RichardYot,I just wanted to clarify that that was just a test yes??!!:D I tell ya you and Mr Goodyear have got your Captain Hooks going this month!! It sounded like u had a lot of fun making that track and FUN was exactly what came across.I don't use Gadget much so all the music sounded fresh to me and not overdone (personally I can get a bit carried away with sound content and can end up with a song with a Gazillion tracks!!) I'm sorry I know ur fond of a critique but I'm struggling to find anything as this was a departure for you which i think has turned into a catchy little number! Personally I would maybe change the beat up slightly every now and then...that's all I've got! Great job mate!:D
Comments on some contributions.
@LostBoy85 Good one!! Flashy 80's vibe. Like it! You sing very good!! The synth lines are not completely what I am fond of to be honest, nevertheless in the whole song they integrate very well, and I like the whole song.
@eustressor Very nice tune! Nice piano tickling! Like the theme.
@monzo you make me laugh. (I hope this does not offend you, if so, please keep reading) What a great dark intro of your "song"! My laughing continues in the middle section. And then the voice sets in again, another lol. That weird rythmic sound starts again, idiotic, weird, funny. I really like your contribution! Original weirdness. I listened to it again, and still liked it. It is not only funny, it is an original mishmash (Google translate helped me there) of sounds which has a dark athmosphere, but not too dark, because of the comic effects. (my interpretation of course, which is subjective.) Listened to it a third time, and I think: my laughing was only that I am not used to listening to this sort of music, unfamiliarity. It now sounds more like some weird dream. Still like it, still think of it as an original mishmash, but it has more tension in it (than my first listen). But perhaps I am now listening too serious to it.
No I'm not offended at all, thank you for listening and sharing your thoughts! The stuff I do on the iPad is a lot more free and experimental than music I make/made elsewhere, but I guess I'm still subconsciously putting more in there than it would appear on a casual listen.
I started with a crazy rhythm, processed live, but I did spend quite a while tweaking and editing it. Then adding extra tracks, until I finally picked a vocal sample that worked with the whole thing. Not intended as a comedy number, but glad you enjoyed it
Most people will probably play a couple of seconds and switch off, thinking I've just thrown a load of stuff together (though I have been known to do this too). Thank you for taking the time to listen and discover that it's actually well thought out, planned rubbish.
well thought out, planned rubbish ++