Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.
What is Loopy Pro? — Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.
Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.
Download on the App StoreLoopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.
@Matt_Fletcher_2000 thanks Mister Matt. I am always so interested in getting on with the next thing that the prospect of all this fiddling about at the end saps my will to live. Makes sense to me that there is a line of work (hello Mister @tarekith
for people who specialize in this kind of thing. And also, despite the arguing, why groups of people (I think I shall call them bands) can add up to more than the sum of their parts etc.
Will run my test piece through Master Record and see what it adds.
@monzo I have been amazed since the addition of the apogee guitar thingie with how well recorded the guitar comes in to Auria. I imagine there's a limiter of some kind on the little silver tube. Or it may just be magic...I also use the built-in EQ in Auria a fair amount (along with a slew of plug-ins), perhaps that helps....as for the input matrix; never touched it...
@Fitz great effort! I really love all of the guitars, they really make the tune and create a wonderful atmosphere.
Vocals definitely need to go higher, I couldn't really hear them. They sounded in tune, so they maybe didn't need quite so much FX. The bits of lyric I can make out are intriguing so I would definitely like to hear them better.
I also would have liked the drums at the start to be much heavier, with a big drum roll just before that first slide guitar comes in - that would have been epic.
The mix is a tad muddy too.
@Fitz - the 60s called. They say they want The Animals back.
I liked it. Loads of moody atmos. Didn't feel like full on track though.
And I honestly don't actually remember hearing any vocals. Turn em up
Nice professional track - I particularly like the tightness of the drum/bassline towards the end. Looking forward to this new synth if this is what it's capable of...
Very clean and crisp, perfect quality. Interesting rhythms and added samples too.
This reminds me of a band I used to play in, slightly scary bluegrass, though your track veers towards darkened Americana from the wrong side of the tracks. Really like it, great playing, think the production could be a bit cleaner though.
I seem to have to fiddle with the matrix every time I use AB, or there's no sound. Haven't had a lot of luck with the EQ's either, they're a bit intimidating.
I had a look at the Apogee, and it's a toss up between that one and the iRig Pro. The Pro has MIDI and mic connections, so although it's a bit more expensive, you get a bit more flexibility.
Thanks @monzo - I think I may have gone too far and overcooked the bass on my version 2. But never mind. Onwards.
Still waiting for yours this month
9 Days (left) in May....
...if all else fails I'll stick a bit of guitar on the Different Drummer experiment and submit that one...
@monzo hey buddy,you may have tried this already with Auria but if you hold down the record button you get a drop down thingy that lets you set the record level.I used to also clip a lot but since discovering that gem I'm good.i hope this helps mate.
Thanks! Yes I did know about this but I found it difficult to set as it seems to be really sensitive - I also notice you can't access it on the last track as it appears offscreen (sigh). It's good for taking the level down though as Auria seems to be high by default.
The issue I have is with the quality really, just not as clean as when I record into GarageBand or Audioshare. I'm sure it's me, and I'll figure it out eventually.
Did not know (so much I don't), thanks for the tip...
I think I'm close to giving up on Auria, in fact on iOS music in general - 2 months struggling to create a finished track and every time I try and record something I end up battling technical issues. Tonight the SeekBeats overdub which sounded spot on as I recorded it is completely out of sync on playback, and shifting the wave about afterwards just isn't working. I used to knock something out a couple of times a week with my iPad 2/GarageBand combo.
Think it might be time to update Maschine on the PC and revisit that one, I'm fed up with banging my head against an iOS brick wall.
@Monzo - I feel your pain...
I tried all that multi app stuff. Too fraustrating in my opinion (although I know some people manage it).
Why not just make a few tracks entirely in Gadget (with a few samples) before you give up and go back to a PC?
Or go back to Garage Band - then maybe master in Auria or Audio Mastering.
@monzo Won't be the same around the old place...
Thanks guys, sorry for the rant. I used to use the iPad 2 for a relaxing music session at the end of a long days work, it's become more of a battle on the new one - iOS 8, Auria, sound sync and quality problems, crashes, apps that like to think of their UI's as 'puzzles'...
Good suggestion Matt, I'll stick to apps I know and go back to GarageBand, I was happy there once.
Anyway, sorry, carry on...
I wanted to listen to all the tracks from this month. Has anyone made a playlist yet? If not does anyone mind if I do one?
@richardyot, I really like that your before and after approach. I'm with you on using this forum as a way of improving my skills. It's only my second month so I have a ways to go though...
I'm happy you didn't lose the intimacy with your final arrangement, and that nothing was taken away, only added too. The vocals on the second verse, or in fact after the first verse seemed great. Not sure what it is about the first verse - difficult melody, confidence? Also some of the cymbals seemed not to fit on occasion, but I don't really like cymbals that much anyway, so there is that.
@RedSkyLullaby, a pretty faultless piece of music there. I was tempted to have a go when I saw the original post on Facebook, especially as guitar is my main instrument and it would have been interesting to have that taken away from me. I would be really interested in knowing more about the apps you use.
@Marcel, nice track. I felt the rhythm guitar was a little bit loud, or the lead was too quiet. Good drums, what are you using? i'm all for instrumentals, based my working life on them in fact, but in this case it would of been nice to have maybe a whispered voice somewhere in the mix?
Definitely Nick Cave - there's a TV programme that uses his Red Right Hand to good effect. Also I remembered this lot after I'd finished. Saw them live once, bit mad and very loud. Are you in Texas did you say? Might make sense to you if so.
Lift to Experience
Hey Fitz, thanks for comment on the first track I contributed this month (I contributed 2 tracks) Nice you like it. Rythm guitar too loud? No not for me, perhaps you have different headphone/speakers (or preferences), the mix sounds good in my ears. The drums: I used Rock Drum Machine 2.
Hey Monzo, I don't want to disencourage you in your plan to go back to GarageBand, but my experience with GB on ios 8.3 iPad Air 2 is: syncing problems. Perhaps I am the only one with it, but my issue is: it records before the beat. My solution is (I still record with GB) to set the amount of beats to automatic, start playing on measure 2 and afterwards move the recorded track slightly to the right. But you might not have this issue. I don't know if it is a general issue, or if it is just my issue.
I never had this issue (or I didn't notice it) on my iPad 3 with ios 7.
Explanation why I start playing on measure 2: if I don't my first chord misses a small part of the beginning of it.
Good insight @Marcel. Just between us we assess @monzo as officially close to the fucking edge (medical term). You may have not seen the confidential memo earlier but management are considering sending in a team. Try to keep him talking if you can.
I might just put him over the edge, but I will do my utmost, I think at least I have drawn his attention, which might be a big step in the healing process.
Thanks @Fitz . Used Samplr mainly for that track, is a great app if you do not have it.
I liked your track also, nice mix of sounds and decent production. Only thing I would say is I like the effect on vocals but they were a bit muddy in mix, maybe just needed tiny bit or EQ boost in upper mid/high range
Right, isn't that exactly what Monzo is also experiencing in Auria on iOS 8? I'm still on iOS 7, so can't comment, but I have found that the most reliable way to record is to have some latency-free monitoring, except that isn't possible with virtual instruments. However I have managed to record soft synths via AB or IAA in iOS 7, is it possible that 8 is introducing some additional latency?
Not sure about GB, but with Auria there are many occasions (ifretless Bass, Guitarism...) where I need to move the recorded audio approx 3000-4000 samples forward to get them in sync. It usually sounds ok. I tested once by recording with IAA, then recording the same with Audiobus. I would use IAA more often but can't get Guitarism to open as IAA and some ifretless apps sound fine when not recording but there is a loud buzz when recording.
I suppose my principle here is less about just listening to the music but almost thinking what I would do if I was mixing the track. It certainly does depend on what you are listening through and personal taste. But I will get RDM 2 on the strength of your piece (did you use it on the second track?).
On the 2nd track, it was really nice, you have a really beautiful and delicate guitar approach, and the singing helped create a 'warm embrace' feel, with an almost 60's innocence and softness. I prefer this track to be honest.
Thanks for listening, I do have Samplr and think I understand but can't quite make music with it. And thanks for the advice, I'm looking for any I can get.