Loopy Pro: Create music, your way.

What is Loopy Pro?Loopy Pro is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive live looper, sampler, clip launcher and DAW for iPhone and iPad. At its core, it allows you to record and layer sounds in real-time to create complex musical arrangements. But it doesn’t stop there—Loopy Pro offers advanced tools to customize your workflow, build dynamic performance setups, and create a seamless connection between instruments, effects, and external gear.

Use it for live looping, sequencing, arranging, mixing, and much more. Whether you're a live performer, a producer, or just experimenting with sound, Loopy Pro helps you take control of your creative process.

Download on the App Store

Loopy Pro is your all-in-one musical toolkit. Try it for free today.

The Audiobus Forum is now the Loopy Pro Forum!

In case you didn't see the announcement thread, I have some big news: Audiobus – the app – is going to a new home. Francesco and Andrea are developers and musicians who are keen to pursue Audiobus’ further potential, keep it updated and enhance the experience for users old and new – and unlike me, they have the resources to do so! They’re full of ideas and energy, and I am confident that Audiobus will be in good hands.

The Audiobus Forum, however, is staying right here with me. After some consultation with the community here about what to do, I've decided to rename it to the Loopy Pro Forum, at forum.loopypro.com.

It has a new name and new colours, but otherwise, it's the same place, and nothing else will change.


Imaginando - BAM - Beat Maker & Music Maker - Out Now



  • edited September 2023

    @Gavinski said:

    @HotStrange said:

    @Gavinski said:

    @HotStrange said:
    @Gavinski the 🍃 must be good today 😂

    Lol.... Haven't actually had a single toke since I got to Thailand despite it being legal here, believe it or not.

    Didn’t know it was legal there! If you start talking slow in your videos I’ll know why 😂

    Hahaha, having taught English to foreigners for years and knowing that not all the audience are native speakers I generally speak slowly in my vids anyway

    Now I know why I’ve sent so much on apps I never use. There you are sitting there in a cloud making a review video - large reefer dangling from your lips and with an understated Irish drawl giving it…’ now to me this sounds fantastic… absolutely amazing’…. 🥰😀

  • Sorry if this is covered before, but I need very clear answers:

    1) Will it be possible to load auv3 synths/drums inside BAM?

    2) Possible to load midi fx before a Synth?

    3) import midi files?

    4) export midifiles?

    5) Multiinstruments on separate audiotracks? (A drum machine with multi out)

    6) Play longer (imported) audio files

    7) export audiostems?

    If yes, I’ll be very happy


  • @cokomairena said:
    Is there scales anywhere? And a way to increase the keyboard size?

    No not that I’ve found

  • @db909 said:

    @cokomairena said:
    Is there scales anywhere? And a way to increase the keyboard size?

    No not that I’ve found

    I would also like scales

  • @Sergiu said:

    @db909 said:

    @cokomairena said:
    Is there scales anywhere? And a way to increase the keyboard size?

    No not that I’ve found

    I would also like scales

    Yes, this is a usability thing. Have a diatonic scale keyboard would make the workflow instantly faster.

  • OK - I’m going to say it …… I would like all the features that are in Pure Acid to be included 😀 Does that about cover it? 😍

  • @Gavinski said:
    I think in general it's better not to cross the streams too much and stick to iOS music stuff for my videos haha, but I have
    a few pictures on in my Insta account

    That’s fair! I remember you saying you teach/thought English. I never finished college (or university lol) but was going for an English degree.

  • For those on the test flight - how do you modulate with an AUV3 parameter? I see the modulation pane, and the only way to add something seems to be by pressing “learn” then moving a knob. Which works fine for in-product elements, but I tried several AUV3s and it never registered.

  • edited September 2023

    @Oregano said:
    For those on the test flight - how do you modulate with an AUV3 parameter? I see the modulation pane, and the only way to add something seems to be by pressing “learn” then moving a knob. Which works fine for in-product elements, but I tried several AUV3s and it never registered.

    This is what I was confused with, but was informed by the Imaginando team, for AUV3 instruments you need to 'Learn' which parameter you wish to modulate first, once learned the parameter becomes a parameter button like the internal instruments and you can then select this parameter button to modulate like the internal instruments.

  • Any betatester played with midi hardware yet? I tried, but can not make BAM sync to an external clock, start stop or even register incoming notes. I tried various hardware sequencers, synths and controllers.

  • edited September 2023

    I tried wired and ble

  • Thanks @troxx . When I press on the learn button in the modulation pane, then open DRC (like you did) and fiddle with the cutoff knob, nothing happens - the learn button keeps flashing and no knob appears at the bottom of the DRC window… Am I missing a step?

  • @jaijai said:
    I tried wired and ble

    Make sure to let the devs know.

  • @robosardine said:
    OK - I’m going to say it …… I would like all the features that are in Pure Acid to be included 😀 Does that about cover it? 😍

    I think you can load Pure Acid as an AUv3 in BAM. 😉

  • @jwmmakerofmusic said:

    @robosardine said:
    OK - I’m going to say it …… I would like all the features that are in Pure Acid to be included 😀 Does that about cover it? 😍

    I think you can load Pure Acid as an AUv3 in BAM. 😉

  • @AudioGus said:

    @jwmmakerofmusic said:

    @robosardine said:
    OK - I’m going to say it …… I would like all the features that are in Pure Acid to be included 😀 Does that about cover it? 😍

    I think you can load Pure Acid as an AUv3 in BAM. 😉

    😂🤣🤣🤣 Yep! Musical inception!

  • @jwmmakerofmusic said:

    @AudioGus said:

    @jwmmakerofmusic said:

    @robosardine said:
    OK - I’m going to say it …… I would like all the features that are in Pure Acid to be included 😀 Does that about cover it? 😍

    I think you can load Pure Acid as an AUv3 in BAM. 😉

    😂🤣🤣🤣 Yep! Musical inception!

    So will PA midi to BAM within the set up to use PA’s extensive sequencer features to play the BAM 303? At the moment I’m thinking that PA will have the edge sequencer wise whereas BAM might just shade it in terms of realistic 303 squelch - though that remains to be seen of course.

  • What’s the ‘slide’ like on it?

  • @Gavinski said:
    Hahaha, having taught English to foreigners for years and knowing that not all the audience are native speakers I generally speak slowly in my vids anyway

    I admit to occasionally having consumed your long-format videos for the meditative/de-stressing benefits of listening to your soothing Northern Irish (?) accent

  • @Oregano said:
    Thanks @troxx . When I press on the learn button in the modulation pane, then open DRC (like you did) and fiddle with the cutoff knob, nothing happens - the learn button keeps flashing and no knob appears at the bottom of the DRC window… Am I missing a step?

    You need to click the 'Learn' button under the AUV3 first (click the settings button at the top of the window to display the learn button)

    Once the learned parameter button appears you can then click on the modulations 'Learn' button to modulate this parameter.

  • @jaijai said:
    I tried wired and ble

    It is working but the user interface is confusing. By default all devices are active and tapping them in the device list deactivates them even though the highlighting changes in a way that may make them look active.

    I am able to use both BLE and wired devices in BAM.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Having tested BAM, I think this will fit very nicely between Drambo and AUM, or as AU inside AUM (no AUs inside BAM then, as the developer noted above). It will also save beginners quite some of investments on external synths and effects, so it could become a go-to first DAW/beatmaker. : )

    The Matrix module does not seem to be there yet (= having 100% of abilities of LK), and recording from external keyboards/controllers only records note event pitch and length, no sustain cc64 or velocity or other cc input. To be sure, these messages do get through to the AUV3 during performance, but they are not recorded in a clip, unless I have overlooked something?

    All I hope now is that Imginando gets this thing rock-stable. Even one crash is intolerable in a professional/performance scenario! I know what I'm talking about, since LK is the only app on my seven years of iPad use that still freezes/crashes regularly.

  • @espiegel123 said:

    @jaijai said:
    I tried wired and ble

    It is working but the user interface is confusing. By default all devices are active and tapping them in the device list deactivates them even though the highlighting changes in a way that may make them look active.

    I am able to use both BLE and wired devices in BAM.

    Really! I had the occasional note coming through, but I could not figure it out. Thank you, I will fiddle with it again later on.

  • @troxx said:

    @Oregano said:
    Thanks @troxx . When I press on the learn button in the modulation pane, then open DRC (like you did) and fiddle with the cutoff knob, nothing happens - the learn button keeps flashing and no knob appears at the bottom of the DRC window… Am I missing a step?

    You need to click the 'Learn' button under the AUV3 first (click the settings button at the top of the window to display the learn button)

    Once the learned parameter button appears you can then click on the modulations 'Learn' button to modulate this parameter.

    Thanks @troxx ! I figured it out.

    @sinosoidal , love the app so far :). With AuV3 automation, maybe it could be easier to figure out, ie pressing learn in the mod pane then opening the auv3 and fiddling with a knob could start the automation, instead of having to do learn on the auv3 itself.

    I have a couple of questions which may have been asked before:
    1) Are midi auv3 in the future plans? Not necessarily needed at lunch but they could be nice to have later
    2) is there a reason to limit fx to 2 slots only per track? That’s fine most of the time but occasionally I want more. I know more effects can put a strain on the CPU but depending on fx and iPad model it’s doable.

    In any case it’s great to have something with a Korg Gadget workflow but which allows auv3s!

  • @jaijai said:

    @espiegel123 said:

    @jaijai said:
    I tried wired and ble

    It is working but the user interface is confusing. By default all devices are active and tapping them in the device list deactivates them even though the highlighting changes in a way that may make them look active.

    I am able to use both BLE and wired devices in BAM.

    Really! I had the occasional note coming through, but I could not figure it out. Thank you, I will fiddle with it again later on.

    i am having no problem at all.

  • @sinosidal I agree with the above, the two FX slots are too restrictive, also considering the "unlimited" slots in AUM, Drambo, and even in Sand. The master channel at least needs 4 slots, the instruments could live with two (better 4).

    For instance, I am usually running a master channel with EQ, Reverb, Reelbus and Barracuda on a 2022 iPad Pro without a problem. Instruments then with their own EQ, delays and other effects.

    Three slots including the master channel ... at least? :-)

  • I gave similar feedback through Testflight. There should be a minimum of 4 fx slots.

  • @henningz said:
    @sinosidal I agree with the above, the two FX slots are too restrictive, also considering the "unlimited" slots in AUM, Drambo, and even in Sand. The master channel at least needs 4 slots, the instruments could live with two (better 4).

    For instance, I am usually running a master channel with EQ, Reverb, Reelbus and Barracuda on a 2022 iPad Pro without a problem. Instruments then with their own EQ, delays and other effects.

    Three slots including the master channel ... at least? :-)

    Agreed. I make more experimental music and usually have at least 3-4 effects on a channel plus a limiter.

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